Saturday, October 25, 2008

Buffett has shrunk rich list released loss 9,600,000,000 U.S. dollars

Who is in financial crisis, most of the injured, "the boss"? StevenHall & Partners consulting firm to a major survey of the company's own shares held by the CEO (from last year on December 31 to October 17 this year) the share price has shrunk, the results showed that "God Unit" Buffett "unfortunate" at the Top, the Berkshire Hathaway's (BerkshireHathaway) reduced the value of the shares as high as 96 million.
In the list are Oracle (OracleCorp.) Ellison (LarryEllison), its stock price has shrunk by 66 million; Microsoft (MicrosoftCorp.) Ballmer's (SteveBallmer), its loss was 48 million; Asia Ma's (Amazon.comInc.)'s Bezos (JeffBezos), the loss was 42 million; News Corporation (NewsCorp.) of the Murdoch (RupertMurdoch), loss of 3.9 million.
Data show that from the last fiscal year-end to last week, the 175 largest U.S. companies, chief executive of the company's own stock value dropped by 28 percent, shrinking up to a total of 42,300,000,000 U.S. dollars.
Russian billionaire wealth
The Russian billionaire who perhaps will be the financial crisis in the biggest losers. With the richest man in Russia, Oleg kach Pascal (OlegDeripaska), for example, in May of its assets up to 28,600,000,000 U.S. dollars, and Russia's aluminum company originally planned to soon be in London or Hong Kong-listed China. Blink of an eye, however, the richest man has a huge debt for the troubled.
According to informed sources, be used as collateral NorilskNickel stock value plummeted, Pascal Jerry's Russian Aluminum Company (UCRusal) last month in violation of Norilsk25% for the purchase of shares by borrowing 4,500,000,000 U.S. dollars of loan collateral contract. Jerry had at the time Pascal's property as collateral for financing, so now he must be in by the end of October before more than 2,000,000,000 U.S. dollars of financing, to return to the West Bank 4,500,000,000 U.S. dollars in loans, or else they will be the world's largest nickel company 25% of the shares sold to the creditors. The credit crisis has forced Jerry Pascal stripped of its shares held by foreign companies, including Canadian auto parts maker Magna (Magna) and the German construction giant Hochtief.
Jerry Pascal Russian Aluminum from the "war" to survive in the aluminum tycoon, and his Russian Aluminum Company is Russia's largest aluminum company, but also the world's third largest steel producing companies, in addition to his business empire also includes the The construction industry, the auto parts industry, and a van plant. He's holding company, "an essential element of" control of the Russian aluminum company, GAZ mobile phone manufacturer, Aviacor aircraft manufacturing company, and some of the timber, coal and financial companies.
Britain's "Financial Times" carried an article that Russia's oligarchs are waiting in line for government financial assistance at this time when the global financial crisis, it seems that Russia will lead to a new round of property redistribution, and in the process, the Government Who will decide the winner. According to statistics, Russia in May have 87 billionaires, the figure after the United States the number of billionaires. The stock market has made these oligarchs, the market value of their holdings shrink more than 210,000,000,000 U.S. dollars. Many people have been forced to sell stocks to meet the tens of billions of dollars of additional margin requirements for loans.

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