Thursday, October 30, 2008

26,900,000,000,000 yen Japan announced a package of economic incentives case

To deal with the international financial crisis on the adverse effects of Japan, Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, 30, announced the total amount of 26,900,000,000,000 yen package of economic stimulus program.
The Japanese government and ruling coalition on the 30th in the afternoon held a meeting to deal with the development of the global financial crisis of additional economic measures. Prime Minister Taro Aso on the 30th reporter to be held the evening press conference, personally announced the additional economic measures, and that sharp fluctuations in stock prices and exchange rates, is fully committed to the revitalization of the economy's determination. Additional economic measures in the financial expenditure New 5,000,000,000,000 yen or so, the size of the equivalent of the Japanese government this summer drafted a total of 10,008 100,000,000,000 yen comprehensive economic measures nearly 3 times. Including the specific details of the cash or gift certificates issued in the form of 2 trillion size of the grants to cash-flow difficulties of providing assistance to small and medium enterprises, financial institutions will further expand the amount of financing, and implementation of the previous installment of the largest housing Tax cuts.

U.S. third quarter GDP growth of negative 0.3 percent the economy into recession

U.S. consumer spending hit a 28-year low record, the United States in the third quarter of negative GDP growth, marking the U.S. economy into recession.
U.S. Department of Commerce data released Thursday showed that in the third quarter year-on-year GDP growth rate of negative 0.3 percent. This is the third quarter of 2001 GDP growth of 1.4 percent since the worst record.
U.S. second quarter GDP growth rate of 2.8 percent.
The economic recession from the sharp reduction in consumer spending, and consumer spending is driving growth in the U.S. economy's main driving force. In the third quarter of the total amount of negative growth in consumer spending 3.1 percent, a record in 1980, the lowest since record.
The Labor Department said Thursday, to Oct. 25 until the week of the United States the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for 479,000 people, and last week the same data. This data is higher than previous market expectations of 475,000 people.
The number of applications for unemployment benefits in more than 400,000 people have been regarded as one of the signs of an economic recession.
The dismal economic data released report from the November 4 U.S. presidential election day less than a week. Whether Obama or John McCain coming into the White House, the next president will face an economic mess, as well as a record budget deficit, its domestic policy is obviously a huge challenge.
Many economists believe the economic recession will continue into next year. Wednesday the Federal Reserve has announced that the federal benchmark interest rate down to 1%. The level of interest rates over the past half century there have been only once. F
ederal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke warned that even if the government implemented 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars rescue package, as well as other financial assistance and credit market success of economic weakness will continue for a long time.
At present, the unemployment rate remained at a high of 6.1 percent, and next year is expected to reach 8% or even higher level. Layoffs, pension and retirement benefits shrinking, as well as the continued decline in housing prices will have to shrink so that domestic consumer spending further.
Consumers cut spending in the image, the report showed the economy of the United States disposable income in the third quarter, down 8.7 percent year-on-year, a record since 1947's worst record. In the third quarter of consumers in the automotive, furniture, appliances, clothing and other expenses are shrinking. Government to bring back to the tax effect of the stimulation has been completely disappear.
In addition to consumer, business spending are the same fierce shrinking. In the third quarter of businesses in the office of hardware and software spending dropped by 5.5 percent, since the first quarter of 2002, the largest drop since.
Business investment in real estate construction in the third quarter fell 19.1 percent, a record 11th consecutive quarter of record fell.
Export growth is also slowing down GDP data led to the tragic. Due to the spread of the global financial crisis, overseas demand is decreasing. In the third quarter of the export growth rate of 5.9 percent, a growth rate of 12.3 percent in the second quarter of a substantial decline. Accompanied by economic recession, there will be an increase in the rate of inflation. The Commerce Department report showed that excluding food and energy prices rise beyond 2.9%, 2.2% in the second quarter has been up. Although the data in the U.S. Federal Reserve's forecast above, but the Fed has made it clear that the economy will be weak in the next few months down the inflation rate, at the same time that its priority task for us is to stimulate economic recovery.

The European Central Bank is expected next week that interest rates announced by 50 basis points rate cut

Reuters survey shows that the European Central Bank (ECB) is expected in November of that meeting on interest rates once again cut interest rates by 0.5 percentage points in order to help alleviate the economic impact. I am afraid that the euro-zone economy was already in recession. The investigation in the Oct. 27-29 among respondents of 81 analysts had expected the European Central Bank will be on November 6 meeting to cut interest rates, the majority of people are expected to cut interest rates by 50 basis points in rate, which would make The indicators in the euro zone interest rates fell to 3.25 percent, to a two-year low.
The European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet, in a speech earlier this week revealed that the intention may be to cut interest rates, but is not certain. But the market interpreted the rate cut is already known that clinches it.
When asked on November 6 meeting to cut interest rates by 50 basis points likely, analysts estimate the value of the 50 basis point cut shows that the probability was 68%, a record level since the start of Reuters ECB interest rate decision Survey, the highest since 10 years. The previous high probability forecast for the June 2003 resolution rates, the result was 50%.
"ECB's decision-making is its predictability proud. Trichet know that the market has to digest the 50 basis points rate cut, so he (Monday) issued on that kind of signal, suggesting the central bank to cut interest rates to do a good job of preparation." Deutsche Bank chief analyst Mark Wall said.
"ECB is no reason to hold all the factors point to its current need for major action." He referred to the recent announcement of a number of poor economic data.
Reuters survey also showed that the world's major central bank to cut interest rates once again join the probability is about 30%, many people believe that if there is such a collaborative initiatives will occur this week, probably Wednesday in the evening on the same day the Federal Reserve is expected as a result of a If the market generally expected to cut interest rates by 50 basis points.
81 of 49 analysts surveyed expected, following the November 6 after the rate cut, European Central Bank is likely to again cut interest rates in December. Survey shows that the euro-zone interest rates in the first quarter of 2010 to 2.25 percent level Bottom. In the previous October 16 survey, analysts believe that interest rates at 2.75 percent near the bottom.
  “ECB很以其决策的可预测性为傲.特里谢知道市场已经消化了降息50个基点,因此他在(周一)就发出那样的讯号,暗示央行做好了降息的准备。”德意志银行首席分析师Mark Wall表示。

U.S. Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by 50 basis points to 1%, suggesting there is still room for rate cut

