Tuesday, November 25, 2008

NASA will launch a new Jupiter probe

NASA announced on the 24th, will be launched in August 2011 a new Jupiter probe, "Juneau", which took an in-depth exploration of Jupiter.
U.S. space agency said, "Juno" by the U.S. Lockheed - Martin Corporation to build, under the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in charge of running the entire mission. It is estimated that in 2016, "Juno" are expected to arrive around Jupiter running on the track. It can be about a year running 32 laps around Jupiter, through its exploration, scientists hope to understand this giant planet Jupiter's formation, evolution and structure.
"Juno" project chief scientist Scott Bolton 24 in a press release said that Jupiter formed very early, catch the sun and leave behind the formation of interstellar material left behind by many, the giant planets of the solar system called the "original model . " He said: "Earth, Jupiter's large mass makes it able to retain the original composition, which provides us with a history of the solar system the way back."
Jupiter from the sun more than 640,000,000 km, the distance between the sun and the earth is 5 times. Despite so far away from the sun, "Juno" power supply system is still designed in the form of solar panel power supply, so it's very high energy efficiency design requirements.
"Juno" before, the United States in 1989 specifically to detect the launch of Jupiter's "Galileo" probe, was a great deal of data about Jupiter's survey. "Galileo" was in September 2003 in accordance with the procedure in the crash of Jupiter.
"Juno" NASA is "Frontiers" plan to implement the second exploration projects. The first is the January 2006 launch of the "New Vision" probe, which now also fly to Pluto on the way.

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