Friday, November 28, 2008

China has independently developed ARJ21-700 passenger plane made a successful maiden flight

Western speculation that China first large aircraft for military strategy to build the Air Force
Since the China-made large aircraft to spread the news, some Western media speculation for no reason China will be the first large aircraft with military applications on the grounds that the last large-scale development of the aircraft are "military-first after the people." Whether or not the arguments can not stand the test at least reflect the large military aircraft in a prominent position in the field of aviation. Committed to the strategy of building the country's air force, to obtain and maintain a large military aircraft research and development of production systems is a key indicator.
Putin: Russia ready to cooperate with China to implement the "large aircraft"
Putin at the Third Russian-Chinese economic forum on the business summit statement said: "Civil Aviation in the manufacture of the existence of substantial potential for cooperation. We know that the implementation of China 'large aircraft' project. We are prepared to cooperate in this In line with our strategic cooperation between the two countries and the level of the scale. "
100 China-made large aircraft dream to set sail in the 21st century
From 1908 to set up a Chinese Feng as the first aircraft manufacturing company, in 2007 the State Council approved the principle of large aircraft development of major science and technology special project officially, the formation of large passenger aircraft joint-stock companies, China's dream of the plane, a glider has a full 100 years.
At a State Council executive meeting, Wen pointed out that "the implementation of large-scale development of major science and technology special aircraft, is a complicated systematic project. Must be fully aware of the enormity of the task, may be fully estimated the difficulties and risks to indomitable Determination and will to persevere in efforts to complete this glorious historical mission. "
China's first self-made aircraft, has a completely independent intellectual property rights, a new type of turbofan regional jet ARJ21-700 aircraft at 12:20 on the 28th for the first time it flew up into the blue sky Xu.
On the same day, Chinese commercial aircraft Co., Ltd. Shanghai flight test aircraft manufacturing fine weather station, cloud. Reporters on the scene saw the aircraft fly light, graceful flight attitude.
ARJ21-700 aircraft project in April 2002 by China's State Council officially approved, in December 2007 the first aircraft assembly line in Shanghai. Before the first flight, ARJ21-700 regional jet of the new user has access to 208 Chinese and foreign orders.
U.S. companies will buy 25 Chinese-made large aircraft value 5,000,000,000 yuan
A U.S. company signed with China to buy 25 new China-made large extension of the ARJ21-700 aircraft, the total value of 5,000,000,000 yuan, which was among the first countries in Europe and the United States entered the Great China plane.
美国公司将购买25架中国产大飞机 价值50亿元

西方猜测中国大飞机首先用于军事 建战略空军
大飞机百年国产梦 21世纪重新启航

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Putin called on Obama to give up the missile defense program

According to Agence France-Presse reported that 24 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin called on the U.S. president-elect Barack Obama to give up the deployment of anti-missile systems in Eastern Europe. He warned that Russia would make "adequate response."
Putin in St. Petersburg held a meeting on human rights law, said: "The purpose of this project is aimed at Russia's strategic potential. We can only make a full response. If the United States not to Poland and the Czech Republic to build missile defense facilities, Russia will not take retaliatory measures. So that we can break the dangerous on the European continent, the negative trend. "He warned that if the United States in Poland and the Czech Republic to establish anti-ballistic missile facilities, then it is clear that Europe will be the biggest losers .

Earlier this month, Russia announced that it will close in Poland, Kaliningrad Russia to deploy missiles in Eastern Europe to deal with the United States to deploy anti-missile system, in which Western countries led to panic. Russian President Medvedev said this weekend, even though the Bush administration on the issue of anti-missile system in the position of the "very stubborn," but Obama's position looks "more cautious."
Russia has on many occasions to the United States to deploy anti-missile radar in the Czech Republic, to deploy interceptor missiles in Poland's plan to express our strong opposition to the view that the U.S. anti-missile system in Europe pose a threat to its security. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said last Sunday that the United States plans to make it transparent enough to complete any efforts to dispel Russian concerns. The United States and Russia on this issue is a dispute between the two countries relations in the post-Cold War low is an important factor. Lavrov in Lima, Peru to attend the APEC informal leadership meeting, said: "If the Americans to give up the plan, then the situation will be more than good. If the United States to implement its plan, it should be transparent to take measures to reduce the Russia's fear. Only in the United States to give up the deployment of anti-missile systems in Eastern Europe, initiated the establishment of a joint missile defense system, we will be completely at ease. "

Medvedev also said that the Russian military of the United States to implement the electronic radar suppression. However, Russian leaders have said they do not want the anti-missile systems in Russia and the United States on the issue of differences lead to long-term deterioration of relations between Russia and the United States, or even a new cold war. Meidejiefu the hope that Obama will be able to improve the relations between Russia and the United States. He said last week in Washington that Russia will not be the first deployment of a missile.
Obama will be held next year on January 20 inauguration, he has not yet on whether to continue the outgoing Bush administration's missile defense system plans to make a formal speech.

NASA will launch a new Jupiter probe

NASA announced on the 24th, will be launched in August 2011 a new Jupiter probe, "Juneau", which took an in-depth exploration of Jupiter.
U.S. space agency said, "Juno" by the U.S. Lockheed - Martin Corporation to build, under the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in charge of running the entire mission. It is estimated that in 2016, "Juno" are expected to arrive around Jupiter running on the track. It can be about a year running 32 laps around Jupiter, through its exploration, scientists hope to understand this giant planet Jupiter's formation, evolution and structure.
"Juno" project chief scientist Scott Bolton 24 in a press release said that Jupiter formed very early, catch the sun and leave behind the formation of interstellar material left behind by many, the giant planets of the solar system called the "original model . " He said: "Earth, Jupiter's large mass makes it able to retain the original composition, which provides us with a history of the solar system the way back."
Jupiter from the sun more than 640,000,000 km, the distance between the sun and the earth is 5 times. Despite so far away from the sun, "Juno" power supply system is still designed in the form of solar panel power supply, so it's very high energy efficiency design requirements.
"Juno" before, the United States in 1989 specifically to detect the launch of Jupiter's "Galileo" probe, was a great deal of data about Jupiter's survey. "Galileo" was in September 2003 in accordance with the procedure in the crash of Jupiter.
"Juno" NASA is "Frontiers" plan to implement the second exploration projects. The first is the January 2006 launch of the "New Vision" probe, which now also fly to Pluto on the way.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Shanghai Business School, a fire broke out, 4 girls, 6th Floor, plunged to her death

