Sunday, October 26, 2008

Taro Aso said the Japanese invasion of China expressed deep remorse and apology

Taro Aso to accept China Central Television, "to visit high-end" section of the exclusive interview.

Shui Junyi (right) to Taro Aso (left) shows the model of the nest.


Shui Junyi (right) to Taro Aso (left) shows the model of the nest.

October 25, 2008, just attending the Seventh Asia-Europe summit, Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso left in the home, accepted the China Central Television, "to visit high-end" section of the exclusive interview. An interview with the very beginning, Taro Aso on China specifically to the audience to convey such a message, he affirmed China's reform and opening up 30 years to achieve rapid development, which greatly enhanced the confidence of the people of China, so China could suffer this year snowstorm And the earthquake in difficult circumstances, not only quickly organized the rescue, but also successfully held the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games, China has demonstrated the power of the people, he expressed appreciation for this.

On the history issue, Aso said that he and his Cabinet will continue Murayama's position on Japan's colonial rule and aggression expressed deep remorse and heartfelt apology. He specially mentioned that we should "modestly in the past, to build a common future." He also pin their hopes on young people who look forward to the Chinese and Japanese young people to shake off the burden of history, active exchanges between the two countries to promote the friendly folk.

On the Sino-Japanese relations, Aso has repeatedly said that the "common interest" of the word, he said, China and Japan mutually beneficial win-win cooperation is the demand of the times, in the current series of major challenges facing the world situation, in In particular, the two countries should strengthen communication and cooperation. On the international face of some people on the rapid development of China's economy, that "China threat theory", Aso said that he had a wealth of experience in the business told him that China's rapid economic development, whether in Japan or the world, Are good and should be welcomed.


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