Saturday, October 25, 2008

China's financial crisis can not stop the process of 3G

"China's financial crisis will not slow down the process of 3G because of the EVDO network upgrade simplicity, China Telecom can easily upgrade to EVDO, the same time, China market is also a commercial TD-SCDMA test, and so on, the financial crisis can not be stopped China's 3G process. "
On October 23, "the financial crisis too late to stop the Chinese 3G process, in 2009 China's telecommunications industry will be a very important year." CDMA Development Group (CDG) global COO James Puer Sen (JamesPerson) very confident Netease said to the science and technology.
In 2008 China Beijing International Exhibition on Telecom, CDMA Development Group CDMA as the technology industry associations participated in the exhibition, the world's COO James Puer Sen at the ITU Telecom Forum on ICT has done a CDMA-related speech.James then invited to Puer Sen accepted an exclusive interview with science and technology Netease, as some on a global 3G standard for China Telecom promote institutional market in the future.
James said in an interview in his China Telecom on the market optimistic about the future, "2009 China's telecommunications market will be an important year, especially in the mobile telecommunications market."
At present, the major financial crisis swept through Europe and the United States has been spread to the Asia-Pacific region, the Asian telecom industry will receive the impact of James believes that the financial crisis affecting the whole world does not only affect the United States or China, but also in Europe, " The financial crisis in the telecommunications market is the largest potential impact on capital investment will slow down, and on CDMA, EVDO upgrade as little cash to spend, so little effect. "
At the same time, the financial crisis will impede the process of China 3G, James expressed optimism, saying: "The financial crisis in China will not slow down the process of 3G because of the EVDO network upgrade simplicity, China Telecom can easily upgrade to EVDO At the same time, China market is also a commercial TD-SCDMA test, and so on and so stop the financial crisis in China's 3G process. "
In July this year, joined the CDMA Development Group of China Telecom from October 1 to start operating CDMA business, as the CDMA industry to promote high-level organizations, James has also given its own proposal, first proposed more than China Telecom to participate in the global organized by the CDG Meetings and events, with more carriers and equipment vendors to exchange the latest trends in technology and expansion of international experience, and the second is to clear its market share position as the deployment of services and appropriate technology so that China Telecom will be CDMA as the world colleagues and success.
For 2009, the Chinese telecommunications market, James "as very important," he said: "2009 China will be an important year for the telecom market, particularly in the mobile telecommunications market. 3G and next year will be the biggest thing, EVDO , HSPA, TD-SCDMA standard will have three major consumers and businesses wireless office and living are very helpful in 2009 on the Chinese telecommunications market is a very important year."
CDMA Development Group is a global CDMA in order to promote the development, deployment and application of the trade association for the purpose, CDG has more than 100 member companies, including many of the world's major wireless operators and equipment manufacturers.It has been revealed that James, the world's CDMA users reached 463 million people, covering more than 300 operators, more than 100 countries use CDMA technology.

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