2271 Zhongshan West Road, Shanghai Business School women's dormitory floor, a fire broke out this morning, and there are 4 dead girls
Shanghai business school hostel fire
November 14, the fire was the scene of the fire investigation
November 14, the Shanghai Business School students in the school door anxiously call
6:12, 2271 Zhongshan West Road, Shanghai Business School XuHui Campus dormitory fire, 602 of the 4 girls dormitory room as a result of too much pyrotechnics, in order to escape, leaped from the balcony, at the scene by emergency personnel to identify 120, 4 per person died on the spot. The fire area of 20 square meters or so too far, not affected the surrounding bedroom. At present, the cause of the fire is under investigation.
At about 9 am, reporters rushed to the school, the school is still holding the door warning line. Teaching building, can be seen everywhere, dressed in pajamas and slippers to wear the students, they are evacuated after the fire broke out of this. The students dignified magic, leaned with each other, talking in a low voice with just the accident occurred, teachers from time to time over a few words to comfort you. At this point, leading to the dormitory building of the road still can not enter.
9:30, an open dormitory, in the rest of the ladder in the classroom the students back to the bedroom changing clothes according to the order, get some belongings and then go home. Reporters follow the students into the building. This is a 7-floor dormitory of the school district is the only dormitory, with a wet corridor, the more follow up, the more concentrated flavor of coke, the fire came to the floor, 6, within the walls of the corridor was dark Xunde pyrotechnics, wires Chuila low in the sky. The fire broke out in Room 602 next door and a few are still unable to enter the bedroom, the fire investigation is, they are far away from the dormitory fire has not been affected, the students were changing clothes inside. See the fire from the ground floor of the bedroom, the room windows have been burned completely deformed.
4 bedroom floor, a few of the students just talk about the attack. At that time, we are sound asleep, and suddenly heard a knock at the door to the administrator, "out soon! Go fast! On fire!" The students get up from bed, holding a wallet, cell phone and ran down the stairs. At this point, east of the 602 bedroom balcony there is billowing black smoke continued to emerge, after a while, the smoke turned into a raging fire, arm, "Pi crackling black" burst of sound. 4 bedroom where the girls constantly on the balcony for help, "they heard shouting 'help me', then a person and say, 'I want to come off', we ask the following, 'Do not jump Do not jump', but has Too late, only to hear 'Dong Dong' twice. "Girls who recalled. At the same time, thick smoke spread to the entire floor, 6, all out the window, next to 601 the number of female students in the dormitory balcony have cried together. Fire officers and men in the efforts of these girls finally rescued by security.
As for the cause of the fire, students without a spread between the official confirmed that the argument is this: the bedroom of a total of 6 girls, were in circulation School of Economics University students. Last night in the bedroom may have been used to direct folder-end hair and bedroom power after 11 o'clock, but she forgot pull the plug, 6:00 electricity, placed in the bed of hair-rising and eventually ignited bedding. After the fire broke out, 2 girls with a toilet water basin to the fire, when they return to the holding basin at the entrance to the bedroom and found the fire had been up big, they get two, there's also a roommate 4 Do not come.
These finished, the bedroom where the girls were silent, for a long time, one of them said: "This is a lesson to us." They all nodded in agreement. 6 from the floor all the way down, the reporter was obviously dormitory building a heavy atmosphere, some of the students are to call their families and friends are safe, there are linked with each other hand, go down quietly, a female companion on: "I wanted to Go home as soon as possible. "

China will be lifted next year fee for temporary residence permits, and other charges 100

National Development and Reform Commission announced on the 14th, the Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance decided on January 1, 2009, to cancel or stop the demolition of urban housing management fees, temporary residence permits (cards) fee for the new food resources to apply for review fees 100 administrative fees and charges in order to push forward the reform of administrative fees to promote administration according to law and effectively reduce the burden on business and society, to maintain stable and rapid economic development.
Development and Reform Commission said that the two sectors of the national central departments and units and administrative service fees, a comprehensive clean-up. To stop or cancel the charges, mainly fee for a certificate, the registration fee and review of the administrative fees charges involving 30 departments.
The two departments request to cancel or stop these charges, the relevant departments and units in accordance with the law or carry out administrative functions required for the issuance of licenses will be funded by the budget at the same level to be protected. Various regions and departments out of the project and announced the abolition of fees and stop collecting the fees similar to all be abolished; announced the abolition of the charge and stop the charges may not be any reason to delay or refuse to implement, not to To operate and service charges such as fees to continue in disguise.
At present, temporary residence permits charge
According to regulations, public security organs of the floating population for temporary residence permits, charge 5 yuan fee for unity, there is no any other fees.


Yao Zhi round belly Michelle Reis outstanding at any time?

Hsu soon became too much of Michelle Reis, specially the night before last and meet the future Hengheng old grandmother and enjoy the fun of Shanghai dishes to be a good daughter-in-law. Only recently, Linda's lower abdomen Yangzunchuyou highly visible, every step the way Hengheng also strained arm, his wife Hu Jia next to the skin for the future.
Michelle Reis had been intended to reveal to Jinhengtianding Xu, soon became too many of her long ago, it came specially to keep a close watch on the British women, and even a few days ago and went to Heng Heng Xu Jia Dazhai in the future with the old wedding details and talked to his grandmother, Linda also fuss Handbags to cover belly, it appears that two years is not surprising that at any time Grand Promenade.
Yao Zhi round convex-convex belly
The night before last two Grand Promenade, similar to the future of the old grandmother and go to dinner, Wan Chai, Linda seems very anxious to learn to be a good daughter-in-law. At about four in the afternoon the day before yesterday, Xu Jin Heng first seven-seat white car to pick her Xianggui Da Jiaxin, but both are staying at home for almost three hours before departure, and at seven o'clock in Wan Chai to a Shanghai Hotel. Linda to get off the even more carefully, as a result of earlier reports of tension and weight of her marriage on the day not only radiant, more time to get off her round Yaozhi clear convex-convex belly, and when the camera reporter Linda immediately pull more clothes, Also frequently with the purple belly Balenciaga cover brand-name handbags.
Sweet Honey leaned Hengheng
The pair then further to shop, see Linda reporters kept taking pictures of color also looked embarrassed, that is, seeing this Hengheng Ten closely throughout the next bear dragged his wife, Linda, when the next steps when Hengheng for more tension She Hu Jia. Grand Promenade and two in the near future to the next old grandmother and then also arrived at the scene.
The group stayed at the hotel to ten o'clock at night before leaving, Linda was asked when the wedding, she laughed and not answer when asked if she would double that she leaned Heng Heng Tian Mi Mi, the two men then headed straight back to Xianggui.
Linda reported that a call manager of Chen, Chuan said that Linda pregnant, he said: "I would not be able to answer this question, she did not tell me this message."

