Sunday, October 26, 2008

The closure of the United States and the 16th this year, the bank closed down a number of the 15-year -

Georgia Alpha, Alpha Tower City Bank and Trust Company (Alpha Bank & Trust), local time Friday (24) was shut down and sealed, the collapse of the U.S. housing market, mortgage default upsurge in the number of victims is another. As of this date, the United States this year have been 16 times over as the bank loan crisis and closed down, the number of the closure of one of the most high in 15 years. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation announced the official website of the failed bank's list shows that since October 2000 to the end of last year, U.S. regulators shut down a total of 27 banks, and so far this year to close the bank has reached 16, 2008, therefore becoming the past 15 years Bank closed up to the year.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in August said that in the second quarter a total of 117 banks are classified as "problem banks", in the first quarter increased 30%. Hilla, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation - Bayer (Sheila Bair) said, "With the credit problem continues to worsen, there will be more banks to enter the list."
美国佐治亚州阿尔法里塔市阿尔法银行和信托公司(Alpha Bank & Trust),于当地时间星期五(24日)遭当局查封关闭,成为美国住房市场崩溃,抵押贷款违约剧增的又一牺牲品。迄此为止,全美今年来已经有16家银行因为不堪次贷危机冲击而宣告倒闭,倒闭数量一举创下15年之最。
联邦存款保险公司8月份曾表示,第二季度共有117家银行被列为“问题银行”,较第一季度大幅上升30%。联邦存款保险公司董事长希拉-拜尔(Sheila Bair)表示,“随着信用问题持续恶化,将会有更多银行进入这一名单。”

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