Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The United States and cracked a plot to assassinate Obama arrest and prosecution of the two

18-year-old homes Laisuo Man
20-year-old Watt test
Tennessee 27, federal prosecutors said they cracked a murder Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and more attacks on people of African descent plot and the arrest and prosecution of the two assailants who attempted.
Jackson County, Tennessee, the federal prosecutor's office said the two men are now 20-year-old test-watt and 18-year-old Lai Suoman homes. They called themselves "white supremacists" in-line became known after a friend, and then plan a robbery and firearms stores, an attack on the local people of African descent in the majority of high school, the last assassination of Obama. Federal tobacco and alcohol, weapons and explosives Authority in Nashville, Tennessee, the Office of the officers Cavanaugh said that Oberwart test Laisuo Man planned homes and shot 88 black and 14 other people beheaded, as the assassination of Obama "Final action."
Prosecutors said that law enforcement officers last week in Jackson County arrested two men and confiscated from them a rifle, a shotgun and a pistol 3. At present, they are charged with illegal possession of firearms, conspiracy to commit robbery and firearms stores, as well as a presidential candidate intimidation charges, was 27 for the first time in court.
So far, Obama's campaign team has not yet issued any statements on the incident.

美国田纳西州联邦检察官27日说,他们破获了一起谋杀民主党总统候选人奥巴马和袭击更多非洲裔人的阴谋,并逮捕和起诉了两名行凶未遂者。 田纳西州杰克逊县的联邦检察官办公室说,这两人分别是现年20岁的考瓦特和18岁的舍莱索曼。他们自称“白人至上主义者”,在网上相识后结为朋友,然后谋划抢劫一家枪支商店,袭击当地一所非洲裔人占多数的高中,最后刺杀奥巴马。

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