Hu Jintao Leaves Beijing to attend the summit and the APEC finance meeting to visit four countries

November 14, U.S. President George W. Bush, President Garcia of Peru, Costa Rica President Arias, Cuban President Raul Castro and President of the Council of Ministers, the invitation of Greek President Karolos Papoulias, President Hu Jintao, 14 On the afternoon left Beijing by special plane to attend in Washington, held the leaders of the Group of Twenty financial markets and the world economic summit, held in Lima, Peru, the 16th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation informal leadership meeting, and Costa Rica, Cuba, Peru, a state visit to Greece.
President Hu Jintao, accompanied on the visit are: President Hu Jintao's wife Liu Yongqing, Vice Premier Wang Qishan, secretary of the CPC Central Committee Secretariat, the General Office of the Director of the Central Committee to plan, secretary of the CPC Central Committee, the Central Policy Research Office Wang Huning, State Councilor Dai Bingguo, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Minister of Finance Xie Xuren, Minister of Commerce Chen Deming, the National Development and Reform Commission Zhu Zhixin, deputy director of the People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan and Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Li, Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei, Vice Minister of Commerce Yi Xiaozhun, President Hu Jintao's Office Chen Shiju and Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Jieyi first-class.

Eurostat announced that the euro-zone economy into recession for the first time

According to Eurostat on November 14 announced figures show that the 15 euro-zone economy this year, again in the third quarter of negative growth, which mark the formal entry into the euro-zone economic recession, but also for the first time in the euro zone economy into recession. Eurostat said that by the Asian financial crisis and the impact of declining demand in the euro zone economy in the second and third quarter are showing negative growth of 0.2 percent. Typically, the economy contracted for two quarters of negative economic growth shows that the recession.
With the same period last year, the euro zone this year, the second and third quarter economic growth rate of 1.4 percent and 0.8 percent.
Figures also showed that the 27 countries comprising the European Union economy in Eastern Europe due to the economic growth has not yet entered into a recession, but in the second quarter after zero growth in the third quarter, there have been a negative growth of 0.2 percent.

The main Asia-Pacific stock markets rose across the board Friday or limited care

November 14, the U.S. stock market rebounded boost last night, the major indexes in the Asia-Pacific stock markets rose across the board Friday, but the weekend before the cautious attitude limits the increase.
Japan's Nikkei stock closed up 2.7 percent, the newspaper 8462.39 points, ending three consecutive days, a total of more than 9% decline.
Australian stock market also rose 1.4 percent. BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto led, but bank stocks dragged down the market set to leave early high point.
South Korean stocks closed flat, trading at one time under the leader in shipbuilding shares rose 3.8 percent, but Samsung Electronics and other large technology stocks plunge after taking up listed out in full.
Before the stock market closed, the Hong Kong stock market to the latest Hang Seng Index rose 2.72 percent; Indonesia's Jakarta Composite Index rose more than 1%, Singapore Straits Times Index rose 1.26 percent.
Analysts said the stock market in Asia is still facing the global economic slowdown and corporate earnings concerns, and so on.
However, there is a market that the negative impact of the financial crisis is gradually digested by the leaders of the G-20 meeting would launch the world's financial system is conducive to stability.

Obama push Congress to pass 50,000,000,000 U.S. dollars plan to save car

Beijing time on November 13 on the evening news, informed sources said Thursday that the U.S. president-elect Barack Obama (Barack Obama) is pushing Congress to approve a year of up to 50,000,000,000 U.S. dollars scheme to save the cash-strapped U.S. Automobile manufacturers, and requested the appointment of one of its senior leaders or those of the Council's supervision.
Obama's economic advisers believe that if the National Assembly as soon as possible, not to provide financial support for General Motors, the company will have to be in the next year by the end of January ago filed for bankruptcy protection. If Congress does not auto manufacturers to provide nearly 500 billion dollars to save money, then Obama will be the summer of next year to address the matter again.
Sources said that former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker (Paul Volcker) and the former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers (Lawrence Summers) to Obama that the U.S. car manufacturer is now urgently needed cash.
Congress may have to be spending next week to take relevant measures. However, it is necessary to adopt such a costly plan, Obama needs to be President Bush's support, in part because the Democratic Party does not have sufficient voting power to force Congress to approve the plan. In addition, Obama also needs to be Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin, and other automobile manufacturers state government support.
Is not yet finalized the problem is that the auto industry plans to save most of the money will come from the Ministry of Finance has 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars of financial rescue plan, or to use the new funds.
Obama has made a decision in January next year officially became President of the United States, he will not participate in any discussion of the policy-making, but how to save themselves into the GM talks is the only exception.
According to an anonymous Obama's Council of Economic Advisers said the president-elect also hope that the Federal Reserve can expand the object of an emergency loan to General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. He said that if the three companies bankrupt, then the auto parts manufacturers, distributors and suppliers will also collapse of the U.S. economy to bring more heavy blow.
Economic forecasting company IHS Global Insight Inc.'s Global chief economist Nariman Behravesh Man Beila (Nariman Behravesh), said: "The size of the automotive industry, too, must not allow its bankruptcy. Obama that the Government can wait until next year To solve other problems, but on this issue as soon as possible, they must take action. "
北京时间11月13日晚消息,知情人士周四称,美国当选总统巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)正推动国会今年批准一项最高达500亿美元的计划,目的是拯救现金短缺的美国汽车生产商,并要求其指定一名高级领导人或一个理事会对这些公司进行监管。
有消息人士称,美联储前主席保罗·沃克尔(Paul Volcker)和前财政部长劳伦斯·萨默斯(Lawrence Summers)向奥巴马表示,美国汽车生产商目前正急需现金。
经济预测公司IHS Global Insight Inc.的首席全球经济学家纳里曼·贝拉维什(Nariman Behravesh)称:“汽车业规模太大了,一定不能听任其破产。奥巴马政府可以等到明年才去解决其他问题,但在这一问题上他们必须尽快采取行动。”

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rockets 94-82 Sun,McGrady single vested with the full 15 minutes

Beijing time on November 13, NBA regular season rocket away the sun. With the outstanding performance of Tracy McGrady, Rockets finally overcome a crushing defeat to the Lakers on the shadow to 94-82 victory over the Sun. Section III Tracy McGrady had 15 points, scored 27 points contribution and 5 rebounds. In a crushing defeat to the Lakers, the team encouraged to come forward Ron Artest, but this is only on the mouth. Tracy McGrady and just the opposite, encouraging his teammates to lead the team.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

China's central bank made: new loans this year exceed 4 trillion

The central bank made: new loans this year exceed 4 trillion
Economic data released in October, the central bank's monetary policy to adjust the pace of the next will be the end result is what has caused great concern in the market. Yesterday, the head of the central bank on how to implement appropriate monetary policy stance specific. The most noteworthy are two points, first, the central bank is expected to add this year RMB loans will be more than 4,000,000,000,000 yuan, the central bank said it would be "flexible to adjust the benchmark interest rate, the deposit reserve ratio, and other monetary policy tools."
Since the mid-9, the central bank has cut interest rates three times, twice to lower bank deposit reserve ratio. Asia Credit Suisse Group Chief Economist Dong Tao, an analyst issued a research report, the central bank to stop lending to the bank's control, the central bank show that is taking more aggressive measures to stabilize economic growth, and this year is estimated that the amount of new money will be increased to 4 trillion Million. The report is expected next year will be the size of new loans rose to 4.6 trillion yuan, that is, since 2004 the most generous limits. The bank board to determine the value of the investment, industry experts believe that the key to having to cut interest rates to see whether the rate cut is asymmetric, is whether the deposit and loan interest margin to reduce the interest rate cuts. If the deposit and loan interest margin reduction, the bank in terms of performance there are also negative factors. 央行表态:今年新增贷款将超4万亿

