Sunday, October 26, 2008

British mountain marathon game change "disaster areas" by thousands of participants from the floods

Flooded roads, thousands of participants were from the floods
Participants in the torrents running
October 24, a two-day Original Mountain Marathon in the United Kingdom began Lakes region, unexpectedly Buzuo Mei sky, strong winds and heavy rains triggered floods, more than 1,000 participants were from the floods, A woman who also nearly died.
According to the British "Daily Mail" reported that the 24 earlier, the police have been informed, "Original Mountain Marathon," the organizers of the coming storm, asking them to cancel the race. But organizers said some 3,000 participants have been prepared to do a good job starting, so competition to continue. Participants will be divided into two teams, they needed 36 hours with enough food and equipment, according to the rules, they can not use the Global Positioning System.
When the heavy rain caused flooding up, the organizers would like to abolish the race was too late. Up to 90 miles per hour winds and heavy rain to make the local river burst quickly, and even some of the river have become the rapids, the road quickly drowned out. As the floods cut off access to the camp of Deir Boluo, more than 1,000 people besieged by floods and strong winds in the middle. 24 at night, soaked to the skin, about 1,000 of the participants were forced to Hancock in the mouth of a woolen mill for the night, while about 300 people in rock and mineral Huonisite board (Honister slate mine) on the night.
Rescuers rushed to the rescue quickly, the participants were trapped for issuing a blanket to keep out the cold, and other items. However, due to cold weather, some of the contestants as a result of reduced body temperature was taken to hospital. At the same time, the police contacted the participants and their families are safe.
More dangerous is that a female participants were involved in the wind raging floods in the British Royal Air Force sent out a "Sea King" helicopter search along the river on her whereabouts. Fortunately, these women's final was another 4 contestants that they were trapped in one way or another island. She will be followed by a helicopter from the island to save the aircraft and flown to the town of White Haven Hospital for treatment.
At present, the organizers declined to make a decision to continue to race for comment. "Original Mountain Marathon," the website said that this was the 40-year history of the tournament for the first time was forced to cancel the race. According to weather forecasters said that the north wind will bring rain and snow, especially in the north and north-west England will have heavy rain.
10月24日,为期两天的“奥里吉纳尔山地马拉松赛”(Original Mountain Marathon)在英国湖区拉开帷幕,不料天空不作美,暴雨和大风引发洪水,1000多名参赛者被洪水围困,一名女选手还险些丧命。
当暴雨造成洪水上涨时,主办方想取消比赛已经来不及了。时速最高达90英里的大风和暴雨使当地的河水迅速决堤,甚至一些小河也都变成了急流,道路很快就被淹没。由于洪水切断了通往博罗代尔的营地,1000多人被围困在洪水和大风中。24日夜间,约1000名浑身湿透的参赛者被迫在考克茅斯的一个毛纺厂过夜,另有大约300人在霍尼斯特板岩矿( Honister slate mine)将就了一夜。

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