Saturday, October 25, 2008

EU to be a case of economic incentives to avoid financial crisis, promoted the economic crisis

16oct, the Swiss bank to about 600 billion U.S. dollars of "toxic" assets of the Swiss central bank decided just to throw, and become the insulation of the loan at the bank.
  In response to the stock market, continued to sell in Europe. Last night, Bank of England announced its latest move to save the market: lending cash to operate its permanent reform, the creation of a wide range of liquidity conditions in the new framework. In short, the future Bank of England will be the bank's financing significantly lower threshold - for those very "money" for the bank, it will gain more financial support.
At the same time, the 27 EU leaders at the end of yesterday's summit, said the program will be introduced to stimulate the economy, especially for some of the industry to provide support to prevent the financial crisis up to the economic crisis.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel yesterday said that the EU's 27 member central bank officials will hold a regular meeting monthly in order to improve the European financial system regulation.
Britain push a new package
According to the Bank of England released the latest program, the United Kingdom through the creation of two new tools to reduce the bank's financing, "the threshold." From October 20 (next Monday), the Bank of England will be a new permanent overnight lending tool. If the clearing banks encountered delays and technical problems led to a shortage of funds can be used more directly to the Bank of England base rate by 25 basis points higher interest on the loan fund, which is lower than the previous 100 basis points.
On the other hand, the Bank of England will also be launched at the same time a new tool for the discount window to replace its April to set up special temporary liquidity plan. In the future, the Bank of England of its long-term repurchase agreements, the range of acceptable collateral will be further expanded, the bank can use the liquidity of the assets of the poor to exchange the British Treasury, the deadline is usually 30 days.
At the same time, the Bank of England will also be negotiating with banks to develop a preparedness to remind the central bank tightening credit deterioration of the situation in the new auction system.
In fact, the day before, the European Central Bank has just introduced a similar measure. The European Central Bank held by the bank to receive low ratings of securities assets as collateral for loans, and the abolition of the next six months the euro loans.
The central bank in Hungary and the European Central Bank yesterday issued a joint notice that the repurchase agreements reached, the European Central Bank of Hungary has agreed to provide up to 50 billion euros of liquidity in order to stabilize its foreign exchange swap market. In addition to the injection of UBS, the Swiss central bank yesterday with the European Central Bank to carry out the currency exchange in order to ensure market liquidity.
To prevent the economic crisis Deutsche Bank yesterday that a clear-cut stand, as European countries continue to help out the policies of the current financial system have reduced the risk of collapse, but the market for the economic recession is becoming more concerned about the current situation to increase and the impact of aid policies.
Britain, for example, in the three months ended in August, the British unemployment rose 164,000, reaching 1,790,000. Economists are forecasting that with the unemployment rate rose to 17 years, the fastest level of unemployment UK will be a two-year period up to 3,000,000.
The EU presidency, French President Sarkozy yesterday in the 27 EU leaders summit, has made it clear that the European economy has now facing not only the financial crisis, with the financial crisis intensified, the economic crisis is approaching.
Consumption and investment has been the promotion of economic growth in Europe's two engines. With the growing financial crisis, the European Commission responsible for economic and monetary commissioner Joaquin Almunia at the summit warned that Europe's real economy is being affected, which means that the crisis has not only limited to the financial industry.
In order to ensure the effectiveness of policies to rescue the market, the European countries has begun to focus on the economic crisis to prevent. 27 European Union leaders yesterday made it clear that the introduction of financial aid policy will also be introduced to stimulate economic programs, especially for some of the industry to provide support in order to avoid financial crisis, rose to the economic crisis.
"In the financial sector, the European Union member states are determined to take the necessary measures to cope with slowing growth in demand and shrinking investment situation, in particular for Europe to provide support for the industry." EU leaders asked the European Commission must come up with the end of the year Recommendations.

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