Sunday, October 26, 2008

American brewing relief of the insurance industry to save the market or be extended to more areas of

According to informed sources said the U.S. Treasury Department is considering how to 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars in the city put out a concrete program of assistance in the insurance industry.
Congress earlier this month through the program to save the market is mainly directed against non-performing assets of the banking sector to deal with.
Last week, the Ministry of Finance denied on the bonds and mortgage insurance capital injection of rumors, but sources said that senior officials of the Ministry of Finance is indeed considering how to help the insurance industry.
Affected by this news, mortgage insurance company Genworth Financial and Metropolitan Life, and so on the company's share price Friday try for KBW insurance industry index was up short.
Even before the arrival of the Ministry of Finance has used the relief fund companies are limited to the national landmark on the company, but Congress passed the aid of the Ministry of Finance plans to allow companies to buy more non-performing assets.
The nation's largest bond insurer MBIA Inc. And the second of Ambac Financial Group Inc. Earlier this week, together with the Jian Guanceng met, the insurance industry to promote access to a package of assistance to the program.
In the wake of large-scale unsecured debt security business losses and subsequent demotion, the two companies have been virtually stagnant.
The trade association sent a letter to the Ministry of Finance will be Friday, called on the Government aid package will also be extended to the insurance industry, automobile manufacturing as well as foreign companies and banking institutions.
Financial Services Roundtable (Financial Services Roundtable) Friday in a package of relief to the people responsible for the implementation of the plan, the Ministry of Finance Assistant Neel Kashkari the letter said, "through trade associations to ensure the flow of the market in the U.S. economy plays a pivotal Role. Therefore, we strongly demand that a similar trade associations can participate in the relief package in the implementation of the program. "
The organization said that the industry's major insurers are studying a package of assistance programs for their usefulness.
受此消息影响,抵押贷款保险公司Genworth Financial和大都会人寿等公司股价周五拉升KBW保险行业指数一度短暂上扬。
美国最大的债券保险商MBIA Inc.以及排名第二的Ambac Financial Group Inc.本周早些时候联合起来与政府监管层进行了会晤,以推动保险业进入到一揽子救助计划中。
金融服务圆桌组织(Financial Services Roundtable)周五在给一揽子救助计划实施负责人、财政部部长助理Neel Kashkari的信中表示,“行业协会通过保证市场的流通,在美国经济中扮演着至关重要的角色。故此我们强烈要求类似的行业协会组织可以参与到一揽子救助方案的实施中。”

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