Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The new U.S. president will face major economic challenges 5

According to the U.S. NBC TV reported on November 3, now the U.S. presidential election of the new competition has entered the white-hot, but whether McCain is the Republican candidate or the Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama was elected as its new president on the road to recovery The U.S. economy is their top priority.
To talk about the economy and in person is a huge difference between the practice. No matter the success of McCain or Obama was elected 44th president of the United States they will face a difficult task. New York investment adviser cabin - a consultancy Hill (Chapin Hill Advisors), president of Casey - Boyle said: "No matter who is elected, in the next two years have been faced with the embarrassing situation in which voters throwing eggs. If you pay I 3,000,000,000,000 U.S. dollars a year salary, I do not want to do the job the president. "
For the current economic difficulties, economic experts believe that the new presidential term from five to face the challenges of the economic level, at the same time the need to ensure that voters are being dealt with a number of things.
1, the formulation of widely accepted economic plan
Washington, DC Links investment advisers, President Peter - Thanos said: "First of all, the new president must be able to come up with a population of the United States generally accepted economic plan and began to restore public confidence in the market. This is a very obvious Work. "Prior to that, in his book Thanos had" at the end of prosperity, "a book of high taxes will destroy the U.S. economy was on the point of view.
A lack of general support for the economic plan led to the U.S. government can not prevent the crisis from the collapse of the financial system infrastructure to the economic system spread. In market supervision and monetary policies, uphold the free market philosophy of Republicans and Democrats are convinced that interventionism of the conflict and contradiction between the culmination. Despite the final outcome of the struggle is the introduction of a huge rescue package, but banks do not want to use the government's equity investment loan activities. Thanos said: "We will not be the end of the free market, what we have done is for us to understand the freedom to put an end to capitalism. We will introduce new regulatory policies to ensure that the capital will not lose control." Against Thanos Illinois senator's economic plan put forward that the economy will be hindered the development of modern capitalism.
Thanos for Obama's supporters, Obama said he has been since John F. Kennedy, he supported the first Democratic presidential candidate. However, Thanos warned that Obama, if elected, Obama's economic policies require the active participation of the Republican Party.
2, to restore confidence and trust
Most market analysts believe that Wall Street shares for at least the end of the election after a modest rebound. They hope that the emotional changes in the economy could bring about some role in the promotion.
In order to achieve this change, the new president must be from the very beginning it is necessary to show people that he has to make a turn for the better economy. Swiss Re (Swiss Re), chief economist Kurt - Karl said: "The crux of the issue is trust and confidence, which in fact does not need too much to pay a high price.'s New president needs to be done with the Minister of Finance, the United States Federal Reserve Chairman together to ensure that we can tide over their current difficulties. "
Carr said the two presidential candidates have been discussed in the U.S. global role, the new president needs to be done is the world's attention will be focused on policies to address this issue. He said: "Today, the issue of a global problem, we need to compete with our major partners together to work together in order to enhance confidence in and benefit from it. Cooperation and effective measures only part of the solution, the other is to restore confidence and trust. To restore confidence and trust do not need too much capital investment, is more psychological change. "
Thanos forecast new president will usher in a new era, the new president will likely have enough power to reverse the people's sentiments. He said: "I think to put an end to the harsh economic times, people will burst forth with great enthusiasm."
3, to adjust the housing market and the banking sector
The new president faces other challenges if it is to help bail out the banking industry. Despite the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates sharply several times trying to restore the bank's lending activities between, but these initiatives did not succeed. Today, the 1980s-to-deposit loans crisis in the emergence of another wave of bank failures large-scale outbreak.
At the same time, housing owners did not escape the bad luck, every day thousands of people into the loss of foreclosures in the process of the law.
The new president will have to be cautious in the end, he should consider the extent to which financial institutions to help and how to help those in housing values or face foreclosure of the housing plight of the owner.
Nomura Securities chief economist in New York, David - leisler said: "I think the challenge will be to design the financial regulatory system restructuring program to improve supervision to prevent such disasters from happening. This will be a long and careful process . My worry is that people may think that the new president will be rapid introduction of the program, and that for a long time brewing a waste of time. "
At the same time, troubled home owners will be required in order to help alleviate the heavy mortgage. Today, the two presidential candidates have talked about the mortgage issue, the Republican candidate John McCain suggested that the Government should take steps to acquire non-performing loans. Leisler said that to deal with any economic problems, a very important role in the long-term policy of prudent plan could lead to more deterioration of the situation.
4, the challenge of raising taxes
Heard in the Democratic Party proposal to the well-off Americans to increase the standard tax, Obama supporters will be any concern.
In this economic environment for any tax increase will be the market observers were almost unanimous in opposition. Now, Obama has already hinted that high-income groups to increase their earnings and assets in the social security tax is very possible.
Thanos said: "Frankly, I do not want to raise taxes. Because in the current economic environment, any form of tax increase would be a disaster."
At present, the headache problem is that trillions of dollars of the federal budget deficit. Swiss Re's Karl said, in fact, the new president will have to seriously consider how to reduce business taxes to stimulate economic growth. Now before a new president before a new question is how will the federal budget deficit dropped below the danger level at the same time reduce the tax burden.
Corbin - Casey Hill, president of consultants - Boyle said: "We have 1,000,000,000,000 U.S. dollars of deficit, how are we going to pay? This is a very difficult problem. How to increase the tax a specific group of people is not the case As a further slowdown in the economy? I think this is not an easy task. "
5, patience
U.S. patience is a lack of political quality, but in the coming days will be of particular importance. Karl said that the remodeling of confidence and trust will take time, Congress and the president will take time to find out an effective solution to the problem of economic policy. Thanos said that the United States on the need for financial assistance to carry out fine-tuning and analysis of the effective functioning of the part.
谈论经济和亲身实践是有着天壤之别的。无论麦凯恩还是奥巴马成功当选美国第44届总统他们都将面临一个艰巨的任务。纽约投资顾问公司卡宾-希尔顾问公司(Chapin Hill Advisors)总裁凯西-波义耳称:“无论谁当选,在今后的两年时间内都面临被选民扔鸡蛋的难堪局面。如果你付我一年3万亿美元薪水,我也不愿意干总统这个差事。”
塔诺斯称:“我们不会结束自由市场,我们所做的是为我们理解的自由资本主义划上句号。我们将出台新的监管政策以确保资本不会再失去监管。 ”塔诺斯反对伊利诺斯州参议员提出的经济计划,认为这一经济计划将阻碍当代资本主义的发展。
为了实现这个变化,新总统必须要从一开始就要向民众显示他有办法使经济出现好转。瑞士再保险(Swiss Re)的首席经济学家库尔特-卡尔称:“问题的关键是信任和信心,这实际上并不需要付出过多的代价。新总统需要做的是与财政部长、美联储主席一起确保我们能够度过目前的难关。”

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