Eastern Time at 14:15 on the 29th, a day after the U.S. Federal Reserve meeting on interest rates after the announcement by 50 basis points rate cut, which lowered the benchmark interest rate by 1%. At the same time lowered the discount rate by 50 basis points to 1.25 percent.
U.S. Federal Reserve's move earlier in line with market expectations generally, as well as the federal benchmark interest rate fell to a 4-year low, but not yet breakdown in 1958, President Eisenhower was in office when the lowest in history.
This is the second time this month since the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by 50 basis points. Prior to the Oct. 8, the Federal Reserve has coordinated a number of countries worldwide along with the central bank to cut interest rates simultaneously.
29 pm at the same time the Federal Reserve released a brief statement said: "At present, intense turmoil in the financial markets would make the situation in the consumer and the company faced credit problems, which could greatly inhibit consumer spending."
U.S. Federal Reserve hinted that lower interest rates because of weakness in the economy reduces the risk of inflation out of control.
In fact, the current weak economy has given way to oil and other commodity prices had dropped dramatically.
Economists believe the U.S. economy already in recession. U.S. government will be announced Thursday in the third quarter of this year's economic data. Many economists believe the economic data contained in the report of the third quarter year-on-year GDP growth rate will be around 0.5 percent. In the fourth quarter of this year, as well as in the first quarter of next year's GDP growth will be negative.
Emergence of GDP for two consecutive quarters of negative growth is seen as a significant economic recession signs. Economists believe the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates in the context of radical, as well as other efforts aimed at financing the credit market initiatives, but want to avoid is a long-term U.S. economic downturn.
Over the past 13 months, the Federal Reserve would have been the benchmark interest rate from 5.25 percent level dropped, and set up a mechanism of the six lenders, the financial system to the injection of more than 1 trillion dollars.
Following is the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Wednesday released the latest monetary policy statement:
Federal Open Market Committee decided today to lower the federal funds rate by 50 basis points to 1%.
The main impact of tighter spending by consumers, the macro-economic growth rate has slowed down significantly.
In recent months, since production equipment business spending and industrial output at the same time become weak; a lot of countries overseas economic activity weakened, leading to U.S. export prospects. In addition, the financial market turmoil exacerbated by reduced U.S. companies and individuals the ability to obtain loans, may inhibit further growth of spending.
In view of the energy and other commodity prices continued to fall, as well as economic activity will be weak expectations, the Committee in the next few months is expected to ease inflationary pressures, to maintain price stability.
In other central banks to cut interest rates to take the synchronized, massive injection of liquidity to the market and the government to stabilize the financial system, and other measures, the United States has recently taken by the monetary policy actions, including measures to cut interest rates today, will be able to After a period of time to play to improve credit market conditions, to return to moderate economic growth on track. However, economic growth still exist down the risk. The Committee will continue to monitor economic and financial market conditions and take measures to promote sustainable economic growth and price stability.
The vote to cut interest rates by 50 basis points in support of the Open Market Committee members are: Chairman Ben Bernanke (Ben S. Bernanke), vice chairman of Qana (Timothy F. Geithner), Duke (Elizabeth A. Duke), Fisher (Richard W. Fisher), Cohen (Donald L. Kohn), Randall (Randall S. Kroszner), Pianalto (Sandra Pianalto), Charles (Charles I. Plosser) and Warsh (Kevin M. Warsh).
At the same time, the Council unanimously agreed that the Fed will cut the discount rate by 50 basis points to 1.25 percent. In reaching this decision, the Board approved the Boston, New York, Cleveland, and San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank Board of Directors.
此次投票支持降息50个基点的公开市场委员会成员包括:主席伯南克(Ben S. Bernanke)、副主席盖纳(Timothy F. Geithner)、杜克(Elizabeth A. Duke)、费希尔(Richard W. Fisher)、科恩(Donald L. Kohn)、克罗兹纳(Randall S. Kroszner)、皮亚纳托(Sandra Pianalto)、普罗索(Charles I. Plosser)和瓦尔许(Kevin M. Warsh)。

Financial institutions, the central bank again lowered the benchmark interest rate of RMB deposits and loans

People's Bank of China decided on October 30, 2008 from financial institutions to cut the benchmark interest rate of RMB deposits and loans, one-year deposit interest rate from the current 3.87 percent down to 3.60 percent, down 0.27 percentage points; one-year benchmark lending rate by The current 6.93 percent down to 6.66 percent, down 0.27 percentage points; other grade deposit, loan interest rate adjusted accordingly. Personal housing accumulation fund loan interest rates unchanged.

Global optimism the central bank to cut interest rates is expected to bring the Dow up 189 points

U.S. stocks closed higher Thursday as investors bought fell close to al-Qaida issued another five-year low of the stock market, including the United States of the Federal Reserve, the world's central banks to cut interest rates will help cushion the global economic downturn to be optimistic.
Because there are signs that efforts to thaw the credit market is effective, as a result of bank lending interest rates to fall to avoid the release of economic decline needed capital from investors has also found support.
As the only in October last trading day, the stock market will have recorded since the 1987 stock market crash the worst decline in a month.
In the latest corporate results, Colgate (Colgate-Palmolive) announced quarterly performance is expected to win, the stock rose 7.1 percent, reported 64.23 U.S. dollars.
Although the data showed the U.S. economy in the third quarter of 2007 recorded the worst decline, but still better than market expectations.
The Dow Jones industrial average. DJI rose 189.73 points, or 2.11 percent, at 9,180.69 reported. SPX S & P 500 index up 24 points, or 2.58 percent, reported 954.09 points. Nasdaq Composite Index IXIC rose 41.31 points, or 2.49 percent, to 1698.52 points.
Nasdaq market, Apple rose 6.2 percent, reported 111.04 U.S. dollars, Intel rose 8.2 percent, reported 16.17 U.S. dollars.
Technology industry analysts believe that economic recovery will be the biggest benefit of one of the industry.
Office Depot Inc rose 48.6 percent, reported 3.12 U.S. dollars, the New York Stock Exchange or the top list, after the company said in a weak economic environment, to defer to open new stores.
Staples Inc industry jumped 15.6 percent, reported 18.42 U.S. dollars after the company said third-quarter adjusted earnings exceed expectations.
Wednesday the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates by 50 basis points to 1% in Hong Kong and Taiwan have taken measures to cut interest rates.
The market is expected Friday, the Bank of Japan will cut interest rates, European Central Bank and Bank of England is also expected to cut interest rates next week.
Oil prices more than 2%, to below 66 U.S. dollars, as a result of U.S. economic data made investors worry that demand will be further suppressed.
Airline stocks jumped up, air-Share Index. XAL surged by 10.7 percent.
Exxon Mobil fell in the afternoon to rise, up 0.5 percent, reported 75.05 U.S. dollars, the company's performance-than-expected.
Life insurance companies Hartford Financial Services Group fell 51.6 percent, reported 9.62 U.S. dollars, the company recorded a quarter Jukui accident.
New York Stock Exchange traded moderate, about 1.38 billion shares changed hands, below last year's estimated daily average volume of about 1.9 billion shares, Nasdaq market today there are about 2.54 billion shares traded, above last year's daily average of 2.17 billion shares.
New York Stock Exchange stock prices and the number of stocks fell by about 4:1, Nasdaq market is about 3:1.
  Office Depot Inc暴涨48.6%,报3.12美元,在纽约证交所涨幅榜居前,此前该公司表示,在疲弱经济环境下,推迟开设新店。
  同业Staples Inc跳升15.6%,报18.42美元,此前该公司称第三季调整後盈利将超预期。
  寿险商Hartford Financial Services Group暴跌51.6%,报9.62美元,该公司意外录得季度巨亏。

