Monday, December 8, 2008

France hopes to continue to work with China to maintain dialogue and strategic partnership

French Foreign Ministry spokesman said on the 8th Chevalier, France and China hope to maintain dialogue and strategic partnership.
Chevalier in the day held a regular press briefing to answer a reporter's question, said: "We have recently summoned the Chinese ambassador to France, reiterated that France hoped that through dialogue, mutual trust and respect for the spirit of the law remain between the two countries EU-China dialogue and strategic partnership. "
December 6, the French president, Sarkozy holds the rotating EU presidency in Poland with a separate meeting with the Dalai Lama. 7 evening, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei was ordered to France summoned the ambassador to China and the Soviet Union, Sarkozy met with the Dalai Lama made solemn representations. He pointed out that Asia and Africa, President Sarkozy despite strong opposition from the Chinese people and China's repeated solemn representations, insisted on by the President of France and the European Union rotating presidency of the dual role of the Dalai Lama met, and grossly interfere in China's internal affairs and has seriously damaged China's core interests, serious injury The feelings of the Chinese people and undermined Sino-French and the political foundation of Sino-EU relations, the Chinese government expresses its firm opposition and strong protests. He Yafei said that the law demands that we can to the overall relations between the two countries and two peoples interest at heart, the real importance of China's solemn stance and legitimate concerns, fully aware of the Dalai Lama met with President Sarkozy on bilateral relations and Sino-EU relations caused by Damage in the Tibet issue and take practical actions to correct the error.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

China strongly protested Sarkozy met with the Dalai Lama, it would damage China-French relations

Sarkozy met with strong protest against the Dalai Lama
Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei 7 on the evening summoned the French ambassador to China and the Soviet Union, to express strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition
Beijing, Dec. 7 - Chinese Vice Foreign Minister He Yafei was ordered to 7 on the evening summoned the French ambassador to China and the Soviet Union, French President Nicolas Sarkozy met with the Dalai Lama a few days ago in Poland made solemn representations.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said in response to a reporter's question, also expressed on this side of the law firm opposition and strong resentment.
Sarkozy create a bad precedent
He Yafei said that on December 6, President Sarkozy despite strong opposition from the Chinese people and China's repeated solemn representations, insisted on by the President of France and the European Union rotating presidency of the dual role of the Dalai Lama met, and grossly interfere in China's internal affairs and seriously damaged the Chinese side Core interests, has severely hurt the feelings of the Chinese people and undermined Sino-French and the political foundation of Sino-EU relations, the Chinese government expresses its firm opposition and strong protests.
President Sarkozy referred to the public as the so-called EU presidency, as well as the obligation to meet with the EU flag at the scene, is the French side of its wrong practice on the European Union, created a bad precedent. These erroneous practices that harm China and France established diplomatic relations 45 years of hard-won political mutual trust and comprehensive cooperation and good prospects for the serious consequences can only be held fully responsible for the French side.
We urge the law in order to relations between the two countries and two peoples interest at heart, the real importance of China's solemn stance and legitimate concerns, fully aware of the Dalai Lama met with President Sarkozy on bilateral relations and Sino-EU relations damage caused, in the Tibet issue and take practical actions to correct the error.
China and France will damage Sino-EU relations
Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao on the 7th Dalai Lama met with the leaders of France on answering a reporter's question said that the French side of the wrong actions and grossly interfere in China's internal affairs, the Chinese government expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition.
Liu pointed out that in the near future, the Chinese side on many occasions to Xiaoyilihai France, China and France in order to request law, the overall situation of Sino-EU relations and properly handle the issue of Tibet, China and France, the normal development of Sino-EU relations to create the necessary atmosphere And conditions. Unfortunately, the leaders of France in relation to China's core interests of the major issues, act on the bilateral relations between China and France may cause serious damage. Happen, it is the Chinese do not want to see, I believe the overwhelming majority is committed to Sino-French, Sino-EU friendship and the cause of all walks of life who does not want to see. The French side should bear full responsibility.
Liu Jianchao said, I would like to reiterate that China has always attached importance to Sino-French relations. China urges France to effectively position the Chinese side attaches great importance and concern to adopt the right approach, and take concrete actions to correct the error so that the Sino-French relations continue to be healthy and stable development.
French leaders should show political wisdom
French President Sarkozy has repeatedly ignored China's patience and the work of the repeated solemn representations, insisted on the 6th flee with the Dalai Lama's visit to Europe to meet this very ill-advised, seriously hurt the feelings of the Chinese people, the Sino-French relations have also caused Damage.
Tibet issue concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, involving China's core interests. The French side, regardless of China's major concerns and the overall situation of Sino-French relations, in the Tibet issue, opportunistic, and the rash appears to be short-sighted.

