Monday, November 3, 2008

Oba, Mamaikaien results in a number of key states will be hard to distinguish

4, the United States will hold presidential election vote. According to the U.S. Cable News Network (CNN) recently released a zero margin of error "in the poll of polls", Obama's Democratic and Republican John McCain of two candidates in Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida and four " Battleground state "remains inextricably linked butyl. In particular, Missouri, has become a typical "copper objects being thrown from a decision of victory or defeat," state. According to the "Central News Agency" reported that the poll before the election day, Obama and McCain percent in Missouri, 48 pairs of 48 percent, tied. The outcome will be four per cent of the target has not yet been determined to support the decision of the voters. Missouri has 11 electoral votes, compared with the past tended to support the Republican Party. Bush in the state than the 50.4 percent to 47.1 percent, narrowly defeated Al Gore; in 2004, Bush 53.4 percent to 46.1 percent than that Kerry beat. Obama this year to attack Missouri, the current stalemate in the election, the outcome will be hard to distinguish. In the three other swing states, Obama in the two-state advantage. In Florida, Obama 49 percent to more than 45 percent lead, and another six per cent were undecided. Florida's 27 electoral votes. Bush's previous two election victory in Florida. But in 2000, Bush beat Gore by 537 votes; in 2004 by 52.1 percent than 47.1 percent, to defeat Kerry. In Ohio, Obama 49 percent to more than 45 percent lead, six per cent were undecided. Ohio has 20 electoral votes. Bush in the last two elections were won in Ohio, 50 percent in 2000 to more than 46.4 percent; 51 percent in 2004 to more than 48.5 percent. In Pennsylvania, Obama 51 percent to 44 percent more than the lead five per cent were undecided. Pennsylvania has 21 electoral votes. Bush lost both elections in the former two-time Pennsylvania. Al Gore in 2000 to 50.6 percent than the 46.4 percent won; Kerry in 2004 to 50.8 percent than the 48.6 percent won. CNN is integrated in all major U.S. institutions on the latest poll findings, analysis of a "poll of polls", there is no margin of error.


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