Sunday, October 26, 2008

Russia plans to equip a new deal with U.S. anti-missile missile system

October 22, 2008, the territory of Kazakhstan from Russia's Baikonur launch site an RS-18 intercontinental ballistic missile, the Extended Service to verify the reliability of this type of missiles.

2008年10月22日,俄罗斯从哈萨克斯坦境内的拜科努尔发射场发射一枚RS-18型洲际弹道导弹,以验证超期服役的此型号导弹的可靠性。 May 29, 2007, the Russian military in Moscow, 800 km north of the Plesetsk Ci Keji to be able to successfully test-fired a new type of portable multi-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile. Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said that this "RS-24" intercontinental ballistic missile can penetrate any missile defense system
Russian strategic rocket troops 22 Solovtsov said that the Russian strategic rocket troops equipped with new missile plan to deal with the United States to deploy a missile defense system in Europe.
According to the Itar-Tass reported that Solovtsov told a news conference, the Russian strategic rocket troops will be equipped with 2009-RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile with multiple warheads. The national security threat, the Russian strategic rocket troops to be effective to contain the completion of large-scale aggression.
Solovtsov said that taking into account the world's military and political situation changes, as well as the deployment of U.S. missile defense system, Russian Strategic Rocket soldiers will take the comprehensive development measures, including the extension of missile equipment and service of new missiles and other means.
RS-24 missiles will be mobile and fixed-two, can carry about 10 warheads, with a range of more than 10,000 km. It and "Topol-M" intercontinental ballistic missile warheads alone together until the mid-21st century to protect Russia's main security strategy to combat nuclear weapons.

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