Nigeria arrests two dozens of Chinese businessmen were released on bail after

Official in Nigeria on October 17 and 19 arrested two dozens of Chinese people, the media in connection with the two China-related adverse events. From the Chinese Consulate General in Lagos said, Chinese businessmen have been taken away is the real name of the hearing, rather than arrest. At present, these Chinese people have all been back.
Hunt for bugs in a series of Chinese
October 17, Lagos, Nigeria Customs local armed personnel of the National Security Agency to Nigeria to carry out the building inspection process, the search process in which dozens of Chinese companies, arresting dozens of Chinese businesses and their employees in charge. Jianshibumiao some of the business, the company locked the door from the inside, the Nigerian government kicked the door of their arrest.
October 19, Lagos, the National Security Agency's largest supermarket check process SHOPRITE market and Morocco, China arrested a dozen people and left. The SHOPRITE was arrested after the Chinese personnel recalled that the Security Service was caught Asians several, ask a Chinese person is not given a release.
Nigeria to give an official response, said, the Chinese people as a result of "illegal residence" or "carried out on a visa to visit in his capacity as inconsistent with the behavior" and was arrested. Chinese Embassy in Nigeria and China Chamber of Commerce to negotiate with the Nigeria Customs. In many representations with the help of staff members have been arrested were released Saturday, but each paid hundreds of thousands of naira bail.
China-related adverse events
It is reported that the two may be related to the incident that occurred earlier this month, two other China-related adverse events. Oct. 7, Benin and Nigeria in the border customs offices, a Chinese company for the clearance of customs clearance and logistics company, several officials of the Nigeria Customs in the carriage of goods collision occurred during the speech, but also occurred in an exchange of fire arms, killing three of Customs And five officials of the customs personnel were killed. It was also revealed that Chinese in Niger, Nigeria early October in prime time television: a Nigerian man in Guangzhou, China, killed by security. After the incident, local media has not reported a more detailed tracking.
These events took place, many local enterprises are worried that China may Niger trip to the Chinese business environment in which to live and have a negative impact.
Chinese Embassy in Nigeria the information officer, they have taken note of the report, but the Chinese businessman was taken away is the real name of the hearing, rather than arrest. At present, the Consulate General in Lagos is an in-depth investigation.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

U.S. cross-border attack Syria, Bush was questioned for the McCain campaign

Syrian media reports that U.S. troops in Iraq the day before large-scale rare in Syria to the village opened fire, killing 8 civilians were killed. According to Hong Kong, "Wen Wei Po" integrated foreign news agencies in the United States on the eve of the election, a rare cross-border attacks on the U.S. military, on-line comments questioning whether U.S. President George W. Bush for the Republican presidential candidate John McCain, "do something" off "October surprise" Anti-win for him.
Syria's official media said 4 U.S. invasion of Syrian airspace helicopters, 8 km from the border attack on a farm in the residential areas, 8 people were killed, including 4 children, and another one injured, the helicopter then flew to the direction of Iraq.
Syrian Foreign Minister accused the United States to launch attacks during the day, is clearly not accidental, such as acts of "terrorist aggression" if the United States further action against Syria will protect the homeland. Witnesses said 8 under U.S. military plane to the workers inside the building opened fire, which lasted 15 minutes.
Syria has been an urgent meeting with diplomatic representatives of the United States and Iraq in protest, officials condemned the attack as "lawless violence" and demanded that the United States to bear all the consequences. Iran's Foreign Ministry condemned, and politicians have claimed that the United States did not notify the government of Iraq to launch attacks. Russian Foreign Ministry also condemned the incident.
Washington and the U.S. Department of Defense declined to comment, but on condition of anonymity, U.S. military officials said that the attack was to sneak into Iraq against the "base" for terrorist organizations, the U.S. military can not stop terrorist activities in Syria, the private action. U.S. officials have confirmed that the U.S. military operation in the success of the raid of foreign militants.
If substantiated, will be the U.S. military since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, for the first time in Syria to launch a large-scale attack. British Broadcasting Corporation, any cross-border military action should be to make a high-level decision, this may be the Bush administration to punish Syria's farewell.
Comments on-line means, 4 years ago on the eve of the U.S. presidential election, major terrorist Hengla Deng in the Oct. 29 speech, Kerry's Democratic Party lost the final, many people believe that bin Laden and his speech was not unrelated. At present, the U.S. economy at risk, economic issues are not always the strengths of McCain, Bush is security for the Republican Party in power and influence "to make cross-hand" the transfer of public attention to help a McCain, still depends on the development of the next few days.

U.S. October consumer confidence index fell to a 41-year low

Market research agency said Tuesday, along with the stock market and corporate layoffs, the United States in October's consumer confidence index hit a 41-year low.
Conference Board said Tuesday that October's consumer confidence index from September's 61.4 (revised figures) dropped to 38, far lower than analysts had expected 52.
This is also the index since 1967 to create and publish the lowest since record, but also hit a single down the third-largest on record.
Conference Board consumer research center director Lynn Franco said "consumers have become very pessimistic. The current data is looking forward to the upcoming Summit Christmas holiday retail spending, is a huge challenge."
In the same period last year, the index value is 95.2.
From September to October, the index fell 23.4 points. This is also in October 1973 to November fell 36.9 points after the biggest single drop on record.
The market close attention to consumer confidence index, the United States because 70 percent of economic activity driving force comes from consumer spending.
Conference Board周二表示,10月份的消费者信心指数已经从9月份的61.4(修正后数据)跌至38,远远低于分析师们预计的52。
Conference Board消费者调查中心总监Lynn Franco表示,“消费者已经变得非常悲观。目前的数据对于正在盼望即将到来的圣诞假期消费高峰的零售业而言,无疑是一个巨大的挑战。”

European Central Bank to commercial banks to provide loans 325,000,000,000 euros

The European Central Bank on October 28 announced that commercial banks will provide 325,000,000,000 euros (406,000,000,000 U.S. dollars) loan.
The European Central Bank said that a total of 736 requests for the bank loan, the loan will come into effect on the 29th, when the European Central Bank's benchmark interest rate to 3.75 percent.
A week before the European Central Bank has adopted a similar approach provides 305,000,000,000 euros of the loan, so that there are still a number of banks require financial assistance, indicating that lending between banks is still far from normal.

