Tuesday, October 28, 2008

U.S. cross-border attack Syria, Bush was questioned for the McCain campaign

Syrian media reports that U.S. troops in Iraq the day before large-scale rare in Syria to the village opened fire, killing 8 civilians were killed. According to Hong Kong, "Wen Wei Po" integrated foreign news agencies in the United States on the eve of the election, a rare cross-border attacks on the U.S. military, on-line comments questioning whether U.S. President George W. Bush for the Republican presidential candidate John McCain, "do something" off "October surprise" Anti-win for him.
Syria's official media said 4 U.S. invasion of Syrian airspace helicopters, 8 km from the border attack on a farm in the residential areas, 8 people were killed, including 4 children, and another one injured, the helicopter then flew to the direction of Iraq.
Syrian Foreign Minister accused the United States to launch attacks during the day, is clearly not accidental, such as acts of "terrorist aggression" if the United States further action against Syria will protect the homeland. Witnesses said 8 under U.S. military plane to the workers inside the building opened fire, which lasted 15 minutes.
Syria has been an urgent meeting with diplomatic representatives of the United States and Iraq in protest, officials condemned the attack as "lawless violence" and demanded that the United States to bear all the consequences. Iran's Foreign Ministry condemned, and politicians have claimed that the United States did not notify the government of Iraq to launch attacks. Russian Foreign Ministry also condemned the incident.
Washington and the U.S. Department of Defense declined to comment, but on condition of anonymity, U.S. military officials said that the attack was to sneak into Iraq against the "base" for terrorist organizations, the U.S. military can not stop terrorist activities in Syria, the private action. U.S. officials have confirmed that the U.S. military operation in the success of the raid of foreign militants.
If substantiated, will be the U.S. military since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, for the first time in Syria to launch a large-scale attack. British Broadcasting Corporation, any cross-border military action should be to make a high-level decision, this may be the Bush administration to punish Syria's farewell.
Comments on-line means, 4 years ago on the eve of the U.S. presidential election, major terrorist Hengla Deng in the Oct. 29 speech, Kerry's Democratic Party lost the final, many people believe that bin Laden and his speech was not unrelated. At present, the U.S. economy at risk, economic issues are not always the strengths of McCain, Bush is security for the Republican Party in power and influence "to make cross-hand" the transfer of public attention to help a McCain, still depends on the development of the next few days.

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