Thursday, October 30, 2008

U.S. third quarter GDP growth of negative 0.3 percent the economy into recession

U.S. consumer spending hit a 28-year low record, the United States in the third quarter of negative GDP growth, marking the U.S. economy into recession.
U.S. Department of Commerce data released Thursday showed that in the third quarter year-on-year GDP growth rate of negative 0.3 percent. This is the third quarter of 2001 GDP growth of 1.4 percent since the worst record.
U.S. second quarter GDP growth rate of 2.8 percent.
The economic recession from the sharp reduction in consumer spending, and consumer spending is driving growth in the U.S. economy's main driving force. In the third quarter of the total amount of negative growth in consumer spending 3.1 percent, a record in 1980, the lowest since record.
The Labor Department said Thursday, to Oct. 25 until the week of the United States the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for 479,000 people, and last week the same data. This data is higher than previous market expectations of 475,000 people.
The number of applications for unemployment benefits in more than 400,000 people have been regarded as one of the signs of an economic recession.
The dismal economic data released report from the November 4 U.S. presidential election day less than a week. Whether Obama or John McCain coming into the White House, the next president will face an economic mess, as well as a record budget deficit, its domestic policy is obviously a huge challenge.
Many economists believe the economic recession will continue into next year. Wednesday the Federal Reserve has announced that the federal benchmark interest rate down to 1%. The level of interest rates over the past half century there have been only once. F
ederal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned that even if the government implemented 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars rescue package, as well as other financial assistance and credit market success of economic weakness will continue for a long time.
At present, the unemployment rate remained at a high of 6.1 percent, and next year is expected to reach 8% or even higher level. Layoffs, pension and retirement benefits shrinking, as well as the continued decline in housing prices will have to shrink so that domestic consumer spending further.
Consumers cut spending in the image, the report showed the economy of the United States disposable income in the third quarter, down 8.7 percent year-on-year, a record since 1947's worst record. In the third quarter of consumers in the automotive, furniture, appliances, clothing and other expenses are shrinking. Government to bring back to the tax effect of the stimulation has been completely disappear.
In addition to consumer, business spending are the same fierce shrinking. In the third quarter of businesses in the office of hardware and software spending dropped by 5.5 percent, since the first quarter of 2002, the largest drop since.
Business investment in real estate construction in the third quarter fell 19.1 percent, a record 11th consecutive quarter of record fell.
Export growth is also slowing down GDP data led to the tragic. Due to the spread of the global financial crisis, overseas demand is decreasing. In the third quarter of the export growth rate of 5.9 percent, a growth rate of 12.3 percent in the second quarter of a substantial decline. Accompanied by economic recession, there will be an increase in the rate of inflation. The Commerce Department report showed that excluding food and energy prices rise beyond 2.9%, 2.2% in the second quarter has been up. Although the data in the U.S. Federal Reserve's forecast above, but the Fed has made it clear that the economy will be weak in the next few months down the inflation rate, at the same time that its priority task for us is to stimulate economic recovery.

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