Hot investors bought oversold stocks Tuesday the Dow soared 889 points

Beijing time October 29 , Tuesday on Wall Street is also a memorable day, as investors bought oversold stocks in the near future, the Dow rose nearly 900 points. Analysts said some investors Wednesday that the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by 0.5 percentage points, so that the federal funds rate down to 1%. Other people pointed out that the recent decline in a huge market, the Dow over the past two days have fallen by more than 500 points.
In the United States Conference Board consumer confidence index released after the stock was trading from a high point down quickly. U.S. economic report of the Conference Board consumer confidence index in October from 61.4 in September dropped to 38, hitting a record low.
Miller Tabak & Co. Bond market strategist Tony - Shen Qi Clayton (Tony Crescenzi) said that "consumer confidence index data reinforced Wall Street's pessimistic atmosphere, but because of what is happening in the near future, and this is not the market is particularly strange . "
As of the close (4:00 am Beijing time), the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 889.35 points to close at 9065.12 points, or 10.88 percent.
Dow 30 component stocks in a total of 25 stocks rose, Boeing (BA) rose 5.1 percent, the company has reached a temporary agreement with the machinists.
General Motors (GM) rose 4.4 percent. According to "The Wall Street Journal" reported that the Department of Energy is being arranged for General Motors 5,000,000,000 U.S. dollars loan to help the completion of its merger with Chrysler.
Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 91.58 points to close at 940.50 points, or 10.79 percent. Standard & Poor's 10 major plates in the telecommunications industry services, information technology and health care led plate.
The Nasdaq composite index rose 143.57 points to close at 1649.47 points, or 9.53 percent.
S & P / Case-Shiller August 20 cities housing prices index in July fell by 1% year-on-year drop of 16.6 percent, or a record high.
Short-term interest rates continued to decline, but the deceleration has slowed down. Three-month dollar-bank Offered Rate from Monday's 3.5075 percent decline to 3.465 percent.
U.S. Federal Reserve interest rate policy-making committee meeting on Tuesday, the market expected the federal funds rate will be reduced by half a percentage point to 1%, equivalent to June 2004 to its lowest level since.
U.S. central bank monetary policy meeting in the very first day of the interest rate decision-making, but because of the world's major central banks this month carried out a coordinated rate cut, some investors expect the Fed to cut interest rates announced in advance.
The European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said Monday further cut interest rates in the euro zone is "possible", the Bank of England governor Mervyn - Kim admitted for the first time a few days ago the British economy is likely already in recession.
Bank of England published Tuesday in the first six-monthly financial report, said hedge funds, insurance companies, as well as emerging markets are still volatile in the United Kingdom to the threat of the financial system.
Iceland Tuesday to raise interest rates by 6 percentage points to 18%, a move beyond the market by surprise.
Electrical appliances manufacturer Whirlpool (WHR) lowered 2008 earnings and announced goal of 5,000 job cuts, which fell 18.1 percent.
U.S. Steel (X) in the previous quarter profit exceeded market expectations, but warned that as a result of weaker demand in the fourth quarter profits will decline. Stock down 2.3 percent. Honda Motor (HMC) reported second-quarter profit fell 41 percent, the Japanese automaker also lowered the full year earnings per share goal.
Overseas markets have risen, the Nikkei 225 index rose 6.4 percent, and London FTSE 100 index rose 2.4 percent.
By the temporary closing before the impact of selling, U.S. stocks fell sharply Monday. Dow down 203 points, the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 27 points, the Nasdaq composite index fell 46 points. As a result of growth in September new home sales, as well as Verizon Communications brilliant performance, after U.S. stocks were up sharply.
北京时间10月29日, 周二对于华尔街来说又是难忘的一天,随投资者买进近期超跌股票,道指上涨近900点。分析师表示部分投资者认定美联储将于周三降息0.5个百分点,使联邦基金利率下降至1%。其它人士则指出市场近期跌幅巨大,道指在过去两个交易日里便下跌了500多点。
Miller Tabak & Co.债券市场策略师托尼-克雷申奇(Tony Crescenzi)表示,“消费者信心指数数据增强了华尔街的悲观气氛,但由于近期发生的事情,这也并不令市场感到特别奇怪。 ”
道指30种成份股中共有25只股票上涨,波音 (BA)上涨了5.1%,该公司已与机械师达成暂时协议。
通用汽车 (GM)上涨了4.4%。据“华尔街日报”报道,能源部正在为通用汽车安排50亿美元贷款,以帮助其完成与克莱斯勒的合并。
电器制造商惠而浦 (WHR)调降2008年盈利目标并宣布裁员5000人,该股下跌了18.1%。
美国钢铁 (X)上一季度盈利超出了市场预期,但警告因需求减弱,第四季度利润将有所下降。该股下跌了2.3%。
本田汽车 (HMC)第二财季利润下降了41%,这一日本汽车制造商还下调了全年每股收益目标。
受临收盘前卖盘冲击,美股周一大幅下滑。道指下跌了203点,标准普尔500指数下跌了27点,纳斯达克综合指数下跌了46点。因九月份新屋销量增长以及Verizon Communications业绩亮丽,美股盘中一度大幅上扬。

Global Black Monday stock market welcomed a total of A shares to 14 times the average price-earnings ratio

27, the world's total stock market welcomed the "Black Monday." Shanghai and Shenzhen stock index on the same day decline in more than 6%, a new low of the year, the Prev early low of 1802 points in the opening minutes after the fall of that declaration. Index heavyweight mass grave into a nosedive, dragged down the index, Sinopec, China Vanke A, China Unicom (600050, and it shares), and other heavyweight limit, the super-city one-third of the stock closed at the limit.
Information on the surface, first of all, the Ministry of Finance over the weekend, the State Administration of Taxation decided on October 9, 2008, the stock market for individual investors to obtain the funds settlement with the Securities and Exchange interest income, interest from savings deposits, mutatis mutandis, the collection of personal income tax waiver . Second, the central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan entrusted by the State Council, reported to the Standing Committee in December 2007 Central Economic Work Conference has been the strengthening of financial macro-control of the situation. While the warm weather news, but last Friday the world's stock markets fell again, the A shares hit investor confidence to pieces. SSE Composite Index opened Monday on the almost 1,800-point mark, the low pre-cracked immediately. Although some early multi-resistance, but with the opening of Hong Kong stocks after the recent plummeting, A shares immediately to give up resistance, the afternoon decline in stock index down unilateral expansion of the lowest Prev Close to 1721.60 points, the atmosphere of panic spread again.
Up close, the SSE Composite Index was reported at 1723.35, down 116.27 points, or 6.32 percent; Shen Chengzhi below 6,000-point mark, the newspaper 5734.81 points, down 424.14 points, or 6.89 percent; Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index 1654.67 points, down 126.93 points, or 7.12 percent. Turnover of the two cities were 33.2 billion and 15.1 billion, representing close to enlarge slightly. The two cities rose only 50 stocks, 10% of the stock close to the limit of 600, focused on the energy side air vent.
Last year, the highest point from 6124 to 1721 yesterday, the lowest point, the biggest decline Prev Close up 72%. Average price-earnings ratio of the two cities are also declining rapidly. As of October 27, the Shanghai stock market on average for 14.02 times earnings, and Shenzhen A shares for an average of 14.36 times earnings. Shenzhen B shares even-earnings ratio of only 5.93 times, almost a low valuation, the world is second to none.
For having one school of analysis, on the medium and long term, with the valuation levels down dramatically, obviously the release of the investment risk in the management of the programs being introduced to stimulate the economy, is expected to short-term stock index dropped for the possibility of not Great. In the bottom of the process, the operation should be more or less to see action, in order to position Qingcang mainly concerned about the follow-up, as well as external policy to stabilize the market, intends to do.27日,全球股市共迎“黑色星期一”。沪深两市股指当日跌幅均超过6%,再创年内新低,沪指的前期低点1802点在开盘后几分钟即宣告沦陷。权重股集体暴挫严重拖累指数,其中中石化、万科A、中国联通(600050,股吧)等权重股跌停,两市超三分之一的个股封于跌停。

The New York Times to meet market expectations the Federal Reserve will cut interest rates

October 28, the U.S. Federal Reserve held a two-day meeting. The market generally believes that in order to protect the world from the threat of economic crisis credit, the United States most likely will cut interest rates at least 0.5 percentage points.
U.S. Federal Reserve's policy-making Open Market Committee will be U.S. Eastern Time 2:15 pm
Wednesday announced its decision. Reuters on 14 large-scale fund to a survey conducted by the market of the United States shared the view that the central bank will choose to lower the overnight federal funds rate 0.5 percent, when interest rates will be 1%. This will be in June 2004 at the lowest rate since. At that time, the Federal Reserve is faced with the risk of deflation.
Financial futures markets more Mi wilt, will the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates to borrow 0.75 points, in July 1958 was the lowest level.
Some market participants believe that, just like Japan in the 1990s to deal with deflation, the Federal Reserve may be gradually reduced to zero interest rates.
The Fed has been injected to the market more than 1,000,000,000,000 U.S. dollars if the Federal Reserve to reduce interest rates below the official interest rate is currently 1.5 percent, market participants think that this is "stealing" the injection.
The price of crude oil and other commodity prices fell in a straight line, the U.S. consumer price index in the next few months, a sharp decline. Many analysts believe that annual ring than the consumer price index fell to negative. However, this does not mean that large-scale emergence of deflation, but also to the Federal Reserve will continue to be issued a warning in red.

