Saturday, October 25, 2008

President of Finland: the members of the Asia-Europe Meeting should be concerned about the continuing problem of climate

Finnish President Tarja Halonen on the 24th in the seventh Asia-Europe summit opening ceremony that the current economic situation should not be an issue of global climate in the back of the reason, it is now a need for a strong global agreement To mitigate global climate change. Halonen said that the current world financial markets and economic situation everyone will be affected, as long as the members of the Asia-Europe Meeting together to take practical actions to work closely together will be able to overcome the current crisis. Finland support in this area for more international cooperation that should be dealt with an open mind on the current financial system to carry out real reform calls.
Halonen also stressed that the current economic situation should not be an issue in the climate back. "We are now more than ever a need for a strong global agreement. Mitigation of climate change is an important element if we are to achieve emission reduction agreement, at the same time should also ensure that the development of clean technology and its spread around the world that there are sufficient resources. "Halonen said.
"Energy efficiency is a partnership between Asia and Europe can strengthen cooperation in the field." Halonen said.
In 2006, in Finland under the auspices of the Sixth Asia-Europe Summit meeting, the members adopted the "Declaration on Climate Change."

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