Tuesday, November 4, 2008

U.S. presidential election results of the voting will be announced on the 5th

This comprehensive report, local time, on November 4, the U.S. presidential election on polling day official from the New Hampshire began, Obama sharply to lead the first stop of success. After that, in the eastern part of New York, Virginia, states such as Ohio voters have begun voting in succession. Voting results will be released one after another on the 5th Beijing. Ohio provisional Obama leading McCain dominated Georgia U.S. elections key swing states of Ohio and urgent election, the latest polling shows that Obama is currently leading a small, but certainly not enough to Obama to win. Ohio as a result of the "Curse of Ohio," particularly critical. Since 1860 • Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected president, Republican presidential candidate, once lost, Ohio, with no chance of the White House; in the past 11 presidential elections, Ohio has won the last of the candidates have entered the White House. In Virginia, voting to break the record number of voters waiting to go early to vote, said that the swing voters to vote in the last minute before deciding who to vote for. At the same time, more than 2,000,000 of Georgia voters have been voting. Based on current data, McCain temporary advantage. Reuters and Zogby on November 4 issued a joint opinion poll showed that 8 in the key states, the candidate of the Democratic Party's support for Obama in 5 states leading Republican presidential candidate John McCain. Reuters and Zogby polls were done showed that Obama across the country may have to be the leading McCain 11 percent, while Sunday's poll lead 7 percentage points. Telephone survey margin of error of about 2.9 percentage points. Their candidates to vote Obama at 4 am local time, came to Chicago constituency, the family accompanied the completion of the activities of the vote. When Obama took the vote into the ballot box, his wife, Michelle, and two daughters in his side. Obama voted with his daughter Youyueyouxiao, easy performance. At the same time, the Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Biden of Delaware in Wilmington Tatenaer in the vicinity of schools have participated in the election. In addition, U.S. Republican presidential candidate John McCain Perrin and its partner in their home for their own cast a vote. Perrin said that after the completion of the vote wake up hope, have been elected Vice-President of the United States. It is reported that Perrin will immediately fly to Phoenix, Arizona, McCain together with the results wait for the announcement. State of the voters on polling day full of long lines Virginia and other regions have emerged one after another machine failure, as well as insufficient allocation of voting machines and other issues, residents lined led to the waiting trailers ease the voting process. In New York, not in accordance with the provisions of a number of polling stations in time for the 6:00 opening of the voters, because not enough voting machines and staff. In New Jersey, machine failure is also the problem exists, the relevant person in charge said that maintenance workers had been sent for repair, I believe that these problems will soon vote on the plane to return to normal. Foreign reporters the United States into World War Media Reporters from all over the world have crowded into the United States, the United States on the 4th interview at the historic general election, showed the world the U.S. presidential election, an unprecedented concern. The Democratic Party's campaign team in Chicago, Obama's campaign headquarters in 1500 issued a permit reporters to interview the ballot Night Reporter, this is the 47-year-old Illinois senator's camp. As the media preference for the candidates of African descent, together with his substantial lead in polls of Republican rival John McCain, most of the reporters have to choose in Chicago, rather than McCain's headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. 5, the results will be released 18:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing time at 7:00 on the 5th): Indiana, Kentucky, and in most parts of the eastern part of the end of the first to vote. However, the results of the elections as early as possible in an hour before being released. 19:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing time at 8:00 on the 5th): Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont and Virginia, all of the end of the vote, when election results will be announced the beginning. U.S. Eastern Time 7:30 p.m. (Beijing time at 8:30 on the 5th): North Carolina, Ohio, and the end of the vote. 20:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing time at 9:00 on the 5th): 15 states and Washington the end of voting, "election night," entered the climax. The main concern of which 4 states: Missouri, Florida, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. At the same time, Obama and his deputy, Biden's home state of Illinois and Delaware will be the end of the vote. 21:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing at 10:00 on the 5th): there are more than 10 states vote in the end, this is Obama or McCain got the winning 270 electoral votes at the earliest possible time. 22:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing at 11:00 on the 5th): The last batch of key state vote in the end, including Nevada and Montana. 23:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing at 12:00 on the 5th): Barring unforeseen circumstances, Idaho would go to McCain. The California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington, this 4 "blue state" for Obama will be 77 electoral votes. To this point, if Obama in key states to win a majority, he will be the basic assurance of success. Eastern Time at 1:00 on the 5th (at 14:00 on on the 5th Beijing time): the end of the Alaska vote, election day polling closed all. As a Republican vice presidential candidate Perrin's home state, McCain would increase the state's last three electoral votes. U.S. presidential elections in the implementation of the Electoral College system. Whether Obama or John McCain, who was the country's 50 states and Washington, DC A total of 538 electoral votes, more than half (at least 270) to be elected.
俄亥俄州奥巴马暂领先 佐治亚州麦凯恩占优势
投票日状况百出 选民排长队
外国记者涌入美国 展开媒体大战

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