The United States and cracked a plot to assassinate Obama arrest and prosecution of the two

18-year-old homes Laisuo Man
20-year-old Watt test
Tennessee 27, federal prosecutors said they cracked a murder Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and more attacks on people of African descent plot and the arrest and prosecution of the two assailants who attempted.
Jackson County, Tennessee, the federal prosecutor's office said the two men are now 20-year-old test-watt and 18-year-old Lai Suoman homes. They called themselves "white supremacists" in-line became known after a friend, and then plan a robbery and firearms stores, an attack on the local people of African descent in the majority of high school, the last assassination of Obama. Federal tobacco and alcohol, weapons and explosives Authority in Nashville, Tennessee, the Office of the officers Cavanaugh said that Oberwart test Laisuo Man planned homes and shot 88 black and 14 other people beheaded, as the assassination of Obama "Final action."
Prosecutors said that law enforcement officers last week in Jackson County arrested two men and confiscated from them a rifle, a shotgun and a pistol 3. At present, they are charged with illegal possession of firearms, conspiracy to commit robbery and firearms stores, as well as a presidential candidate intimidation charges, was 27 for the first time in court.
So far, Obama's campaign team has not yet issued any statements on the incident.

美国田纳西州联邦检察官27日说,他们破获了一起谋杀民主党总统候选人奥巴马和袭击更多非洲裔人的阴谋,并逮捕和起诉了两名行凶未遂者。 田纳西州杰克逊县的联邦检察官办公室说,这两人分别是现年20岁的考瓦特和18岁的舍莱索曼。他们自称“白人至上主义者”,在网上相识后结为朋友,然后谋划抢劫一家枪支商店,袭击当地一所非洲裔人占多数的高中,最后刺杀奥巴马。

Wen Jiabao: The central government will support Hong Kong's financial difficulties crossing

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Moscow on the 27th Hong Kong to answer a reporter's question that the Central Government with the support of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government's efforts, Hong Kong will overcome the current difficult financial markets, he said: "I have confidence in Hong Kong ! "
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said in Moscow on the 27th, the Central Government is very concerned about Hong Kong, and will support us through this financial storm.
Wen Jiabao was on the 27th night local time 17:20 Xu arrived in the Russian capital of Moscow. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's invitation, Premier Wen Jiabao to Russia for a three-day official visit to China and Russia and attend the 13th regular meeting between the Prime Minister.
Two hours later, Wen Jiabao, the figure has emerged in the Chinese Embassy in Russia welcome the hall. He cordially met with the embassy staff, Chinese-funded institutions, overseas Chinese and Chinese students. Although the plane with a ray of Juanyi journey, but crowded onto the face of the media in Hong Kong and Macao reporters, Premier Wen Jiabao smiling, cordial and asked: "How many reporters come to you? What are the difficulties?"
The reporter mentioned that in Hong Kong are suffering from the impact of turmoil in international financial issues, Premier Wen said the central government is very concerned about Hong Kong, Hong Kong has a considerable economic base and management capacity, he believed that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and people will be able to tide over the present difficulties.
"(Hong Kong) In the process, there are difficulties, the central government will certainly support", Premier Wen also asked the Hong Kong media did not forget, for him to get the message across to the people of Hong Kong, "I have confidence in Hong Kong!"

Monday, October 27, 2008

McCain insisted that ignore the polls behind to win the general election

Although lagging behind in opinion polls, but the United States Republican presidential candidate John McCain, 26, insists he can still win the election. At the same time, Republican campaign has already begun on the election strategy of heated debate.
2008 U.S. presidential election, according to video feature of Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao," citing the British "Guardian" reported that McCain in an NBC "Meet the Press" interview program, with no regard to a number of opinion polls in his Obama sharply A deviation from the fact that he felt the two sides are evenly matched. The Republican presidential candidate next Tuesday forecast to be left to the "late night", suggesting the two sides will be very close to the number of votes needed to wait for some of the state's final result. He said: "It was a very tight election, and I believe I will win."
Michael Camp morale
Obama 26 votes to Albuquerque, New Mexico, attracted 45,000 people to listen to his speech, McCain on the same day canvassing in the same city, only about 1,500 people arrived at the scene. Some Republicans also vote in a few days ago to break the traditional silence and began a detailed analysis of the party's campaign strategy, and openly admitted that McCain will lose this election.
In the McCain camp, about a campaign strategy is wrong to shirk the responsibility of war has started, especially around the wheat business in the past two months out of the chaos and often contradictory information about. In Arlington, Virginia, McCain's campaign team headquarters, senior officers of the weekend to convene staff and volunteers gathered to cheer them, that the situation has not completely hopeless, but they are clearly demoralized, silent majority.
Bush's speech was written by David Froomkin • 26 published in the "Washington Post" the article said, the party will have the resources from this "will almost certainly lose," the presidential election moved to the Senate election, Hope that a Republican in the presidential election in order to have a basis to stage a comeback. He wrote: "The defeat of a political party so that it can be the basis for recovery."
Finally, the three point
With the countdown entered the stage of the election, McCain now face an important choice. If he really think they will win, he may hope that future generations will remember when he recalled that he was proud to fight to the last minute - or else he may exhaust all means to deal with Obama.
McCain holding a 26 Reuters / Zogby poll made a big fuss, claiming that this election than any other proof to show double-digit Obama out-stripped him of much tension in the investigation. In the Reuters / Zogby poll, only Obama leading McCain by five percentage points.
The political analysts also believe that the general election in the last few days, there are three things to watch. First, voter turnout on polling day. Some of the state's large number of new voters, many of the new voters in three of the following 20-year-old, most of them will support Obama. However, if the polling day did not come out and vote, Obama would be winning a discount. Second, pending the final choice of the voters. The current view is that the Bush administration they would vent their dissatisfaction with McCain to the body. Both Obama on the benefit. Third, the white ethnic voters agree. Last year, the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party nomination, Obama in primaries in Ohio ten points behind, the West Virginia primary 40 percentage points behind. Analysts believe that we can see that nationwide, with the support of white votes will determine the fate of the Democratic Party.


Obama campaign of the General Assembly to attract 150,000 people,number of break record more

According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" reported that 26 Obama's campaign in Colorado General Assembly, successfully attracted 150,000 people to participate in such large numbers has always been breaking records. He is still at the rally criticized Bush and McCain the same tune, he reminded voters Washington next 4 years, and can no longer be the same as in the past 8 years.
The poll clearly behind McCain, in addition to out and make every effort to whitewash the relationship between Bush, also expressed his full confidence in the White House did not encounter obstacles on the road.
Obama in the Colorado General Assembly's two campaign attracted 150,000 people upsurge in Denver to attend the General Assembly of more than 100,000 people.
Obama in the General Assembly, against McCain's remarks to the masses, said: "Just this morning, Senator McCain said that he and President Bush's idea of the same. Then on, I would like to McCain Finally reveal the true words of the very few, and Bush admits he does have a lot of common ground. "
He said Bush and McCain's idea is to give those millions of rich and business tax cuts to invest every month in Iraq 10,000,000,000 to rationalize spending, and the Iraqi government is taking very large surplus, our economy is in crisis .
He said the next 4 years, and not the past 8 years, Washington must have another new start. However, McCain Sunday on the NBC (NBC) "to meet the media" program countered that: "Republicans and the holders of common ideas? This is, of course, but I have to stand up, not only against President Bush, oppose the Republican Party, for which I have scars, which are sufficient to prove that. "
McCain also insisted that in a lot of issues that he and Bush have long been differences, such as climate change, government spending, two different views.
Although the support rate by 10 percentage points behind Obama, but McCain is very confident and said that progress in election-related activities "Yes", last week's polls began to narrow the gap between next week and will continue to narrow. Night on polling day, we have to Aodao very late in the evening.
Speaking in a program for Perrin, a reporter asked McCain whether or not to bear the accused dragged his defense Perrin, McCain's response was: "I am not going to the maintenance of her - I would like to commend her and her need to maintain others . "

