Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama is a presidential vote in theory exceed 270

November 1 and 2 for the U.S. presidential election before the arrival of the final polling day last weekend. The two parties of the Democratic and Republican presidential candidate Barack Obama and John McCain, the pre-war mobilization, criticize one another, and in person battlefield front-line state ... ... a variety of means to run for the final crucial moment not one less. As of 2 poll showed that Obama may be at least 290 electoral votes, President-elect more than the required 270. Finally, mobilization Near the end of the mobilization is essential. Aomai both during the election campaign called on supporters to vote. The difference is that Obama side highly motivated, encouraged by supporters of the "wind" forward, big bang. McCain is intended to boost the morale of the party, still hope to tell people to win, not to be discouraged. U.S. media on October 31 published an opinion poll showed that Obama supporters all the more emotional high, and McCain fans are more depressed. Obvious advantages Obama's confidence from the poll. The Associated Press and Yahoo News published on the 1st joint poll showed that 51 percent to Obama's support for McCain leading by 8 percentage points. However, the Reuters poll 3, and other institutions to carry out the survey, McCain gradually narrow the gap. The same was announced on the 1st of the results of the poll to Obama on McCain's lead is set at 5%. McCain insisted that regard, the gap between the two at this stage, however 4%. This poll is usually only a little more margin of error. 1 Obama campaign in Missouri, was asked on whether or not worry about poll narrowing the gap. He replied: "I have never been worried about polls, I should be worried about polls?" This year a total of more than 30 U.S. states and opening up ahead of the vote, the survey shows that there are already 24% of voters said that the completion of the vote ahead of time. According to the "Washington Post" and ABC (ABC) local time on the 2nd common to a poll published in early voting has been the voters, 59 percent said they voted for the Democratic Party of Obama, 40% said they had voted for McCain. Is about to go to the voters, 53 percent expressed support for Obama, 44 percent support McCain said. In addition, the possibility of remaining in the turnout, 93% said they had decided to support the target, half of which will not change that decision. Another 7 percent of voters had not yet decided to vote object. An alarming number of votes According to the U.S. electoral law, it is necessary when the president is not a direct public vote to see the results of the elections, but the national electoral votes. 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia a total of 538 electoral votes, and the allocation of electoral votes each state linked to the number of the population, most of California has reached 55. As the 48 U.S. states "to win the state's general election will be the state's electoral votes to win" policy. According to the current poll data, both general election vote, or conversion from the electoral votes, Obama exceeded two data McCain, in particular the electoral votes of Theoretically access, according to the poll conversion, but also to achieve A 290 - 333 sheets, ultra-elected president needed 270 (538 half of the total number of votes) standard. 2000 presidential election, Al Gore with 48.32 percent of the general election votes more than Bush's 47.99 percent; Gore, but only 267 electoral votes, Bush had 271, resulting in anti-Bush as president.


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