US-Iraqi forces on the streets Rush

Iraq's Interior Ministry said on the 12th, one Iraqi soldier on the same day as a result of a dispute with the U.S. soldiers, shot and killed 2 American soldiers and injuring 6 people.
Speaking on condition of anonymity said the Ministry of the Interior, the afternoon, when the Iraqi army and U.S. forces in the northern city of Mosul when a joint patrol, a soldier in the Iraqi army and U.S. soldiers opened fire after a dispute, killing 2 And injuring 6 people.
It was also in Mosul, a local officer in charge of security affairs, said the Iraqi soldiers in a dispute which has been fighting U.S. troops in the face, then opened fire, then he was also shot dead U.S. soldiers.
The U.S. military in Iraq said in a statement, 2 soldiers were attacked and light weapons killed and 6 others were injured. Initial investigations showed that the attacker was an Iraqi soldier has been killed. The U.S. military did not disclose the details of the incident.

Shanghai police helicopters in the air training

After nearly two years of preparation, Shanghai public security organs of the first police helicopter will be held in Shanghai recently started flying the blue sky and the Youth Pre-employment. Reporters learned from the Shanghai police, 12, 1200, two police helicopters at the Pudong International Airport in Shanghai for the first time the training flight over.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama supporters to celebrate winning the presidential election

U.S. presidential election results, Obama has won enough electoral votes (270 votes), made the current U.S. presidential election victory. He will become the first black U.S. president. The photo shows Obama's supporters celebrate victory


Exit polls show young voters prefer Obama

U.S. media carried out by the early exit polls showed that the U.S. is more inclined to support the young Obama, in which black and Hispanic young people in the majority.


Bush, French President Sarkozy to Congratulates Obama was elected new president

According to Reuters, U.S. President George W. Bush to call Obama, elected to congratulate the new president of the United States.

French President Sarkozy to congratulate Obama to win the U.S. presidential election.


Shenyang Public Security Bureau held a parade to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the URA

Nov. 3, the Shenyang City Public Security Bureau for the 60th anniversary of the URA, the parade was held. Nearly 2,000 people to 40 teams, all police took part in the ceremony. The parade demonstrated the Shenyang Public Security to combat crime, anti-terrorism a powerful force.


McCain make a phone called Obama to congratulate his election as the new president of the United States

McCain make a phone called Obama to congratulate his election as the new president of the United States. According to media reports, McCain has just called Obama, elected to congratulate the new president of the United States.
U.S. Republican presidential candidate McCain admitted defeat in the presidential election, Democratic rival Barack Obama to congratulate the winner.
McCain delivered a speech on Obama to congratulate This comprehensive report, 4 on the evening local time, McCain delivered a speech, Obama was to congratulate the U.S. presidential election victory. McCain said the election will go down in history
麦凯恩打电话给奥巴马 恭喜其当选美国新任总统 根据国外媒体报道,麦凯恩刚刚打电话给奥巴马,恭喜其当选美国新任总统。
麦凯恩发表演讲 对奥巴马表示祝贺 当地时间4日晚,麦凯恩发表演讲,祝贺奥巴马获得美总统大选胜利。麦凯恩称此次大选将载入史册

Obama has received 297 votes in the United States was elected the next president

Obama has received 297 votes in the United States was elected the next president According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has received 297 Electoral College votes, was elected the next president of the United States, to become history the first black president of the United States. McCain received 142 votes in the Electoral College

奥巴马已获得297票 当选美国下一任总统 据英国广播公司(BBC)报道,民主党总统候选人奥巴马已经获得297个选举人团票,当选美国下一任总统,成为美国历史上首位黑人总统。麦凯恩获得142张选举人团票

Analysis of the election: the 12 battleground states of the United States will set the success or failure of Aomai

According to Reuters, November 4 U.S. presidential election will be the result of the 12 states decided on the battlefield. Most polls show that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama in these battleground states of support for leading his Republican rival John McCain. Obama in all polls across the country are leading McCain. According to Reuters and Zogby poll released today, Obama in eight key battleground states in the five states leading McCain. In the most talked about Florida and Ohio, Obama leading McCain in Florida by one percentage point, leading McCain in Ohio of a percentage point, but the lead in the polls 4.1 percentage point margin of error. Obama in Virginia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, lead to some more, McCain is in Indiana, North Carolina lead. Missouri, two in the election is about the same. The following are some of the battleground states have electoral votes, the results of the presidential election in 2004, the latest election details: Colorado: 9 electoral votes in person, Bush in 2004 to 52% more than 47 percent of the state's advantage in the victory over Kerry, but then, the Democrats in the state legislature and the governor's election. The four latest polls show Obama leading 4-7 percentage points between. Florida: 27 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 52% more than 47 percent of the state's advantage in the victory over Kerry. Florida is a classic swing state, and those older voters and Jewish voters may vote for McCain. Two of today's poll showed Obama leading edge of a percentage point and 3, while another said the poll, Obama leading McCain by 1 percentage point. Indiana: 11 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 20 percent edge in the state of the Kerry defeat, this state since 1964 has been voted for Republican candidates, but Obama and his home state of Illinois is Near, Obama in the Democratic primary in the state has invested considerable resources. Reuters / Zogby poll today showed McCain leading Obama 5 percentage points, although the previous two polls show the support of about the same rate. Missouri: 11 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 53% more than 46% of the state's advantage in the victory over Kerry, his victory should be attributed to urban and rural conservative voters. In Missouri, for the election appeared to be the most intense competition, today carried out two opinion polls show the two candidates about the same rating. New Hampshire: 4 electoral votes, Kerry in 2004 by a percentage point advantage in the state to defeat Bush. McCain in 2000 and 2008 in the New Hampshire primaries have a huge advantage to win, which he hopes to win the state. The Democratic Party in 2006 won the state's two seats in Congress, and took control of the state legislature. Carried out last Sunday's poll, Obama leading 11 points. New Mexico: 5 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to less than 6000 votes at the edge of victory over Kerry in the state. Due to McCain from neighboring Arizona, New Mexico voters are very familiar with McCain, but he and Obama have to compete for Hispanic voters, New Mexico, more than 40 percent of residents are Hispanic. The latest poll showed Obama leading by 10 percentage points. Nevada: 5 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 20,000 vote advantage in the state to defeat Kerry. Republican presidential candidate in the last 10 presidential elections won in the 8th. And New Mexico, Hispanic voters will play a key role in position, the number of Hispanics accounted for almost one-fourth of the population in the state. Reuters / Zogby poll today showed that Obama lead of 11 percentage points. North Carolina: 15 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 12 percent edge in the state defeated Kerry, despite Kerry's running mate John Edwards from that state. The state for more than one-fifth of the population is black, moved to a large number of the state's high-tech-intensive urban areas so that Obama had a chance. The two latest polls show the two men about the same rate of support, a poll said McCain leading by 1 percentage point, another poll said Obama leading by one percentage point. Ohio: 20 electoral votes to Bush's 120,000 vote advantage in the state defeated Kerry in order to win the 2004 election. No Republican presidential candidate who lost in Ohio's case can still win the White House. McCain lost in the state's case will be difficult to win. Reuters / Zogby poll today showed Obama to 2 percentage points of the lead, which seems to be a very intense campaign. Pennsylvania: 21 electoral votes, Kerry in 2004 to 51% to 48% advantage in the state to defeat Bush, McCain hopes to win the state. The two latest opinion polls show that Obama's lead of 9 percentage points and 10 percentage points. Virginia: 13 electoral votes, Bush in 2004 to 9 percentage point advantage with relative ease to win the state, Virginia, since 1964, has been voted for the Republican presidential candidate, but Virginia in recent state elections have been Democrats tend to, in the northern suburbs of Washington, DC, residents of the Democrats tend to have increased significantly. Reuters / Zogby poll today showed Obama leading by 7 percentage points, two recent polls show Obama leading 4 percentage points. Wisconsin: 10 electoral votes, Kerry in 2004 by 11,000 votes to win the advantage, Obama in February in the state's Democratic primary in a very big advantage of the defeat Hillary, in which he State support for McCain has been leading. Three recent polls show that Obama's lead is 10, 11 and 16 percentage points.