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The maximum price of the 10 Asian cities released--Jakarta,No10

Jakarta: In the 10 years after the Asian financial crisis, Indonesia's economy began to grow again, thanks to the pickup in demand, such as in the first half of car sales grew by 32%. However, inflation remains a headache for people, prices last month than in the same period last year, an increase of more than 6%. This year, the rupiah's exchange rate dropped by 3.4 percent, the worst performance in the Asian region's currency.
A movie ticket: 6.29 U.S. dollars
Fast-food meal: 11.57 U.S. dollars
A washing machine: 661.76 U.S. dollars
One kilogram of rice: 2.30 U.S. dollars
A can of drink: 0.91 U.S. dollars


The maximum price of the 10 Asian cities released--Singapore,No9

Singapore: The recent sales tax increase (from the previous 5% to 7% growth) led to the foreigners in the city-state cost of living increase. However, Singapore's prices are still more than his rivals lower in Hong Kong and the Government is eager to shake off the image of the past: a beautiful but very boring city. The government plan is the outcome of this bizarre Esplanade Museum of Art (figure), opened in 2002.
A movie ticket: 5.78 U.S. dollars
Fast-food meal: 11.44 U.S. dollars
A washing machine: 427.13 U.S. dollars
One kilogram of rice: 1.61 U.S. dollars
A can of drink: 0.81 U.S. dollars


The maximum price of the 10 Asian cities released--Shanghai,No8

Shanghai: RMB appreciation foreigners in the Chinese commercial hub of the rising cost of living. 150 multinational companies in Shanghai set up their regional headquarters in Pudong area (figure), which led to the house all the way up. In addition, some of China's most expensive bars and restaurants are located in Shanghai.
A movie ticket: 9.06 U.S. dollars
Fast-food meal: 13.48 U.S. dollars
A washing machine: 564.28 U.S. dollars
One kilogram of rice: 2.08 U.S. dollars
A can of drink: 0.60 U.S. dollars

The maximum price of the 10 Asian cities released--Beijing,No7

Beijing: Over the past two years, the RMB against the U.S. dollar has appreciated by 7%, making Beijing and other Chinese cities, prices for Americans, the more expensive. With the 2008 Olympic Games from the left less than a year, the Beijing everywhere in the overhaul, even if it is located at the center of Tiananmen Square near the old building has been razed and can not escape fate.
A movie ticket: 8.39 U.S. dollars
Fast-food meal: 14.78 U.S. dollars
A washing machine: 627.81 U.S. dollars
One kilogram of rice: 2.38 U.S. dollars
A can of drink: 0.67 U.S. dollars

The maximum price of the 10 Asian cities released--Taipei,No6

Taipei: A few decades ago, the Taiwan government spent very little thought to its crude in the capital, because of the KMT, Taipei is considered to retake the mainland just before a temporary home. Today, Taipei has become Asia's most extravagant entertainment area, and has the world's tallest building, Taipei 101 Tower.
A movie ticket: 8.35 U.S. dollars
Fast-food meal: 9.65 U.S. dollars
A washing machine: 852.91 U.S. dollars
One kilogram of rice: 2.34 U.S. dollars
A can of drink: 0.81 U.S. dollars

The maximum price of the 10 Asian cities released--Hong Kong,No5

Hong Kong: In addition to the high price of food in Hong Kong, foreigners have to pay the world's most expensive rent. Nevertheless, the list of international schools, there is still a long list of students waiting list because there are too many foreign employees working in Hong Kong, they have their children come together with the. Multinational companies are competing in the skyscraper, the Office of the search, such as the new International Financial Center
A movie ticket: 8.64 U.S. dollars
Fast-food meal: 12.43 U.S. dollars
A washing machine: 531.48 U.S. dollars
One kilogram of rice: 1.70 U.S. dollars
A can of drink: 0.83 U.S. dollars


The maximum price of the 10 Asian cities released--Kobe,No4

Kobe: Kobe in the Kansai, western Japan, that is, as a result of a well-known Kobe beef (at the same time the high price of fame) and well-known. Japan's worst earthquake in 1995 occurred in Kobe, as far as measuring up to magnitude 7.3, the port city of all buildings, almost all were destroyed.
A movie ticket: 15.01 U.S. dollars
Fast-food meal: 11.26 U.S. dollars
A washing machine: 665.31 U.S. dollars
One kilogram of rice: 5.05 U.S. dollars
A can of drink: 0.83 U.S. dollars

The maximum price of the 10 Asian cities released--Yokohama,No3

Yokohama: Yokohama, a port city next to Tokyo, and Tokyo is like the relationship between the Newark of New York or San Francisco Oakland's. While in Tokyo, compared favorably to many, Yokohama is still the third highest prices in Asia's cities. Yen appreciation over the past month, 3.5 percent, making their prices up further.
A movie ticket: 14.80 U.S. dollars
Fast-food meal: 12.51 U.S. dollars
A washing machine: 771.80 U.S. dollars
One kilogram of rice: 5.36 U.S. dollars
A can of drink: 1.42 U.S. dollars

The maximum price of the 10 Asian cities released--Tokyo,No2

Tokyo: Tokyo foreigners in shopping can easily be surprised, take a movie ticket 15 U.S. dollars. A Domino's Pizza this mushroom sausage? Please be ready 25 U.S. dollars.

A movie ticket: 14.59 U.S. dollars

Fast-food meal: 12.62 U.S. dollars

A washing machine: 839.92 U.S. dollars

One kilogram of rice: 6.10 U.S. dollars

A can of drink: 1.35 U.S. dollars


The maximum price of the 10 Asian cities released--Seoul,No1

Seoul: ECA survey of 20 cities in the number of South Korean capital of Seoul, the most expensive prices, and may remain in the top of the list for some time. With strong exports and inflationary pressures continue to increase, the Bank of Korea's interest has a 6-year high, which makes possible further appreciation of the won.
A movie ticket: 8.67 U.S. dollars
Fast-food meal: 18.09 U.S. dollars
A washing machine: 1096.82 U.S. dollars
One kilogram of rice: 5.07 U.S. dollars
A can of drink: 1.07 U.S. dollars

