Monday, December 8, 2008

France hopes to continue to work with China to maintain dialogue and strategic partnership

French Foreign Ministry spokesman said on the 8th Chevalier, France and China hope to maintain dialogue and strategic partnership.
Chevalier in the day held a regular press briefing to answer a reporter's question, said: "We have recently summoned the Chinese ambassador to France, reiterated that France hoped that through dialogue, mutual trust and respect for the spirit of the law remain between the two countries EU-China dialogue and strategic partnership. "
December 6, the French president, Sarkozy holds the rotating EU presidency in Poland with a separate meeting with the Dalai Lama. 7 evening, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei was ordered to France summoned the ambassador to China and the Soviet Union, Sarkozy met with the Dalai Lama made solemn representations. He pointed out that Asia and Africa, President Sarkozy despite strong opposition from the Chinese people and China's repeated solemn representations, insisted on by the President of France and the European Union rotating presidency of the dual role of the Dalai Lama met, and grossly interfere in China's internal affairs and has seriously damaged China's core interests, serious injury The feelings of the Chinese people and undermined Sino-French and the political foundation of Sino-EU relations, the Chinese government expresses its firm opposition and strong protests. He Yafei said that the law demands that we can to the overall relations between the two countries and two peoples interest at heart, the real importance of China's solemn stance and legitimate concerns, fully aware of the Dalai Lama met with President Sarkozy on bilateral relations and Sino-EU relations caused by Damage in the Tibet issue and take practical actions to correct the error.

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