North Carolina's campaign volunteers will collect the ballot papers into ballot equipment

Georgia voters to vote in the use of voting machines

A Texas man in the voting for help

Pittsburgh's voting machines

Virginia, Massachusetts and a number of polling stations used in voting machines

Tennessee voters use Diebold voting machine company

In Philadelphia, two technicians to monitor this year's general election voting machines in use. These machines for the first time the use of touch-sc

California voters had the privilege of the use of roadside fast voting equipment

Florida technicians will sample ballot into the voting machine scanning equipment

New York's rich are still using this old-fashioned voting machines (left), and Ohio are using the latest machines (right).

U.S. presidential election results of the voting will be announced on the 5th

This comprehensive report, local time, on November 4, the U.S. presidential election on polling day official from the New Hampshire began, Obama sharply to lead the first stop of success. After that, in the eastern part of New York, Virginia, states such as Ohio voters have begun voting in succession. Voting results will be released one after another on the 5th Beijing. Ohio provisional Obama leading McCain dominated Georgia U.S. elections key swing states of Ohio and urgent election, the latest polling shows that Obama is currently leading a small, but certainly not enough to Obama to win. Ohio as a result of the "Curse of Ohio," particularly critical. Since 1860 • Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected president, Republican presidential candidate, once lost, Ohio, with no chance of the White House; in the past 11 presidential elections, Ohio has won the last of the candidates have entered the White House. In Virginia, voting to break the record number of voters waiting to go early to vote, said that the swing voters to vote in the last minute before deciding who to vote for. At the same time, more than 2,000,000 of Georgia voters have been voting. Based on current data, McCain temporary advantage. Reuters and Zogby on November 4 issued a joint opinion poll showed that 8 in the key states, the candidate of the Democratic Party's support for Obama in 5 states leading Republican presidential candidate John McCain. Reuters and Zogby polls were done showed that Obama across the country may have to be the leading McCain 11 percent, while Sunday's poll lead 7 percentage points. Telephone survey margin of error of about 2.9 percentage points. Their candidates to vote Obama at 4 am local time, came to Chicago constituency, the family accompanied the completion of the activities of the vote. When Obama took the vote into the ballot box, his wife, Michelle, and two daughters in his side. Obama voted with his daughter Youyueyouxiao, easy performance. At the same time, the Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Biden of Delaware in Wilmington Tatenaer in the vicinity of schools have participated in the election. In addition, U.S. Republican presidential candidate John McCain Perrin and its partner in their home for their own cast a vote. Perrin said that after the completion of the vote wake up hope, have been elected Vice-President of the United States. It is reported that Perrin will immediately fly to Phoenix, Arizona, McCain together with the results wait for the announcement. State of the voters on polling day full of long lines Virginia and other regions have emerged one after another machine failure, as well as insufficient allocation of voting machines and other issues, residents lined led to the waiting trailers ease the voting process. In New York, not in accordance with the provisions of a number of polling stations in time for the 6:00 opening of the voters, because not enough voting machines and staff. In New Jersey, machine failure is also the problem exists, the relevant person in charge said that maintenance workers had been sent for repair, I believe that these problems will soon vote on the plane to return to normal. Foreign reporters the United States into World War Media Reporters from all over the world have crowded into the United States, the United States on the 4th interview at the historic general election, showed the world the U.S. presidential election, an unprecedented concern. The Democratic Party's campaign team in Chicago, Obama's campaign headquarters in 1500 issued a permit reporters to interview the ballot Night Reporter, this is the 47-year-old Illinois senator's camp. As the media preference for the candidates of African descent, together with his substantial lead in polls of Republican rival John McCain, most of the reporters have to choose in Chicago, rather than McCain's headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. 5, the results will be released 18:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing time at 7:00 on the 5th): Indiana, Kentucky, and in most parts of the eastern part of the end of the first to vote. However, the results of the elections as early as possible in an hour before being released. 19:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing time at 8:00 on the 5th): Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont and Virginia, all of the end of the vote, when election results will be announced the beginning. U.S. Eastern Time 7:30 p.m. (Beijing time at 8:30 on the 5th): North Carolina, Ohio, and the end of the vote. 20:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing time at 9:00 on the 5th): 15 states and Washington the end of voting, "election night," entered the climax. The main concern of which 4 states: Missouri, Florida, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire. At the same time, Obama and his deputy, Biden's home state of Illinois and Delaware will be the end of the vote. 21:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing at 10:00 on the 5th): there are more than 10 states vote in the end, this is Obama or McCain got the winning 270 electoral votes at the earliest possible time. 22:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing at 11:00 on the 5th): The last batch of key state vote in the end, including Nevada and Montana. 23:00 U.S. Eastern Time (Beijing at 12:00 on the 5th): Barring unforeseen circumstances, Idaho would go to McCain. The California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington, this 4 "blue state" for Obama will be 77 electoral votes. To this point, if Obama in key states to win a majority, he will be the basic assurance of success. Eastern Time at 1:00 on the 5th (at 14:00 on on the 5th Beijing time): the end of the Alaska vote, election day polling closed all. As a Republican vice presidential candidate Perrin's home state, McCain would increase the state's last three electoral votes. U.S. presidential elections in the implementation of the Electoral College system. Whether Obama or John McCain, who was the country's 50 states and Washington, DC A total of 538 electoral votes, more than half (at least 270) to be elected.
俄亥俄州奥巴马暂领先 佐治亚州麦凯恩占优势
投票日状况百出 选民排长队
外国记者涌入美国 展开媒体大战