President Sarkozy's visit to China in August this year, he stressed, as French President General Charles de Gaulle began, France has been to China as an important strategic partner and expressed his further promote bilateral relations. Still ringing in our ears, the French side of the current difficult for people to be convinced.
At present, the Sino-French relations problems of the situation, and the reason is clear that the responsibility does not lie with China. French leaders should be "based on facts and reason" and come up with the political far-sighted wisdom, honored and the overall situation of safeguarding Sino-French relations. Otherwise, the only serious injury of the Chinese people's feelings and undermined Sino-French cooperation between the two countries.
  综合新华社北京12月7日电 中国外交部副部长何亚非7日晚奉命召见法国驻华大使苏和,就法国总统萨科齐日前在波兰会见达赖提出严正交涉。

Saturday, December 6, 2008

France has refused to abolish the Office of the President see the Dalai Lama

On the 5th Dalai Lama's visit to flee to Poland, 6 in a meeting with Sarkozy, France has become a matter of concern to the media.
According to Radio France Internationale reported on the 5th, in the face of the Chinese Government and people strongly protest the French presidential palace on Friday Sarkozy has met with the Dalai Lama issued a statement saying China and France share common interests, common needs to maintain good relations . Elysee Palace but still stubbornly refused to give up Sarkozy's meeting with the Dalai Lama, said the argument that this is not a special meeting, Sarkozy met with the Dalai Lama met with just as the presence of other Nobel Peace Prize winner the same. When talking about China's anger, as well as trade relations between the two sides may be damaged, the French presidential palace said in a statement that the French are feeling calm, but the French side will try to narrow the meeting.
The article also said the former Polish president Lech Walesa on Friday met with the Dalai Lama, talked wildly once again, if he actually alleging in Tibet, and to work with the (Chinese government) struggle with the Dalai Lama with inciting anti-China sentiment.

Japanese survey shows 66% of the non-Chinese goodwill

According to Kyodo News reported that the Cabinet Office on the 6th of Foreign Affairs issued a public opinion survey, "China has a favorable impression" of the Japanese than last year's survey dropped 2.2 percentage points to 31.8 percent recorded since the survey began in 1978 to the lowest point. Answered "not good" while last year increased by 3.1 percentage points to 66.6 percent to reach all-time high. Although the two countries are "strategic reciprocity" to improve relations, while Japan's general public goodwill toward China has not increased by degrees. The view was expressed that his background is in Japan occurred in the China-made dumplings causing poisoning and other Chinese food safety.
There are 71.9 percent of the respondents think Japan-China relations are "good", in the last survey by 3.9 percentage points, also the highest in history. That the relationship between "good" decreased to 2.7 percentage points to 23.7 percent.
China's degree of goodwill in 1980 reached a peak 78.6 percent has been in decline in 2005 occurred in China, "the anti-Japanese demonstrations," the survey for 32.4 percent, while the survey once again hit a new low.
In addition, the relationship between Japan and the United States that "bad" also increased 7.7 percentage points to 28.1 percent, since 1998, the highest since the survey that the relationship between "good" decreased 7.4 percentage points to 68.9 percent, also hit a new low.
The view was expressed that the United States on October 11 from North Korea announced that it would "support terror" list, which is seen as resulting decline in evaluation of the relationship between Japan and the United States. In addition the United States from the financial crisis caused by the deterioration of the economy in the world economy, but also public opinion is against Japan-US relations have had a negative impact.
Japanese are most concerned about North Korea's abduction of Japanese citizens is a problem (88.1 percent), followed by the nuclear issue (69.9 percent), the missile issue (51.5 percent), the political system (41.2%) and the issue of North Korea refugees (40.4 percent).
For the international community that Japan should play a role in 66.5 percent of people considered to be the "solution to the environment, global warming and other global problems," 51.8 percent of people considered "humanitarian aid, including the settlement of regional disputes, as well as disarmament, nuclear non - Such as the spread of world peace. "
The survey was conducted in October this year in Japan around 3000 adult men and women as objects, answer rate of 60.9 percent.

