Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Analysis of the election: the 12 battleground states of the United States will set the success or failure of Aomai

According to Reuters, November 4 U.S. presidential election will be the result of the 12 states decided on the battlefield. Most polls show that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama in these battleground states of support for leading his Republican rival John McCain. Obama in all polls across the country are leading McCain. According to Reuters and Zogby poll released today, Obama in eight key battleground states in the five states leading McCain. In the most talked about Florida and Ohio, Obama leading McCain in Florida by one percentage point, leading McCain in Ohio of a percentage point, but the lead in the polls 4.1 percentage point margin of error. Obama in Virginia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, lead to some more, McCain is in Indiana, North Carolina lead. Missouri, two in the election is about the same. The following are some of the battleground states have electoral votes, the results of the presidential election in 2004, the latest election details: Colorado: 9 electoral votes in person, Bush in 2004 to 52% more than 47 percent of the state's advantage in the victory over Kerry, but then, the Democrats in the state legislature and the governor's election. The four latest polls show Obama leading 4-7 percentage points between. Florida: 27 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 52% more than 47 percent of the state's advantage in the victory over Kerry. Florida is a classic swing state, and those older voters and Jewish voters may vote for McCain. Two of today's poll showed Obama leading edge of a percentage point and 3, while another said the poll, Obama leading McCain by 1 percentage point. Indiana: 11 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 20 percent edge in the state of the Kerry defeat, this state since 1964 has been voted for Republican candidates, but Obama and his home state of Illinois is Near, Obama in the Democratic primary in the state has invested considerable resources. Reuters / Zogby poll today showed McCain leading Obama 5 percentage points, although the previous two polls show the support of about the same rate. Missouri: 11 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 53% more than 46% of the state's advantage in the victory over Kerry, his victory should be attributed to urban and rural conservative voters. In Missouri, for the election appeared to be the most intense competition, today carried out two opinion polls show the two candidates about the same rating. New Hampshire: 4 electoral votes, Kerry in 2004 by a percentage point advantage in the state to defeat Bush. McCain in 2000 and 2008 in the New Hampshire primaries have a huge advantage to win, which he hopes to win the state. The Democratic Party in 2006 won the state's two seats in Congress, and took control of the state legislature. Carried out last Sunday's poll, Obama leading 11 points. New Mexico: 5 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to less than 6000 votes at the edge of victory over Kerry in the state. Due to McCain from neighboring Arizona, New Mexico voters are very familiar with McCain, but he and Obama have to compete for Hispanic voters, New Mexico, more than 40 percent of residents are Hispanic. The latest poll showed Obama leading by 10 percentage points. Nevada: 5 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 20,000 vote advantage in the state to defeat Kerry. Republican presidential candidate in the last 10 presidential elections won in the 8th. And New Mexico, Hispanic voters will play a key role in position, the number of Hispanics accounted for almost one-fourth of the population in the state. Reuters / Zogby poll today showed that Obama lead of 11 percentage points. North Carolina: 15 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 12 percent edge in the state defeated Kerry, despite Kerry's running mate John Edwards from that state. The state for more than one-fifth of the population is black, moved to a large number of the state's high-tech-intensive urban areas so that Obama had a chance. The two latest polls show the two men about the same rate of support, a poll said McCain leading by 1 percentage point, another poll said Obama leading by one percentage point. Ohio: 20 electoral votes to Bush's 120,000 vote advantage in the state defeated Kerry in order to win the 2004 election. No Republican presidential candidate who lost in Ohio's case can still win the White House. McCain lost in the state's case will be difficult to win. Reuters / Zogby poll today showed Obama to 2 percentage points of the lead, which seems to be a very intense campaign. Pennsylvania: 21 electoral votes, Kerry in 2004 to 51% to 48% advantage in the state to defeat Bush, McCain hopes to win the state. The two latest opinion polls show that Obama's lead of 9 percentage points and 10 percentage points. Virginia: 13 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 9 percentage point advantage with relative ease to win the state, Virginia, since 1964, has been voted for the Republican presidential candidate, but Virginia in recent state elections have been Democrats tend to, in the northern suburbs of Washington, DC, residents of the Democrats tend to have increased significantly. Reuters / Zogby poll today showed Obama leading by 7 percentage points, two recent polls show Obama leading 4 percentage points. Wisconsin: 10 electoral votes, Kerry in 2004 by 11,000 votes to win the advantage, Obama in February in the state's Democratic primary in a very big advantage of the defeat Hillary, in which he State support for McCain has been leading. Three recent polls show that Obama's lead is 10, 11 and 16 percentage points.

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