Tuesday, October 28, 2008

U.S. October consumer confidence index fell to a 41-year low

Market research agency said Tuesday, along with the stock market and corporate layoffs, the United States in October's consumer confidence index hit a 41-year low.
Conference Board said Tuesday that October's consumer confidence index from September's 61.4 (revised figures) dropped to 38, far lower than analysts had expected 52.
This is also the index since 1967 to create and publish the lowest since record, but also hit a single down the third-largest on record.
Conference Board consumer research center director Lynn Franco said "consumers have become very pessimistic. The current data is looking forward to the upcoming Summit Christmas holiday retail spending, is a huge challenge."
In the same period last year, the index value is 95.2.
From September to October, the index fell 23.4 points. This is also in October 1973 to November fell 36.9 points after the biggest single drop on record.
The market close attention to consumer confidence index, the United States because 70 percent of economic activity driving force comes from consumer spending.
Conference Board周二表示,10月份的消费者信心指数已经从9月份的61.4(修正后数据)跌至38,远远低于分析师们预计的52。
Conference Board消费者调查中心总监Lynn Franco表示,“消费者已经变得非常悲观。目前的数据对于正在盼望即将到来的圣诞假期消费高峰的零售业而言,无疑是一个巨大的挑战。”

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