Monday, October 27, 2008

McCain insisted that ignore the polls behind to win the general election

Although lagging behind in opinion polls, but the United States Republican presidential candidate John McCain, 26, insists he can still win the election. At the same time, Republican campaign has already begun on the election strategy of heated debate.
2008 U.S. presidential election, according to video feature of Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao," citing the British "Guardian" reported that McCain in an NBC "Meet the Press" interview program, with no regard to a number of opinion polls in his Obama sharply A deviation from the fact that he felt the two sides are evenly matched. The Republican presidential candidate next Tuesday forecast to be left to the "late night", suggesting the two sides will be very close to the number of votes needed to wait for some of the state's final result. He said: "It was a very tight election, and I believe I will win."
Michael Camp morale
Obama 26 votes to Albuquerque, New Mexico, attracted 45,000 people to listen to his speech, McCain on the same day canvassing in the same city, only about 1,500 people arrived at the scene. Some Republicans also vote in a few days ago to break the traditional silence and began a detailed analysis of the party's campaign strategy, and openly admitted that McCain will lose this election.
In the McCain camp, about a campaign strategy is wrong to shirk the responsibility of war has started, especially around the wheat business in the past two months out of the chaos and often contradictory information about. In Arlington, Virginia, McCain's campaign team headquarters, senior officers of the weekend to convene staff and volunteers gathered to cheer them, that the situation has not completely hopeless, but they are clearly demoralized, silent majority.
Bush's speech was written by David Froomkin • 26 published in the "Washington Post" the article said, the party will have the resources from this "will almost certainly lose," the presidential election moved to the Senate election, Hope that a Republican in the presidential election in order to have a basis to stage a comeback. He wrote: "The defeat of a political party so that it can be the basis for recovery."
Finally, the three point
With the countdown entered the stage of the election, McCain now face an important choice. If he really think they will win, he may hope that future generations will remember when he recalled that he was proud to fight to the last minute - or else he may exhaust all means to deal with Obama.
McCain holding a 26 Reuters / Zogby poll made a big fuss, claiming that this election than any other proof to show double-digit Obama out-stripped him of much tension in the investigation. In the Reuters / Zogby poll, only Obama leading McCain by five percentage points.
The political analysts also believe that the general election in the last few days, there are three things to watch. First, voter turnout on polling day. Some of the state's large number of new voters, many of the new voters in three of the following 20-year-old, most of them will support Obama. However, if the polling day did not come out and vote, Obama would be winning a discount. Second, pending the final choice of the voters. The current view is that the Bush administration they would vent their dissatisfaction with McCain to the body. Both Obama on the benefit. Third, the white ethnic voters agree. Last year, the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party nomination, Obama in primaries in Ohio ten points behind, the West Virginia primary 40 percentage points behind. Analysts believe that we can see that nationwide, with the support of white votes will determine the fate of the Democratic Party.


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