Tuesday, November 4, 2008

U.S. Treasury to consider a wider range of equity finance company

The Wall Street Journal "Tuesday quoted informed sources said, 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars in aid received after the initial success, the U.S. Treasury Department is considering more relief funds for the acquisition of larger financial stake in the company, not just limited to banks and Insurance companies.
The source said the above, the Ministry of Finance is the focus of attention for the broader economy in the area of financing companies, including General Electric Company (General Electric Co.)'s GE Capital (GE Capital), CIT Group and other companies.
Relief funds may be used to expand the scope of the Ministry of Finance showed rescue plan for the first time since September has gone through great changes. Treasury Secretary Paulson (Henry Paulson) was first announced a comprehensive plan to buy financial institutions in the hands of mortgage-backed securities, such as the sale of hard assets.
Paulson in Washington on assets acquired in a statement the program because of delays in the implementation, together with the multi been criticized Paulson's plan has not yet begun to run. Informed sources said the Ministry of Finance may give up the early part of the plan - through the auction process to buy assets - to replace the direct purchase of non-performing assets.
In the Ministry of Finance initially allowed to use the 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars, officials set aside shares for the acquisition of 2,500 million. Ministry of Finance has a number of 163,000,000,000 U.S. dollars into the banks, including Goldman Sachs Group (Goldman Sachs Group), Bank of America (Bank of America Corp.), And so some of the nation's largest bank. The planned acquisition of the assets of this spending will likely increase, but the exact amount is still unknown.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Finance • Jennifer Zuccarelli (Jennifer Zuccarelli) that we are considering a number of enhanced financial system, plans to resume lending activities are carried out many trade-offs, but has not yet made a decision.
Ministry of Finance plans as a result of Tuesday's election may have become more complex. Paulson has said that the next government wants between now and the period of January to participate in major decision-making related. Republican candidate John McCain and Democratic candidate Barack Obama are 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars to support the rescue plan, but the new government about how best to use the remaining 450,000,000,000 U.S. dollars will certainly be their own ideas.
McCain said he would like most of the funds will be used to purchase mortgages. Obama supports the acquisition of non-performing assets and equity. Both called for acceptance of funds injected by the Government's introduction of more stringent restrictions.
上述知情人士说,财政部关注的焦点是为较广泛经济领域提供融资的公司,包括通用电气公司(General Electric Co.)旗下的通用金融(GE Capital)、CIT Group以及其他一些公司。
救助基金使用范围可能扩大显示出财政部救助计划自9月份首次提出以来已经历了很大变化。财政部长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)最初宣布了一项综合计划,收购金融机构手中的抵押贷款支持证券等难以出售的资产。
在财政部最初获准使用的7000亿美元中,官员们为收购股权留出了2,500亿美元。财政部已向一批银行注入1,630亿美元,其中包括高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group)、美国银行(Bank of America Corp.)等美国最大的一些银行。资产收购计划中的这项开支可能还会增加,但具体数额还不得而知。
财政部发言人詹尼弗•祖卡雷利(Jennifer Zuccarelli)说,我们在考虑许多增强金融体系、恢复贷款活动的计划,正进行多方权衡,但尚未做出决定。

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