Saturday, October 25, 2008

Wen Jiabao: the multinational has taken measures to deal with financial crisis, but not enough

Seventh Asia-Europe summit on the 25th at the Great Hall of the People after the closing press conference reporters. Coordinator of the leaders of the Asia-Europe Summit Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, French President Sarkozy, Sultan Haji Hassanal and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso attended the press conference reporters.
French reporter: If we are talking about this summit, we know this summit will be passed on some of the financial crisis in some of the specific decision-making, especially in the G20 summit in Washington talking about, you Premier Wen Jiabao also talked about China in this regard The efforts made, I would like to ask whether Asia and Europe in this area has a great advantage. China's economy by the financial crisis, then in the G20 Summit, which it will make you some of the decisions? You will personally take part in the summit it?
Wen Jia Bao: First of all, I wish to add that the conference should be to determine the financial crisis as the main topics of practical significance to the summit reached a consensus has issued a statement, I have to deal with this crisis that should be done can be summed up in six Words, it is "confident that cooperation and responsibility."
The so-called confidence that all countries, especially developed countries, should be as soon as possible to take decisive measures to stabilize the financial markets, so that people get the confidence. We are pleased to see that many countries have taken measures to see that the preliminary results, it is now apparent that was not enough, but also continue to work hard.
The stability of the financial markets for the stability of the economy as a whole, we have the first meeting to convey an important message is to strengthen our confidence, I think confidence is difficult to overcome a source of strength.
  温家宝:首先,我想说一下,这次会议确定把应对金融危机作为主要议题具有现实意义,峰会所达成的共识已经发表了声明,我对应对这场危机认为应当做的可以概括为六个字,那就是“信心、合作和责任” 。

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