Asia highest price out of the 10 cities --Beijing, No. 7,Shanghai, No. 8

For many years, Japan has a proud or do not know the frustration of Honor: ordinary tourists or expatriates, Japan is Asia's urban price index the highest base camp.
However, with the weak dollar and Asian currencies to appreciate, the Tokyo Price Index is no longer Asia's top city. ECA International is a London-based human resources consultant, they showed that last year, Seoul has been to replace Tokyo as Asia's top price of the champion. In the past two years, won 13 percent against the U.S. dollar, "Seoul's cost of living higher in Tokyo than in almost 10%", ECA Hong Kong general manager Lee Quane said this week he announced the latest Asian cities Price Ranking.
Nevertheless, the budget travelers it is better not to hurry to raise your level of Japanese for the convenience of travel to Japan as Tokyo, Yokohama, Kobe and still keep in the back of Seoul's top occupy a number of the former. And other cities in Asia, with prices in Seoul and Tokyo are shrinking. For example, the Chinese government allowed the yuan to appreciate, so Beijing and Shanghai have also followed sharp rise in prices. Singapore's inflation is also growing, looking ahead everywhere rose up in inflation, there will be no good news? Or some, such as you can afford to the cost of Bangalore, India, the outsourcing center in the ECA's top 19 list. It's cheaper? But also cheap, only to Ulan Bator, Mongolia's capital city.
不过随着美元的疲软和亚洲货币的升值,东京不再是亚洲物价指数最高的城市了。ECA国际是一家位于伦敦的人力资源顾问公司,他们的调查显示,去年首尔已经替代东京成为亚洲物价排行榜的状元。在过去两年中韩元对美元升值13%,因此,“在首尔的生活成本几乎比东京高10%”,ECA香港地区总经理Lee Quane说道,他于这星期公布了最新的亚洲各城市物价排行。

British mountain marathon game change "disaster areas" by thousands of participants from the floods

Flooded roads, thousands of participants were from the floods
Participants in the torrents running
October 24, a two-day Original Mountain Marathon in the United Kingdom began Lakes region, unexpectedly Buzuo Mei sky, strong winds and heavy rains triggered floods, more than 1,000 participants were from the floods, A woman who also nearly died.
According to the British "Daily Mail" reported that the 24 earlier, the police have been informed, "Original Mountain Marathon," the organizers of the coming storm, asking them to cancel the race. But organizers said some 3,000 participants have been prepared to do a good job starting, so competition to continue. Participants will be divided into two teams, they needed 36 hours with enough food and equipment, according to the rules, they can not use the Global Positioning System.
When the heavy rain caused flooding up, the organizers would like to abolish the race was too late. Up to 90 miles per hour winds and heavy rain to make the local river burst quickly, and even some of the river have become the rapids, the road quickly drowned out. As the floods cut off access to the camp of Deir Boluo, more than 1,000 people besieged by floods and strong winds in the middle. 24 at night, soaked to the skin, about 1,000 of the participants were forced to Hancock in the mouth of a woolen mill for the night, while about 300 people in rock and mineral Huonisite board (Honister slate mine) on the night.
Rescuers rushed to the rescue quickly, the participants were trapped for issuing a blanket to keep out the cold, and other items. However, due to cold weather, some of the contestants as a result of reduced body temperature was taken to hospital. At the same time, the police contacted the participants and their families are safe.
More dangerous is that a female participants were involved in the wind raging floods in the British Royal Air Force sent out a "Sea King" helicopter search along the river on her whereabouts. Fortunately, these women's final was another 4 contestants that they were trapped in one way or another island. She will be followed by a helicopter from the island to save the aircraft and flown to the town of White Haven Hospital for treatment.
At present, the organizers declined to make a decision to continue to race for comment. "Original Mountain Marathon," the website said that this was the 40-year history of the tournament for the first time was forced to cancel the race. According to weather forecasters said that the north wind will bring rain and snow, especially in the north and north-west England will have heavy rain.
10月24日,为期两天的“奥里吉纳尔山地马拉松赛”(Original Mountain Marathon)在英国湖区拉开帷幕,不料天空不作美,暴雨和大风引发洪水,1000多名参赛者被洪水围困,一名女选手还险些丧命。
当暴雨造成洪水上涨时,主办方想取消比赛已经来不及了。时速最高达90英里的大风和暴雨使当地的河水迅速决堤,甚至一些小河也都变成了急流,道路很快就被淹没。由于洪水切断了通往博罗代尔的营地,1000多人被围困在洪水和大风中。24日夜间,约1000名浑身湿透的参赛者被迫在考克茅斯的一个毛纺厂过夜,另有大约300人在霍尼斯特板岩矿( Honister slate mine)将就了一夜。

Iraq's Shiite ruling coalition seek to amend the US-Iraq security agreement

In March 2008, U.S. soldiers on patrol in Iraq, Diyala province.
Iraq's Shiite ruling coalition, 19, issued a statement calling for consideration of the Iraqi-US security part of the contents of the draft agreement be amended.
Shiite ruling coalition, "United Iraqi Alliance," said in a statement that the Union's leadership of the agreement was considered that the need to amend the agreement in order to ensure Iraq's sovereignty and the interests of the people will not be harmed.
The statement said that despite the agreement in a positive, but on some issues needed more time for discussion and dialogue on the need for some supplementary provisions.


Russia plans to equip a new deal with U.S. anti-missile missile system

October 22, 2008, the territory of Kazakhstan from Russia's Baikonur launch site an RS-18 intercontinental ballistic missile, the Extended Service to verify the reliability of this type of missiles.

2008年10月22日,俄罗斯从哈萨克斯坦境内的拜科努尔发射场发射一枚RS-18型洲际弹道导弹,以验证超期服役的此型号导弹的可靠性。 May 29, 2007, the Russian military in Moscow, 800 km north of the Plesetsk Ci Keji to be able to successfully test-fired a new type of portable multi-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile. Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said that this "RS-24" intercontinental ballistic missile can penetrate any missile defense system
Russian strategic rocket troops 22 Solovtsov said that the Russian strategic rocket troops equipped with new missile plan to deal with the United States to deploy a missile defense system in Europe.
According to the Itar-Tass reported that Solovtsov told a news conference, the Russian strategic rocket troops will be equipped with 2009-RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile with multiple warheads. The national security threat, the Russian strategic rocket troops to be effective to contain the completion of large-scale aggression.
Solovtsov said that taking into account the world's military and political situation changes, as well as the deployment of U.S. missile defense system, Russian Strategic Rocket soldiers will take the comprehensive development measures, including the extension of missile equipment and service of new missiles and other means.
RS-24 missiles will be mobile and fixed-two, can carry about 10 warheads, with a range of more than 10,000 km. It and "Topol-M" intercontinental ballistic missile warheads alone together until the mid-21st century to protect Russia's main security strategy to combat nuclear weapons.

"White powder letters" to intimidate the United States and 45 financial institutions, JPMorgan Chase has been focused on attacks

Oct. 22, police in "The New York Times" on duty outside the headquarters
Bank of America in the institutions of the financial crisis under the shadow of life has been very difficult, and recently appeared frequently with the white powder made of the threatening letters they fear the day. It is reported that from October 20 to 22, the nation has at least 11 states of the 45 financial institutions received a "letter of white powder", but the main goal is for JP Morgan Chase Bank branch.
According to U.S. media reports, the 22-to-date receive a "letter of white powder" in Phoenix, Arizona, 7 of JP Morgan Chase branch. Before this, there have been dozens of other branch received a similar letter, the Phoenix local employees compared with some alert to suspicious letters received at the time did not open, but report directly to the authorities.
A spokesman for the Federal Bureau of Investigation said it still can not determine the Phoenix and other parts of the branch received a "letter of white powder" whether there is a correlation. 45 financial institutions received most of the envelopes in addition to the powder, and with a message threatening letter. Initial tests did not find any powder in toxic substances, but also the need for further careful examination.
In addition, the New York-based "The New York Times," headquarters of 22 also received a "letter of white powder." At that time, in a floor of 13 employees to open the letter after the discovery of suspicious white substance, and then report to the police. "The New York Times," a result of the headquarters building for the time being part of the blockade. Police still are not sure of this wave of threatening letters is from the same source. It is reported that at Dallas, Texas, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has received a letter powder.
911 attacks, the United States have been incidents of anthrax bacteria by mail, resulting in 5 deaths of the terrorist attacks. Since then, the police for this type of terrorist attack the way the special alert. JP Morgan Chase Bank's recent acquisition of Washington Mutual Bank's assets exceed Citigroup to become the nation's largest bank, in this fast fury of the global financial turmoil, it did not become a victim of the few anti-benefit large financial institutions.