Obama leading McCain 207 votes 141 votes

Obama 207 votes leading McCain 141 votes ,McCain won South Dakota three electoral votes. At present, the vote for Obama leading McCain 141 votes.
奥巴马207票领先麦凯恩141票 麦凯恩赢得南达科他州3张选举人票。目前选票为奥巴马207票领先麦凯恩141票。

2008 U.S. presidential election broadcast

The two U.S. presidential candidates was present electoral votes (by 270 votes to win the election):
Obama 207 votes McCain 135 votes
Obama won the states: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland State, Illinois, New Jersey, Delaware, District of Columbia, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York , Minnesota, Ohio, Rhode Island, New Mexico, Iowa
McCain won the state: Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia State of West Virginia, Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Nebraska, Utah

奥巴马207票 麦凯恩135票
奥巴马获胜州:缅因州、佛蒙特州、新罕布什尔州、马萨诸塞州、康涅狄格州、宾夕法尼亚州、马里兰        州、伊利诺伊州、新泽西州、特拉华州、哥伦比亚特区、威斯康星州、密歇根州、纽约        州、明尼苏达州、俄亥俄州、罗得岛州、新墨西哥州、艾奥瓦州
麦凯恩获胜州:肯塔基州、南卡罗来纳州、田纳西州、俄克拉荷马州、阿拉巴马州、阿肯色州、佐治亚        州、西弗吉尼亚州、德克萨斯州、路易斯安那州、乔治亚州、内布拉斯加州、犹他州

U.S. stocks hit 24-year general election on the largest increase

New York 4, the stock market hit a 24-year U.S. presidential election on the largest gains, all three major indexes rose more than 3%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose more than 300 points. In the U.S. presidential election, the performance of listed companies by better than expected, the credit market to further improve the situation, as well as more financial assistance to companies such as the Ministry of Finance to stimulate the news, with U.S. stock futures market drastically.
As of the close (5:00 am Beijing time), the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 305.45 points to 9625.28 points, or 3.28 percent. Dow 30 component stocks in a total of 28 stocks rose. AT & T Inc. Rose 6.4 percent. Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 39.45 points to 1005.75 points, or 4.08 percent; Nasdaq composite index rose 53.79 points to 1780.12 points, or 3.12 percent.
U.S. presidential election and the stock market
Jefferies & Co., Chief market analyst Art - Hogan (Art Hogan) said, "The market seems to be that Obama will win the election, the latest opinion polls also support this view." U.S. presidential election has become the focus of the market, the voters will be between Senator Obama and McCain cited a leadership over the next four years, President of the United States. One-third of the seats in the Senate race will also be firmly attract people's attention.
ING economist Rob London - Carnell (Rob Carnell), "From now on, the election of senators and presidential elections as interesting. The next president and the Senate will have to face the cold reality of the economy, the economy will be their In formulating our policies need to give priority to the factor. "
He said that "no matter who eventually became President of the Senate or the U.S. deficit will continue to rise, economic growth will be very weak and the inflation rate will drop to zero or even negative." A number of opinion polls have shown Obama leading edge, "the Wall Street Journal" and NBC News conducted a joint test showed McCain leading Obama than 8 percentage points.
Cantor Fitzgerald market strategist Marc - Padoa (Marc Pado) said, "to remove uncertainty and pessimism in the market is favorable. I think the general election on the most important thing is whether the Democratic Party obtained a majority in the Senate, which stimulate the economy Measures not only the risk of rejection. "
Hogan pointed out that the "Inter-bank Offered Rate has been falling for 17 consecutive days, the credit market that has thawed." Inter-bank Offered Rate has dropped Tuesday on June 9 the lowest level since.
Tomorrow will be released economic data, including the private sector ADP employment report, the Institute for Supply Management's service sector index, as well as crude oil futures last week's data.
The Commerce Department report on U.S. factory orders in September for the second consecutive month decline.
Aspects of stock
Hewlett-Packard fell 1.9 percent.
Analysts disclosure, Google (GOOG) and Yahoo (YHOO) search the subscription business cooperation agreement, which could lead to Microsoft and Yahoo to consider the merger. Google rose 6.4 percent, and Yahoo rose 4.0 percent.
Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) rose 20.7 percent, the company's performance far exceeded the expectations of analysts.
MasterCard (MA) rose 11.8 percent, the company's legal costs after the deduction of profits exceeded market expectations.
The external market
Tokyo stock market reopened after the Nikkei 225 index rose 6.3 percent; Tuesday the major European countries in the stock market, the French CAC-40 (FR: 1804546) index rose 4.6 percent to close at 3691.09 points. German DAX 30 index (DX: 1876534) rose 5% to close at 5278.04 points. UK FTSE 100 index (UK: UKX) rose 4.4 percent to close at 4639.50 points. Morgan Stanley European strategist release of "all-round buy signal."
These strategist pointed out that "we have come to this conclusion is based on the individual investor, procurement managers, analysts, as well as the seller have been desperate, like a track mutual fund outflows reached a new record high, the Institute for Supply Management's index of new orders fell below 40 , And the revised analyst forecasts when the performance of listed companies is very pessimistic. Our view is that if these three people are well aware of the bad news, then this may be that stock prices have to digest the bad influence. "
Australian central bank will cut interest rates by 75 basis points.
Foreign exchange and futures markets
Commodity futures markets and sharply higher across the board, after the dollar hit a new low. Dollar exchange rate strengthened against the Japanese yen, the euro exchange rate fell sharply. As of 2:30 pm EST on Tuesday (Beijing time Wednesday 3:30), the New York Mercantile Exchange, the December crude oil futures up period of 6.62 U.S. dollars to close at 70.53 U.S. dollars / barrel, or 10.4 percent. Today's close-set on October 21 since this is attributable to the sharp decline in the dollar and the United States ushered in the presidential election day.
  截至收盘(北京时间凌晨5:00),道琼斯工业平均指数上涨了305.45点,至9625.28点,涨幅为3.28%。道指30种成份股中共有28只股票上涨。AT&T Inc.上涨了6.4%。标准普尔500指数上涨了39.45点,至1005.75点,涨幅为4.08%;纳斯达克综合指数上涨了53.79点,至1780.12点,涨幅为3.12%。  
  Miller Tabak债券市场策略师托尼-克雷申奇(Tony Crescenzi)表示,“信心是无形的,但我们发现有时信心对于金融市场与经济的正常运转至关重要。奥巴马给予了投资者信心。”  Jefferies & Co. 首席市场分析师阿特-霍根(Art Hogan)表示,“市场似乎已经认定奥巴马将赢得选举,最新的民意测验也支持这一观点。”美国总统大选成为市场焦点,选民将在参议员奥巴马与麦凯恩之间举出一个在未来四年领导美国的总统。对三分之一参议院席位的角逐也将牢牢吸引人们的注意力。
  伦敦ING经济学家罗布-卡内尔(Rob Carnell)表示,“从现在看,参议员的选举与总统选举一样有趣。未来总统与参议员将不得不面对冷酷的经济现实,经济将是他们制定政策时需要优先考虑的因素。”
  Cantor Fitzgerald市场策略师马克-帕多(Marc Pado)表示,“去除不确定性与悲观情绪对市场是有利的。我认为大选日最重要的是民主党能否在参议院取得多数席位,这样经济刺激措施才没有被否决的风险。”
  Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)上涨了20.7%,该公司的业绩远远超出了分析师的预期。
  万事达卡 (MA)上涨了11.8%,该公司扣除诉讼费用后的利润也超出了市场预期。
  东京股市重新开市后,日经225指数暴涨6.3%;周二欧洲各主要国家股市中,法国CAC-40 (FR:1804546)指数上涨4.6%,收于3,691.09点。德国DAX 30指数(DX:1876534)上涨了5%,收于5,278.04点。英国富时100指数(UK:UKX)上涨4.4%,收于4,639.50点。