Monday, December 1, 2008

China-EU Summit decided to postpone shocked Europe

In the light of French President Nicolas Sarkozy insisted on meeting with the Dalai Lama, the Chinese government on November 27 to meet with the leaders of China and the EU to postpone the move "dumbfound" in Europe. Exclaimed issued by the foreign media in recent days, saying "the tense Sino-French relations" and students are worried about the atmosphere of the business has spread all over Europe.
Chinese leaders of the European dumbfound
Britain, "The Guardian" on November 27 reported that China canceled the summit, "dumbfound the leaders of Europe." Reported that China's move against Sarkozy is a blow to Sarkozy is seeking to cut and polish into a "world leader" and "crisis manager", "The cancellation means that the 11 years between China and the EU annual summit Can not be held for the first time. " Special reports with the position of the EU policy Euractiv news site on the 27th is "the abolition of Beijing China-EU summit in Brussels collapsed," the title of Europe, summed up the shock.
East China Institute of Germany experts on grid Nissin said in the past Chinese policies are always low-key, moderate, and even some "playing with unpredictable" and the "firm and clear-cut stand of refusing to" show China's Tibet and the Dalai Lama issue in the Europe's position in the relationship even more clear, more hard-line.
France depends on whether the meeting
French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Nov. 13 that will be on December 6 visit to Poland when meeting with the Dalai Lama. In view of this, the Chinese obliged to Nov. 27 announced that the leaders of China and the EU to postpone the meeting. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang on the 27th, said: "Tibet issue concerns China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, involving China's core interests. The Chinese Government and people resolutely oppose the Dalai Lama in any name in the international community to engage in activities of splitting China, Resolutely oppose any form of foreign leaders in order to make contact with the Dalai Lama. This position is clear and consistent, and it is firm. Involving China's core interests on the issue, involving China's sovereignty and territorial integrity principle, The Chinese side has made all the necessary response. "
Qin Gang said: "The 11th China-EU Summit to be held, depending on the current EU presidency when the French side to take practical measures for meeting the need to create favorable conditions and atmosphere."
The French side did not respond positively to
In the EU 27, said: "The EU decision on China's attention, and expressed regret. EU for the 11th EU-China summit set ambitious goals. EU and China will continue to push forward the strategic cooperative partnership Especially in the current global economic and financial conditions, shall be required to work closely with Europe and China. "
According to German media reports on the 28th, "by the European Parliament's invitation to the Dalai Lama will be held next Thursday (December 4) at the European Parliament speech." However, because of Belgium's Flemish parliament, the Liberal Party lawmakers opposed to 12 4 on the invitation to the Dalai Lama Parliamentary hall, the Belgian parliament canceled the original plan.
But the French side did not respond positively, but at 27 was canceled at the same time held the fifth EU-China economic summit, due to the "host France to continue to do this, we think, is inappropriate for the meeting."
British think tank "open Europe" Europe's policy analyst Hugo Robinson 27 to accept the "Global Times" reporter said that China's tough stance on Europe is a strong warning that "undermine China's interests can not To pay the price ", which forced the Europeans had to consider the future China may also have a similar move by hard-line response. However, it seems, is the most embarrassing Sarkozy, the 26 other EU member states for most of the president's personal behavior brought about by the EU's overall economic development and the negative effects of exasperation.
Economists worry that trade relations
In Europe over the "alarming" outstanding, the Chinese news media also defer to the Airbus aircraft procurement agreement. But Airbus said that 27 companies, the company is still on the Chinese side obtain billions of dollars worth of aircraft orders have confidence.
28, German media reported that the abolition of France Central European economic summit, the move elicited criticism of the European economic circles. The European Commission Economic and Monetary Affairs Joaquin Almunia by the French television channel Canal + said: "It is regrettable, because the EU is China's basic partners in the EU is China's basic partners." Almunia was Will also attend the China-EU Summit.
Britain's "Financial Times" reported on the 28th, also known as the French business leaders are worried that a new tension between the Sino-French relations may hurt the commercial interests of France, but they said there is no indication that commercial interests immediately affected.

