Monday, December 1, 2008

China-EU Summit decided to postpone shocked Europe

In the light of French President Nicolas Sarkozy insisted on meeting with the Dalai Lama, the Chinese government on November 27 to meet with the leaders of China and the EU to postpone the move "dumbfound" in Europe. Exclaimed issued by the foreign media in recent days, saying "the tense Sino-French relations" and students are worried about the atmosphere of the business has spread all over Europe.
Chinese leaders of the European dumbfound
Britain, "The Guardian" on November 27 reported that China canceled the summit, "dumbfound the leaders of Europe." Reported that China's move against Sarkozy is a blow to Sarkozy is seeking to cut and polish into a "world leader" and "crisis manager", "The cancellation means that the 11 years between China and the EU annual summit Can not be held for the first time. " Special reports with the position of the EU policy Euractiv news site on the 27th is "the abolition of Beijing China-EU summit in Brussels collapsed," the title of Europe, summed up the shock.
East China Institute of Germany experts on grid Nissin said in the past Chinese policies are always low-key, moderate, and even some "playing with unpredictable" and the "firm and clear-cut stand of refusing to" show China's Tibet and the Dalai Lama issue in the Europe's position in the relationship even more clear, more hard-line.
France depends on whether the meeting
French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Nov. 13 that will be on December 6 visit to Poland when meeting with the Dalai Lama. In view of this, the Chinese obliged to Nov. 27 announced that the leaders of China and the EU to postpone the meeting. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang on the 27th, said: "Tibet issue concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, involving China's core interests. The Chinese Government and people resolutely oppose the Dalai Lama in any name in the international community to engage in activities of splitting China, Resolutely oppose any form of foreign leaders in order to make contact with the Dalai Lama. This position is clear and consistent, and it is firm. Involving China's core interests on the issue, involving China's sovereignty and territorial integrity principle, The Chinese side has made all the necessary response. "
Qin Gang said: "The 11th China-EU Summit to be held, depending on the current EU presidency when the French side to take practical measures for meeting the need to create favorable conditions and atmosphere."
The French side did not respond positively to
In the EU 27, said: "The EU decision on China's attention, and expressed regret. EU for the 11th EU-China summit set ambitious goals. EU and China will continue to push forward the strategic cooperative partnership Especially in the current global economic and financial conditions, shall be required to work closely with Europe and China. "
According to German media reports on the 28th, "by the European Parliament's invitation to the Dalai Lama will be held next Thursday (December 4) at the European Parliament speech." However, because of Belgium's Flemish parliament, the Liberal Party lawmakers opposed to 12 4 on the invitation to the Dalai Lama Parliamentary hall, the Belgian parliament canceled the original plan.
But the French side did not respond positively, but at 27 was canceled at the same time held the fifth EU-China economic summit, due to the "host France to continue to do this, we think, is inappropriate for the meeting."
British think tank "open Europe" Europe's policy analyst Hugo Robinson 27 to accept the "Global Times" reporter said that China's tough stance on Europe is a strong warning that "undermine China's interests can not To pay the price ", which forced the Europeans had to consider the future China may also have a similar move by hard-line response. However, it seems, is the most embarrassing Sarkozy, the 26 other EU member states for most of the president's personal behavior brought about by the EU's overall economic development and the negative effects of exasperation.
Economists worry that trade relations
In Europe over the "alarming" outstanding, the Chinese news media also defer to the Airbus aircraft procurement agreement. But Airbus said that 27 companies, the company is still on the Chinese side obtain billions of dollars worth of aircraft orders have confidence.
28, German media reported that the abolition of France Central European economic summit, the move elicited criticism of the European economic circles. The European Commission Economic and Monetary Affairs Joaquin Almunia by the French television channel Canal + said: "It is regrettable, because the EU is China's basic partners in the EU is China's basic partners." Almunia was Will also attend the China-EU Summit.
Britain's "Financial Times" reported on the 28th, also known as the French business leaders are worried that a new tension between the Sino-French relations may hurt the commercial interests of France, but they said there is no indication that commercial interests immediately affected.

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