Sunday, October 26, 2008

Li Ka-shing halt new investment in the world expected to have an impact on the economy in Hong Kong

Hutchison Whampoa Chairman Li Ka-shing to tighten the pace of expansion, decided to temporarily halt new investment in global business.
Oct24 ,Hong Kong "Ming Pao Daily News" in the "News" column published reports that the financial tsunami to promote global economic winter, the blue-chip companies start tightening up the pace of expansion. Wealthy businessmen in Hong Kong Li Ka-shing's flagship company Hutchison Whampoa, decided to temporarily halt new investment in global business. In the middle of next year, all or did not make a commitment to implement the spending will be saved, and to review all investment projects.
U.S. securities dealers a few days ago from Citigroup Investor Conference held in Macao, Huang and invited Finance Director Frank Sixt to attend. Citigroup issued 23 reports and the disclosure of management at Huang's "steady economic growth" strategy, and yellow by the end of June next year, will not implement a freeze on all investment spending, and review all existing investment projects .
Hutchison Whampoa to take a more conservative financial management practices abnormal, the current holder of 22,100,000,000 U.S. dollars (about 172,400,000,000 Hong Kong) funds, as many as 69%, that is, 119,000,000,000 close to the Hong Kong dollar cash and the rest mainly on the most cautious of the government Bonds, stocks means that only a very small proportion. Huang management and stressed that no investment in corporate bonds, structured investment products, tools and a total of options.
A spokesman for Hutchison said the Citigroup report quoted the company's management refers to not be any additional expenses, is not referring to the implementation of investment spending has nothing to do with the implementation of the plan. The source said that Hutchison is in response to changes in the global economic environment, investment risks have changed and therefore a decision.
Hutchison Whampoa Chairman Li Ka-shing in the assessment of the trend, take time machine, whose vision has always been in the United States from time by the global financial problems before the outbreak of the tsunami-round, he had more than once for the stock market bubble and the global economic outlook warned.
Hong Kong's richest man Li Ka-shing's flagship business of Hutchison Whampoa, the business in 57 countries around the world, the total number of employees to more than 220,000, in Hong Kong alone there are nearly 30,000 people, many sectors in Hong Kong is a leading operator of supermarkets, including the scope, Mobile communications companies and container terminal, and so on, the yellow and investment decisions, Hong Kong will have a major impact on economic development.
Compared to "undertake not to implement or not to make" investment, the committed investment has been generally refers to the contract and has signed but not ratified the project to Hutchison Whampoa of Hong Kong's container terminal business, for example, in accordance with its 2007 annual report shows that, as The end of last year's committed capital expenditure 440,000,000 yuan. Hutchison in all of the world's business capital has been made to bear the amount expended tens of billions of dollars. Hutchison earned 30.6 billion last year, the stock has dropped 52 percent this year, the market value of 180,000,000,000 yuan.

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