U.S. Treasury to consider a wider range of equity finance company

The Wall Street Journal "Tuesday quoted informed sources said, 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars in aid received after the initial success, the U.S. Treasury Department is considering more relief funds for the acquisition of larger financial stake in the company, not just limited to banks and Insurance companies.
The source said the above, the Ministry of Finance is the focus of attention for the broader economy in the area of financing companies, including General Electric Company (General Electric Co.)'s GE Capital (GE Capital), CIT Group and other companies.
Relief funds may be used to expand the scope of the Ministry of Finance showed rescue plan for the first time since September has gone through great changes. Treasury Secretary Paulson (Henry Paulson) was first announced a comprehensive plan to buy financial institutions in the hands of mortgage-backed securities, such as the sale of hard assets.
Paulson in Washington on assets acquired in a statement the program because of delays in the implementation, together with the multi been criticized Paulson's plan has not yet begun to run. Informed sources said the Ministry of Finance may give up the early part of the plan - through the auction process to buy assets - to replace the direct purchase of non-performing assets.
In the Ministry of Finance initially allowed to use the 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars, officials set aside shares for the acquisition of 2,500 million. Ministry of Finance has a number of 163,000,000,000 U.S. dollars into the banks, including Goldman Sachs Group (Goldman Sachs Group), Bank of America (Bank of America Corp.), And so some of the nation's largest bank. The planned acquisition of the assets of this spending will likely increase, but the exact amount is still unknown.
A spokesman for the Ministry of Finance • Jennifer Zuccarelli (Jennifer Zuccarelli) that we are considering a number of enhanced financial system, plans to resume lending activities are carried out many trade-offs, but has not yet made a decision.
Ministry of Finance plans as a result of Tuesday's election may have become more complex. Paulson has said that the next government wants between now and the period of January to participate in major decision-making related. Republican candidate John McCain and Democratic candidate Barack Obama are 700,000,000,000 U.S. dollars to support the rescue plan, but the new government about how best to use the remaining 450,000,000,000 U.S. dollars will certainly be their own ideas.
McCain said he would like most of the funds will be used to purchase mortgages. Obama supports the acquisition of non-performing assets and equity. Both called for acceptance of funds injected by the Government's introduction of more stringent restrictions.
上述知情人士说,财政部关注的焦点是为较广泛经济领域提供融资的公司,包括通用电气公司(General Electric Co.)旗下的通用金融(GE Capital)、CIT Group以及其他一些公司。
救助基金使用范围可能扩大显示出财政部救助计划自9月份首次提出以来已经历了很大变化。财政部长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)最初宣布了一项综合计划,收购金融机构手中的抵押贷款支持证券等难以出售的资产。
在财政部最初获准使用的7000亿美元中,官员们为收购股权留出了2,500亿美元。财政部已向一批银行注入1,630亿美元,其中包括高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group)、美国银行(Bank of America Corp.)等美国最大的一些银行。资产收购计划中的这项开支可能还会增加,但具体数额还不得而知。
财政部发言人詹尼弗•祖卡雷利(Jennifer Zuccarelli)说,我们在考虑许多增强金融体系、恢复贷款活动的计划,正进行多方权衡,但尚未做出决定。

Hu Jintao will attend the G-20 summit of the financial and visit four countries

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang announced on the 4th, Chinese President Hu Jintao will attend this month in the second half of the G-20 leaders of the financial markets and the world economic summit, the APEC informal leadership meeting and to visit the four countries.
According to earlier media reports, mainly from the developed and developing countries comprising the G-20 will be held on November 15 in Washington to hold summit to discuss global financial and economic issues.
The summit will deal with the financial crisis in the assessment of the progress made on the financial crisis reached a consensus on the causes and prevention of the recurrence of the crisis on the world financial sector reform reached a set of views on matters of principle. At the same time, the summit will also discuss the financial crisis in emerging economies and developing countries to discuss the issue.
In addition to the G-7 members of the Western United States, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada, the G-20 also includes the European Union, China, Brazil, India, Russia, South Korea, Argentina, Australia, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia , South Africa and Turkey.

China's State Administration of Exchange Control Regulations to prevent new funds focused on flight

Following the early July-to-business trade in goods under the foreign debt registration management, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange ( "Exchange") with effect from this month on the 15th of its external debt management has implemented the registration.
Foreign Exchange Bureau recently issued a notice-to-business trade in goods under the foreign debt registration management issues specific to deploy. Notice that the implementation of this system is "the establishment of a sound external debt statistics to monitor the management system, standardize trade cross-border capital flows and promote balance of international payments."
It is understood that the business trade in goods under the foreign debt, including import and export of the advance payment deferred receivables. Refers to the advance payment of imports of goods and payment date of the contract as early as the import contract or the actual payment date earlier than the date of actual payment of import customs declaration date. Extension refers to the collection of export goods contract later than the date of receipt of export contract or the actual date of receipt date later than the date of the actual exports more than 90 days (not including) the receipt.
In accordance with the notice requirements of the advance payment and extended enterprise receivables management will be implemented to register. Business via the Internet should log on-line services, State Administration of Foreign Exchange trading platform, the management of credit Registration System or to the location of the foreign exchange bureau, and advance payment for delayed collection Create remittance advices for the registration and cancellation procedures.
Foreign Economic and Trade University School of the financial Ding Zhijie, vice president of the view that option at this time point-to-business trade in goods under the foreign debt registration management, its main purpose may be in the context of the financial crisis on capital flows to implement more rigorous monitoring, Increase of speculative capital crackdown to prevent the concentration of capital flight, so as not to cause too much of China's economic impact.
According to the eight or nine months of foreign exchange reserves, China's new foreign trade surplus is less than even the Reserve and foreign direct investment and. Ding Zhijie believe that this description of China's foreign exchange inflows slow down the speed at even the beginning of outflow does not rule out the possibility.
At the same time, notice that the foreign exchange bureau on advance payment of business registration and cancellation of registration to carry out supervision and inspection. Bank in contravention of this notice requirement for advance payment for enterprises to purchase and payment procedures, in accordance with the "management of foreign exchange regulations," the relevant provisions of punishment. In addition, exports registered an extension of the management of foreign exchange since December 1, 2008 since the beginning of the implementation.

