Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Global Black Monday stock market welcomed a total of A shares to 14 times the average price-earnings ratio

27, the world's total stock market welcomed the "Black Monday." Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index on the same day decline in more than 6%, a new low of the year, the Prev early low of 1802 points in the opening minutes after the fall of that declaration. Index heavyweight mass grave into a nosedive, dragged down the index, Sinopec, China Vanke A, China Unicom (600050, and it shares), and other heavyweight limit, the super-city one-third of the stock closed at the limit.
Information on the surface, first of all, the Ministry of Finance over the weekend, the State Administration of Taxation decided on October 9, 2008, the stock market for individual investors to obtain the funds settlement with the Securities and Exchange interest income, interest from savings deposits, mutatis mutandis, the collection of personal income tax waiver . Second, the central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan entrusted by the State Council, reported to the Standing Committee in December 2007 Central Economic Work Conference has been the strengthening of financial macro-control of the situation. While the warm weather news, but last Friday the world's stock markets fell again, the A shares hit investor confidence to pieces. SSE Composite Index opened Monday on the almost 1,800-point mark, the low pre-cracked immediately. Although some early multi-resistance, but with the opening of Hong Kong stocks after the recent plummeting, A shares immediately to give up resistance, the afternoon decline in stock index down unilateral expansion of the lowest Prev Close to 1721.60 points, the atmosphere of panic spread again.
Up close, the SSE Composite Index was reported at 1723.35, down 116.27 points, or 6.32 percent; Shen Chengzhi below 6,000-point mark, the newspaper 5734.81 points, down 424.14 points, or 6.89 percent; Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index 1654.67 points, down 126.93 points, or 7.12 percent. Turnover of the two cities were 33.2 billion and 15.1 billion, representing close to enlarge slightly. The two cities rose only 50 stocks, 10% of the stock close to the limit of 600, focused on the energy side air vent.
Last year, the highest point from 6124 to 1721 yesterday, the lowest point, the biggest decline Prev Close up 72%. Average price-earnings ratio of the two cities are also declining rapidly. As of October 27, the Shanghai stock market on average for 14.02 times earnings, and Shenzhen A shares for an average of 14.36 times earnings. Shenzhen B shares even-earnings ratio of only 5.93 times, almost a low valuation, the world is second to none.
For having one school of analysis, on the medium and long term, with the valuation levels down dramatically, obviously the release of the investment risk in the management of the programs being introduced to stimulate the economy, is expected to short-term stock index dropped for the possibility of not Great. In the bottom of the process, the operation should be more or less to see action, in order to position Qingcang mainly concerned about the follow-up, as well as external policy to stabilize the market, intends to do.27日,全球股市共迎“黑色星期一”。沪深两市股指当日跌幅均超过6%,再创年内新低,沪指的前期低点1802点在开盘后几分钟即宣告沦陷。权重股集体暴挫严重拖累指数,其中中石化、万科A、中国联通(600050,股吧)等权重股跌停,两市超三分之一的个股封于跌停。

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