Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hot investors bought oversold stocks Tuesday the Dow soared 889 points

Beijing time October 29 , Tuesday on Wall Street is also a memorable day, as investors bought oversold stocks in the near future, the Dow rose nearly 900 points. Analysts said some investors Wednesday that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by 0.5 percentage points, so that the federal funds rate down to 1%. Other people pointed out that the recent decline in a huge market, the Dow over the past two days have fallen by more than 500 points.
In the United States Conference Board consumer confidence index released after the stock was trading from a high point down quickly. U.S. economic report of the Conference Board consumer confidence index in October from 61.4 in September dropped to 38, hitting a record low.
Miller Tabak & Co. Bond market strategist Tony - Shen Qi Clayton (Tony Crescenzi) said that "consumer confidence index data reinforced Wall Street's pessimistic atmosphere, but because of what is happening in the near future, and this is not the market is particularly strange . "
As of the close (4:00 am Beijing time), the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 889.35 points to close at 9065.12 points, or 10.88 percent.
Dow 30 component stocks in a total of 25 stocks rose, Boeing (BA) rose 5.1 percent, the company has reached a temporary agreement with the machinists.
General Motors (GM) rose 4.4 percent. According to "The Wall Street Journal" reported that the Department of Energy is being arranged for General Motors 5,000,000,000 U.S. dollars loan to help the completion of its merger with Chrysler.
Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 91.58 points to close at 940.50 points, or 10.79 percent. Standard & Poor's 10 major plates in the telecommunications industry services, information technology and health care led plate.
The Nasdaq composite index rose 143.57 points to close at 1649.47 points, or 9.53 percent.
S & P / Case-Shiller August 20 cities housing prices index in July fell by 1% year-on-year drop of 16.6 percent, or a record high.
Short-term interest rates continued to decline, but the deceleration has slowed down. Three-month dollar-bank Offered Rate from Monday's 3.5075 percent decline to 3.465 percent.
U.S. Federal Reserve interest rate policy-making committee meeting on Tuesday, the market expected the federal funds rate will be reduced by half a percentage point to 1%, equivalent to June 2004 to its lowest level since.
U.S. central bank monetary policy meeting in the very first day of the interest rate decision-making, but because of the world's major central banks this month carried out a coordinated rate cut, some investors expect the Fed to cut interest rates announced in advance.
The European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said Monday further cut interest rates in the euro zone is "possible", the Bank of England governor Mervyn - Kim admitted for the first time a few days ago the British economy is likely already in recession.
Bank of England published Tuesday in the first six-monthly financial report, said hedge funds, insurance companies, as well as emerging markets are still volatile in the United Kingdom to the threat of the financial system.
Iceland Tuesday to raise interest rates by 6 percentage points to 18%, a move beyond the market by surprise.
Electrical appliances manufacturer Whirlpool (WHR) lowered 2008 earnings and announced goal of 5,000 job cuts, which fell 18.1 percent.
U.S. Steel (X) in the previous quarter profit exceeded market expectations, but warned that as a result of weaker demand in the fourth quarter profits will decline. Stock down 2.3 percent. Honda Motor (HMC) reported second-quarter profit fell 41 percent, the Japanese automaker also lowered the full year earnings per share goal.
Overseas markets have risen, the Nikkei 225 index rose 6.4 percent, and London FTSE 100 index rose 2.4 percent.
By the temporary closing before the impact of selling, U.S. stocks fell sharply Monday. Dow down 203 points, the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 27 points, the Nasdaq composite index fell 46 points. As a result of growth in September new home sales, as well as Verizon Communications brilliant performance, after U.S. stocks were up sharply.
北京时间10月29日, 周二对于华尔街来说又是难忘的一天,随投资者买进近期超跌股票,道指上涨近900点。分析师表示部分投资者认定美联储将于周三降息0.5个百分点,使联邦基金利率下降至1%。其它人士则指出市场近期跌幅巨大,道指在过去两个交易日里便下跌了500多点。
Miller Tabak & Co.债券市场策略师托尼-克雷申奇(Tony Crescenzi)表示,“消费者信心指数数据增强了华尔街的悲观气氛,但由于近期发生的事情,这也并不令市场感到特别奇怪。 ”
道指30种成份股中共有25只股票上涨,波音 (BA)上涨了5.1%,该公司已与机械师达成暂时协议。
通用汽车 (GM)上涨了4.4%。据“华尔街日报”报道,能源部正在为通用汽车安排50亿美元贷款,以帮助其完成与克莱斯勒的合并。
电器制造商惠而浦 (WHR)调降2008年盈利目标并宣布裁员5000人,该股下跌了18.1%。
美国钢铁 (X)上一季度盈利超出了市场预期,但警告因需求减弱,第四季度利润将有所下降。该股下跌了2.3%。
本田汽车 (HMC)第二财季利润下降了41%,这一日本汽车制造商还下调了全年每股收益目标。
受临收盘前卖盘冲击,美股周一大幅下滑。道指下跌了203点,标准普尔500指数下跌了27点,纳斯达克综合指数下跌了46点。因九月份新屋销量增长以及Verizon Communications业绩亮丽,美股盘中一度大幅上扬。

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