Friday, November 14, 2008

Obama push Congress to pass 50,000,000,000 U.S. dollars plan to save car

Beijing time on November 13 on the evening news, informed sources said Thursday that the U.S. president-elect Barack Obama (Barack Obama) is pushing Congress to approve a year of up to 50,000,000,000 U.S. dollars scheme to save the cash-strapped U.S. Automobile manufacturers, and requested the appointment of one of its senior leaders or those of the Council's supervision.
Obama's economic advisers believe that if the National Assembly as soon as possible, not to provide financial support for General Motors, the company will have to be in the next year by the end of January ago filed for bankruptcy protection. If Congress does not auto manufacturers to provide nearly 500 billion dollars to save money, then Obama will be the summer of next year to address the matter again.
Sources said that former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker (Paul Volcker) and the former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers (Lawrence Summers) to Obama that the U.S. car manufacturer is now urgently needed cash.
Congress may have to be spending next week to take relevant measures. However, it is necessary to adopt such a costly plan, Obama needs to be President Bush's support, in part because the Democratic Party does not have sufficient voting power to force Congress to approve the plan. In addition, Obama also needs to be Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin, and other automobile manufacturers state government support.
Is not yet finalized the problem is that the auto industry plans to save most of the money will come from the Ministry of Finance has 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars of financial rescue plan, or to use the new funds.
Obama has made a decision in January next year officially became President of the United States, he will not participate in any discussion of the policy-making, but how to save themselves into the GM talks is the only exception.
According to an anonymous Obama's Council of Economic Advisers said the president-elect also hope that the Federal Reserve can expand the object of an emergency loan to General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. He said that if the three companies bankrupt, then the auto parts manufacturers, distributors and suppliers will also collapse of the U.S. economy to bring more heavy blow.
Economic forecasting company IHS Global Insight Inc.'s Global chief economist Nariman Behravesh Man Beila (Nariman Behravesh), said: "The size of the automotive industry, too, must not allow its bankruptcy. Obama that the Government can wait until next year To solve other problems, but on this issue as soon as possible, they must take action. "
北京时间11月13日晚消息,知情人士周四称,美国当选总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)正推动国会今年批准一项最高达500亿美元的计划,目的是拯救现金短缺的美国汽车生产商,并要求其指定一名高级领导人或一个理事会对这些公司进行监管。
有消息人士称,美联储前主席保罗·沃克尔(Paul Volcker)和前财政部长劳伦斯·萨默斯(Lawrence Summers)向奥巴马表示,美国汽车生产商目前正急需现金。
经济预测公司IHS Global Insight Inc.的首席全球经济学家纳里曼·贝拉维什(Nariman Behravesh)称:“汽车业规模太大了,一定不能听任其破产。奥巴马政府可以等到明年才去解决其他问题,但在这一问题上他们必须尽快采取行动。”

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