EU into recession in the euro zone as a whole to save the city of difficult labor program

The European Commission (European Commission) announced Monday the autumn economic forecasts even more firmly on the European market to determine the economic outlook. The report showed that euro-zone countries have significant signs of a recession at the same time the European Union next year's economic growth will be stalled. However, despite the worsening economic situation, the European Union as a whole has repeatedly put out a program of the city of difficult labor.
To confirm the trend of negative growth
The report forecast that the euro-zone economy in the second quarter from the ring than the emergence of a negative growth of 0.2 percent in the third quarter and fourth quarter will appear a negative growth of 0.1 percent. Two consecutive quarter of negative economic growth, which means that the "economic recession" to set up a technical.
The report shows that in 2008, economic growth in Europe from 2007's 2.9 percent drop sharply by 1.4% in 2009, the EU economy would be stagnant, and only 0.2 percent growth forecast. In 2010, economic recovery is expected, the growth rate might be 1.1%. 15 countries in the euro zone this year's annual economic growth rate is estimated to be 1.2 percent, down from the spring forecast of 1.7 percent; next two years after the euro-zone economic growth will be 0.1 percent and 0.9 percent.
The report also predicted that in 2009 the euro-zone economic powers Germany, France and Italy will see zero growth, Spain will be a negative growth of 0.2 percent. Non-euro-zone economic power of Britain's economy will see negative growth of 1%.
On the other hand, the labor market and public finances will be worse. The report showed that the unemployment rate in the euro zone this year from 7.6% to 8.4% next year and 8.7 percent in 2010; the European Union, the unemployment rate from 7.0 percent this year rose to 7.8 percent next year and 8.1 percent in 2010.
CASS Institute of World Economics and Politics Research Institute of International Finance Zhang Bin, deputy director of the view that the European economic outlook is not optimistic, despite the crisis broke out in Europe compared with action in a timely manner, but the impact in Europe than the United States is not small. Compared with the United States, the European Union market flexibility than the United States, the United States out of the crisis may be far faster than the speed of Europe. "
We need from the EU level to coordinate action to support economic development." EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Joaquin Almunia Chairman of the Committee (Joaquin Almunia) data released at the same time, the EU called on all countries to take concerted action to improve the economy, "Everyone National action is necessary, but if the countries can coordinate their actions, they share the same objectives as well as to discuss the case, such a measure before more effective. "
Euro Group President, the first-Claude Juncker of Luxembourg (Jean-Claude Juncker) said, "We support for a number of specific joint measures to be taken. But the best action at the level of the Group of the euro launch."
Argue "concerted action"
But in the evening of Nov. 3 in the euro zone held 15 monthly meetings, a European Union-wide economic rescue plan has met with opposition from some countries.
Dutch Finance Minister Wouter Bos said publicly, "I do not think the new EU-wide measures are necessary, economic policy is at the heart of national policy. Countries to coordinate economic policy should abide by" the EU stability and growth pact "in the budget rules."
In fact, as the crisis deepened, the European countries to take concerted action on a consensus has been reached, but all countries will accept the measures did not, since birth.
Prior to this, some EU politicians have called for a fiscal stimulus package to help the EU to deal with the economic slowdown. In which French President Sarkozy is the most active participants and advocates. September, Sarkozy proposed by the European Union was to establish a national unity fund to rescue the market, and then in the October 21 proposed the establishment of the Government in the euro zone economy, and called upon France to set up similar funds of national sovereignty.
However, it was Germany's strong opposition. The European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso is also worried about Sarkozy's rescue package, which may adversely affect the independence of the European Central Bank.
Zhang Bin said, "First of all, the European Union by the impact of different countries, different level, if the European Union to take a unified course of action, from the inevitable trade-offs to their respective positions, the program encountered the same resistance is huge; followed by On the countries, every country across the political struggle between the powerful group, which also delayed the reunification of the countries in the program through. Although the use of a unified currency, fiscal policy is independent. "
November 3, Chairman of the Group of the euro, Juncker also denied the EU level, the need for a coherent plan, "we are facing a serious economic situation in the euro area does not need an overall economic stimulus program, it is imperative that all countries To take targeted measures for the short-term growth in demand for public support. "
Dutch Finance Minister Bos confidence to vote for the European Central Bank, "We have a strong European Central Bank (EBC), it is our joint operation of the most perfect body." However, the European Central Bank has also previously as a result of slow response to financial crisis and the war have been criticized. Last month, in response to the global financial crisis, the central bank to cut interest rates a joint operation, the European Central Bank has lowered interest rates by half a percentage point to 3.75 percent.
The bad economic situation may force the European Central Bank to cut interest rates again. Four this week, the ECB's Governing Council will hold a meeting that interest. The market is expected to again cut interest rates half a percentage point.
欧盟委员会(European Commission)周一公布的秋季经济预测报告更加坚定了市场对欧洲经济前景的判断。报告显示,欧元区国家已显衰退迹象,同时明年欧盟经济增长将陷入停滞。但尽管经济形势不断恶化,欧盟整体救市方案却一再难产。
“我们需要从欧盟的层面上协调采取行动来支持经济发展。”欧盟经济和货币事务委员会主席阿尔穆尼亚(Joaquin Almunia)公布数据的同时,呼吁欧盟各国采取一致行动来提升经济,“每个国家采取行动是必要的,但是如果各国能协调行动、目标一致以及共同探讨的话,这样的措施才更加有效。”
欧元集团主席、卢森堡首相容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)也表示,“我们支持针对许多特定部门联合采取措施。但是协调行动最好在欧元国集团层面上展开。”
荷兰财政部长Wouter Bos公开声称,“我不认为新的欧盟范围的措施是必要的,经济政策是国家政策的核心。各国采取经济协调政策应当遵守《欧盟稳定与增长公约》中的预算规则。”