Thursday, October 30, 2008

U.S. Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by 50 basis points to 1%, suggesting there is still room for rate cut

Eastern Time at 14:15 on the 29th, a day after the U.S. Federal Reserve meeting on interest rates after the announcement by 50 basis points rate cut, which lowered the benchmark interest rate by 1%. At the same time lowered the discount rate by 50 basis points to 1.25 percent.
U.S. Federal Reserve's move earlier in line with market expectations generally, as well as the federal benchmark interest rate fell to a 4-year low, but not yet breakdown in 1958, President Eisenhower was in office when the lowest in history.
This is the second time this month since the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by 50 basis points. Prior to the Oct. 8, the Federal Reserve has coordinated a number of countries worldwide along with the central bank to cut interest rates simultaneously.
29 pm at the same time the Federal Reserve released a brief statement said: "At present, intense turmoil in the financial markets would make the situation in the consumer and the company faced credit problems, which could greatly inhibit consumer spending."
U.S. Federal Reserve hinted that lower interest rates because of weakness in the economy reduces the risk of inflation out of control.
In fact, the current weak economy has given way to oil and other commodity prices had dropped dramatically.
Economists believe the U.S. economy already in recession. U.S. government will be announced Thursday in the third quarter of this year's economic data. Many economists believe the economic data contained in the report of the third quarter year-on-year GDP growth rate will be around 0.5 percent. In the fourth quarter of this year, as well as in the first quarter of next year's GDP growth will be negative.
Emergence of GDP for two consecutive quarters of negative growth is seen as a significant economic recession signs. Economists believe the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates in the context of radical, as well as other efforts aimed at financing the credit market initiatives, but want to avoid is a long-term U.S. economic downturn.
Over the past 13 months, the Federal Reserve would have been the benchmark interest rate from 5.25 percent level dropped, and set up a mechanism of the six lenders, the financial system to the injection of more than 1 trillion dollars.
Following is the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Wednesday released the latest monetary policy statement:
Federal Open Market Committee decided today to lower the federal funds rate by 50 basis points to 1%.
The main impact of tighter spending by consumers, the macro-economic growth rate has slowed down significantly.
In recent months, since production equipment business spending and industrial output at the same time become weak; a lot of countries overseas economic activity weakened, leading to U.S. export prospects. In addition, the financial market turmoil exacerbated by reduced U.S. companies and individuals the ability to obtain loans, may inhibit further growth of spending.
In view of the energy and other commodity prices continued to fall, as well as economic activity will be weak expectations, the Committee in the next few months is expected to ease inflationary pressures, to maintain price stability.
In other central banks to cut interest rates to take the synchronized, massive injection of liquidity to the market and the government to stabilize the financial system, and other measures, the United States has recently taken by the monetary policy actions, including measures to cut interest rates today, will be able to After a period of time to play to improve credit market conditions, to return to moderate economic growth on track. However, economic growth still exist down the risk. The Committee will continue to monitor economic and financial market conditions and take measures to promote sustainable economic growth and price stability.
The vote to cut interest rates by 50 basis points in support of the Open Market Committee members are: Chairman Ben Bernanke (Ben S. Bernanke), vice chairman of Qana (Timothy F. Geithner), Duke (Elizabeth A. Duke), Fisher (Richard W. Fisher), Cohen (Donald L. Kohn), Randall (Randall S. Kroszner), Pianalto (Sandra Pianalto), Charles (Charles I. Plosser) and Warsh (Kevin M. Warsh).
At the same time, the Council unanimously agreed that the Fed will cut the discount rate by 50 basis points to 1.25 percent. In reaching this decision, the Board approved the Boston, New York, Cleveland, and San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank Board of Directors.
此次投票支持降息50个基点的公开市场委员会成员包括:主席伯南克(Ben S. Bernanke)、副主席盖纳(Timothy F. Geithner)、杜克(Elizabeth A. Duke)、费希尔(Richard W. Fisher)、科恩(Donald L. Kohn)、克罗兹纳(Randall S. Kroszner)、皮亚纳托(Sandra Pianalto)、普罗索(Charles I. Plosser)和瓦尔许(Kevin M. Warsh)。

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