Friday, November 28, 2008

China has independently developed ARJ21-700 passenger plane made a successful maiden flight

Western speculation that China first large aircraft for military strategy to build the Air Force
Since the China-made large aircraft to spread the news, some Western media speculation for no reason China will be the first large aircraft with military applications on the grounds that the last large-scale development of the aircraft are "military-first after the people." Whether or not the arguments can not stand the test at least reflect the large military aircraft in a prominent position in the field of aviation. Committed to the strategy of building the country's air force, to obtain and maintain a large military aircraft research and development of production systems is a key indicator.
Putin: Russia ready to cooperate with China to implement the "large aircraft"
Putin at the Third Russian-Chinese economic forum on the business summit statement said: "Civil Aviation in the manufacture of the existence of substantial potential for cooperation. We know that the implementation of China 'large aircraft' project. We are prepared to cooperate in this In line with our strategic cooperation between the two countries and the level of the scale. "
100 China-made large aircraft dream to set sail in the 21st century
From 1908 to set up a Chinese Feng as the first aircraft manufacturing company, in 2007 the State Council approved the principle of large aircraft development of major science and technology special project officially, the formation of large passenger aircraft joint-stock companies, China's dream of the plane, a glider has a full 100 years.
At a State Council executive meeting, Wen pointed out that "the implementation of large-scale development of major science and technology special aircraft, is a complicated systematic project. Must be fully aware of the enormity of the task, may be fully estimated the difficulties and risks to indomitable Determination and will to persevere in efforts to complete this glorious historical mission. "
China's first self-made aircraft, has a completely independent intellectual property rights, a new type of turbofan regional jet ARJ21-700 aircraft at 12:20 on the 28th for the first time it flew up into the blue sky Xu.
On the same day, Chinese commercial aircraft Co., Ltd. Shanghai flight test aircraft manufacturing fine weather station, cloud. Reporters on the scene saw the aircraft fly light, graceful flight attitude.
ARJ21-700 aircraft project in April 2002 by China's State Council officially approved, in December 2007 the first aircraft assembly line in Shanghai. Before the first flight, ARJ21-700 regional jet of the new user has access to 208 Chinese and foreign orders.
U.S. companies will buy 25 Chinese-made large aircraft value 5,000,000,000 yuan
A U.S. company signed with China to buy 25 new China-made large extension of the ARJ21-700 aircraft, the total value of 5,000,000,000 yuan, which was among the first countries in Europe and the United States entered the Great China plane.
美国公司将购买25架中国产大飞机 价值50亿元

西方猜测中国大飞机首先用于军事 建战略空军
大飞机百年国产梦 21世纪重新启航

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Putin called on Obama to give up the missile defense program

According to Agence France-Presse reported that 24 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin called on the U.S. president-elect Barack Obama to give up the deployment of anti-missile systems in Eastern Europe. He warned that Russia would make "adequate response."
Putin in St. Petersburg held a meeting on human rights law, said: "The purpose of this project is aimed at Russia's strategic potential. We can only make a full response. If the United States not to Poland and the Czech Republic to build missile defense facilities, Russia will not take retaliatory measures. So that we can break the dangerous on the European continent, the negative trend. "He warned that if the United States in Poland and the Czech Republic to establish anti-ballistic missile facilities, then it is clear that Europe will be the biggest losers .

Earlier this month, Russia announced that it will close in Poland, Kaliningrad Russia to deploy missiles in Eastern Europe to deal with the United States to deploy anti-missile system, in which Western countries led to panic. Russian President Medvedev said this weekend, even though the Bush administration on the issue of anti-missile system in the position of the "very stubborn," but Obama's position looks "more cautious."
Russia has on many occasions to the United States to deploy anti-missile radar in the Czech Republic, to deploy interceptor missiles in Poland's plan to express our strong opposition to the view that the U.S. anti-missile system in Europe pose a threat to its security. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said last Sunday that the United States plans to make it transparent enough to complete any efforts to dispel Russian concerns. The United States and Russia on this issue is a dispute between the two countries relations in the post-Cold War low is an important factor. Lavrov in Lima, Peru to attend the APEC informal leadership meeting, said: "If the Americans to give up the plan, then the situation will be more than good. If the United States to implement its plan, it should be transparent to take measures to reduce the Russia's fear. Only in the United States to give up the deployment of anti-missile systems in Eastern Europe, initiated the establishment of a joint missile defense system, we will be completely at ease. "

Medvedev also said that the Russian military of the United States to implement the electronic radar suppression. However, Russian leaders have said they do not want the anti-missile systems in Russia and the United States on the issue of differences lead to long-term deterioration of relations between Russia and the United States, or even a new cold war. Meidejiefu the hope that Obama will be able to improve the relations between Russia and the United States. He said last week in Washington that Russia will not be the first deployment of a missile.
Obama will be held next year on January 20 inauguration, he has not yet on whether to continue the outgoing Bush administration's missile defense system plans to make a formal speech.