Friday, November 28, 2008

China has independently developed ARJ21-700 passenger plane made a successful maiden flight

Western speculation that China first large aircraft for military strategy to build the Air Force
Since the China-made large aircraft to spread the news, some Western media speculation for no reason China will be the first large aircraft with military applications on the grounds that the last large-scale development of the aircraft are "military-first after the people." Whether or not the arguments can not stand the test at least reflect the large military aircraft in a prominent position in the field of aviation. Committed to the strategy of building the country's air force, to obtain and maintain a large military aircraft research and development of production systems is a key indicator.
Putin: Russia ready to cooperate with China to implement the "large aircraft"
Putin at the Third Russian-Chinese economic forum on the business summit statement said: "Civil Aviation in the manufacture of the existence of substantial potential for cooperation. We know that the implementation of China 'large aircraft' project. We are prepared to cooperate in this In line with our strategic cooperation between the two countries and the level of the scale. "
100 China-made large aircraft dream to set sail in the 21st century
From 1908 to set up a Chinese Feng as the first aircraft manufacturing company, in 2007 the State Council approved the principle of large aircraft development of major science and technology special project officially, the formation of large passenger aircraft joint-stock companies, China's dream of the plane, a glider has a full 100 years.
At a State Council executive meeting, Wen pointed out that "the implementation of large-scale development of major science and technology special aircraft, is a complicated systematic project. Must be fully aware of the enormity of the task, may be fully estimated the difficulties and risks to indomitable Determination and will to persevere in efforts to complete this glorious historical mission. "
China's first self-made aircraft, has a completely independent intellectual property rights, a new type of turbofan regional jet ARJ21-700 aircraft at 12:20 on the 28th for the first time it flew up into the blue sky Xu.
On the same day, Chinese commercial aircraft Co., Ltd. Shanghai flight test aircraft manufacturing fine weather station, cloud. Reporters on the scene saw the aircraft fly light, graceful flight attitude.
ARJ21-700 aircraft project in April 2002 by China's State Council officially approved, in December 2007 the first aircraft assembly line in Shanghai. Before the first flight, ARJ21-700 regional jet of the new user has access to 208 Chinese and foreign orders.
U.S. companies will buy 25 Chinese-made large aircraft value 5,000,000,000 yuan
A U.S. company signed with China to buy 25 new China-made large extension of the ARJ21-700 aircraft, the total value of 5,000,000,000 yuan, which was among the first countries in Europe and the United States entered the Great China plane.
美国公司将购买25架中国产大飞机 价值50亿元

西方猜测中国大飞机首先用于军事 建战略空军
大飞机百年国产梦 21世纪重新启航

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