Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Putin called on Obama to give up the missile defense program

According to Agence France-Presse reported that 24 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin called on the U.S. president-elect Barack Obama to give up the deployment of anti-missile systems in Eastern Europe. He warned that Russia would make "adequate response."
Putin in St. Petersburg held a meeting on human rights law, said: "The purpose of this project is aimed at Russia's strategic potential. We can only make a full response. If the United States not to Poland and the Czech Republic to build missile defense facilities, Russia will not take retaliatory measures. So that we can break the dangerous on the European continent, the negative trend. "He warned that if the United States in Poland and the Czech Republic to establish anti-ballistic missile facilities, then it is clear that Europe will be the biggest losers .

Earlier this month, Russia announced that it will close in Poland, Kaliningrad Russia to deploy missiles in Eastern Europe to deal with the United States to deploy anti-missile system, in which Western countries led to panic. Russian President Medvedev said this weekend, even though the Bush administration on the issue of anti-missile system in the position of the "very stubborn," but Obama's position looks "more cautious."
Russia has on many occasions to the United States to deploy anti-missile radar in the Czech Republic, to deploy interceptor missiles in Poland's plan to express our strong opposition to the view that the U.S. anti-missile system in Europe pose a threat to its security. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said last Sunday that the United States plans to make it transparent enough to complete any efforts to dispel Russian concerns. The United States and Russia on this issue is a dispute between the two countries relations in the post-Cold War low is an important factor. Lavrov in Lima, Peru to attend the APEC informal leadership meeting, said: "If the Americans to give up the plan, then the situation will be more than good. If the United States to implement its plan, it should be transparent to take measures to reduce the Russia's fear. Only in the United States to give up the deployment of anti-missile systems in Eastern Europe, initiated the establishment of a joint missile defense system, we will be completely at ease. "

Medvedev also said that the Russian military of the United States to implement the electronic radar suppression. However, Russian leaders have said they do not want the anti-missile systems in Russia and the United States on the issue of differences lead to long-term deterioration of relations between Russia and the United States, or even a new cold war. Meidejiefu the hope that Obama will be able to improve the relations between Russia and the United States. He said last week in Washington that Russia will not be the first deployment of a missile.
Obama will be held next year on January 20 inauguration, he has not yet on whether to continue the outgoing Bush administration's missile defense system plans to make a formal speech.

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