F-10 fighter planes began to warm-up training beyond the flexibility Su -27

Take-off, 起飞
Climb, 爬升 The landing parachute release,放伞降落
October 25 morning ,to attend the Seventh China International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China referred to as) the F -10 fighter air show before the start of the warm-up training.
The Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force Air Show will be the first time the full participation of the two Air Force F -10 fighter on the morning of Oct. 22 the first to arrive. The arrival of the first F -10 aircraft are the first to start the training before the air show.
According to the on-site observation, F -10 aircraft flying a total of three takeoffs and landings, F -10 fighter took off after the opening Mexicali, near-vertical to the ground Biaohan vertical angle of climb, followed by performances in training, flying F -10 The degree of flexibility, even beyond the Soviet -27 fighters, in previous air show, Russia's Su-performing Warriors -27 aircraft demonstrated superior mobility, the Zhuhai Air Show has been the most eye-catching "action star" , And this air show in Zhuhai, Performing Warriors of the Russian team did not come.
10月25日上午,参加第七届中国国际航空航天博览会(简称珠海航展)的歼-10战机开始进行航展前的热身训练。 本次航展中国人民解放军空军将首次全面参与,空军两架歼-10战机于10月22日上午率先抵达。最先抵达的歼-10飞机也第一个开始了航展前的训练。

China's State Council: the personal waiver to impose financial settlement with the Securities and Exchange interest tax

With regard to individual stock market investors with the Securities and Exchange settlement funds interest income
The individual income tax policy to inform
Taxation [2008] No. 140
Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, cities City Department of Finance (Board), where the Inland Revenue Department, Tibet, Ningxia, Qinghai province (autonomous region) National Tax Service, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Finance Bureau:
According to the "People's Republic of China Individual Income Tax Law" with the relevant provisions, approved by the State Council, on the stock market are individual investors access to the settlement with the Securities and Exchange funds interest income related to personal income tax to inform policy are as follows:
Since October 9, 2008, the stock market for individual investors to obtain the funds settlement with the Securities and Exchange interest income, personal income tax levy waiver, that is, individual stock market investors, the Securities and Exchange settled in the capital in October 2008 after 9 (including Oct. 9) to seek interest income, personal income tax levy waiver. Ministry of State Administration of Taxation
October 26, 2008
(Note: China since November 1, 1999 on the savings deposit interest income since the resumption of levying a tax, interest tax in encouraging consumption and investment, a reasonable regulation of personal income to increase revenue, and so has played an active role. In 2007, in order to reduce As a result of price increases on deposit interest income Residents affected, the overwhelming majority in the lower tax burden low-income depositors, the Chinese will be made on August 15 after the accrued interest reduced by 20 percent to five percent levy a tax. )


中新网10月26日电 十一届全国人大常委会第五次会议26日听取中国人民银行行长周小川所作的国务院关于加强金融宏观调控情况的报告。周小川在报告中谈及当前金融宏观调控面临的主要问题时指出,全球经济明显减速,可能会影响中国出口,中国将密切关注物价形势及其变化。报道并指出,未来通货膨胀形势有可能出现交替和反复。

China's State Council reports that a situation may arise in the future of inflation alternate repeatedly

October 26, the Fifth Session of the 11th NPC Standing Committee meeting on the 26th listen to the People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan made by the State Council on strengthening the financial macro-control situation. Zhou Xiaochuan, in the report talked about the current financial macro-control of the main problems facing pointed out that the apparent global economic slowdown may affect China's exports, China will pay close attention to the situation and its changes in the price. Report also pointed out that inflation in the future there might be the turn of the situation and repeatedly.
Zhou Xiaochuan, the report pointed out that the recent turmoil in international financial markets, global economic growth is slowing down, uncertainty in the international economic environment uncertainty increased, the domestic economy there are still some outstanding contradictions and problems. This is an increase in the future to determine the economic and price trends, economic growth and inflation to grasp the relationship between the difficulty of macro-control to face a more complex situation.
The report from the following two points were:
(A) the global economic slow down significantly, which may affect China's exports
Recently, the U.S. government to take over the "two rooms" and the American International Group, the top five firms have cast changes, bankruptcy Washington Mutual Bank, Wachovia crisis and a series of events, shows that the United States sub-loan crisis has evolved into a financial crisis. Crisis quickly spread to Europe and even the world, Fortis Group, the German real estate mortgage financing bank, Unicredito, Italy, United Kingdom Bradford - Bentley Bank, Iceland's financial system as a whole, and other crisis. Although the United States has adopted 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars "in 2008 emergency economic stability bill," the major central banks to the huge amount of liquidity into the market, European countries have also announced that private deposits to improve security or provide an unlimited amount of security, but did not ease the credit crunch, The world's major stock market shock is still low, the international foreign exchange markets also wide oscillation, indicating investors still lack confidence.
Affected by this, the United States as well as the global real economy could be larger negative impact, and may be longer adjustment period. The United States in August and the unemployment rate rose in September 2003, the highest since 6.1 percent, indicating the U.S. economy is rapidly weakening trend. European economic downturn, the euro zone in the second quarter of investment, consumption and exports declined at the same time, leading to quarter economic contraction of 0.2% for the euro for the first time since the birth of negative growth. Japan's economy may be entering a new round of recession in the second quarter GDP ratio declined 0.7 percent, the discount rate fell 3%. In this context, the decline in export growth in Asia, the gradual economic slowdown, the massive outflow of capital. IMF this year and next year has been the recent world economic growth forecast from 4.1 percent before and 3.9% to 3.9% and 3.0%. WTO predicts growth in global trade this year may be reduced to the lowest level since 2002.
At present, China's external economic dependence on higher global economic slowdown and the resulting weakening of external demand for China's economic development will inevitably have a negative impact.
(B) pay close attention to price changes in the situation
At present, work to stabilize prices is faced with a complex situation. There economy may cause inflation of the cost-push factors, there are persistent price drop may be. Therefore, the policy needs to take special care.
The current inflationary pressure comes mainly from cost-push factors. Internationally, loan-to-time by the crisis, a growing number of economies, the policy focus from curbing inflation to increase security. In the relatively easy monetary conditions, once the market to restore confidence in international commodity prices might regain rise. In addition, with China, India, Brazil, and other big developing countries to speed up the industrialization process, resources and elements of the emerging trend of price increases may still exist. Domestically, there are also strong wage and cost increases are expected. September PPI increase was still as high as 9.1 percent, agricultural production materials prices rose as high as 22.9 percent, consumer prices have further to the conduction of the pressure.
However, if the global economic slowdown, international commodity prices decline significantly, the CPI and PPI up to promote the external force will become weaker. Recently, New York crude price fell to around 80 U.S. dollars. International coal prices last month fell nearly 25%. This means that China's inflation situation, there will be a lot of uncertainty. In April 2008, China's CPI down step by step. Food prices in September there have been rare in the history of the ring than the decline, to a certain extent, this also shows the current power prices are down. On the whole, the inflation situation in the future likely to be repeated and the turn.